Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 194 The Superpowers of Stegodragon

Hundreds of Velociraptor tribesmen were slaughtered by golden lions. So what could the twenty elite Velociraptors led by the Velociraptor clan leader do?

After the big baboon woke up, he killed four or five of them casually, but the attacks of the velociraptors had no effect. What a sense of powerlessness.

Just like a fly shaking a tree or a mantis using its arms as a chariot, this is not a level of battle at all. The leader of the Velociraptor is destined to die.

Soon, most of the twenty velociraptors were eaten, and the fury caused by the death of their relatives began to dissipate. One of the velociraptors got scared and retreated to the back of the dragons.

It was a newly adult male velociraptor that had not yet mated and reproduced. Unlike the other nineteen velociraptors, which had a wife and children, its fear of the golden lion completely outweighed its anger.

It wants to escape, but its kind is still fighting. As a member of the Xunlong clan, the education from childhood is unity and respect for ancestors. Once the collective concept is formed, deserters are aliens.

This made the newly adult velociraptor hesitant but afraid to fight and run away.

Perhaps noticing something strange about his subordinates, the leader of the velociraptor did not fiercely order the newly grown velociraptor to go up and fight, but assigned it a task.

The timid Velociraptor finally left the battlefield as if he was relieved. He ran to the stone wall and saw the motionless Xu Dong. He barked twice as if he had found his kind.

Sometimes, a coward always hopes that there will be one or a few cowards like it around, so that the coward will not appear shameless.

What a ridiculous amount of empathy. He was obviously scared and ran away, but he also wanted to pull others to escape with him. Xu Dong couldn't help but despise this velociraptor.

However, the news it brought made Xu Dong no longer hesitate.

Just now, he was hesitating whether to use his trump card to transform into a red-scale flying dragon.

Although this move can change the ending of the velociraptor tribe being wiped out, how many can be saved?

He didn't come here just for one family, he came here to change the entire clan and lead the Velociraptor clan towards civilization.

If you use up your trump card on the first day, what will happen if you encounter more difficult situations in the future?

Reason told him that it couldn't be used, but human nature gave him the urge to save this ethnic group.

In this moment of great hesitation, the cowardly Velociraptor interrupted his hesitation and brought a piece of news.

The leader of the Xunlong clan asked him to leave quickly to report to the surrounding tribes, and then went to the Xunlong royal clan to ask for help and avenge them.

Xu Dong immediately chose to leave with the coward. It was better to reveal his trump card as late as possible. It was not a wise move to use his trump card for a group of velociraptors that had only been together for one day.

Looking back at the departing Coward and Xu Dong, the leader of the Xunlong clan smiled with relief. As the clan leader, he was responsible not only for the survival of the clan, but also for the continuation of the clan.

Their departure finally left a trace of blood for the clan, preventing it from being completely cut off as a velociraptor.

Now that their worries are gone, they can sacrifice themselves generously, for the sake of their children, parents and spouses. Today, they will die or not!


When the high-pitched cry reached the coward's ears, his steps stopped and his whole body started to tremble.

But it soon returned to normal and continued to rush towards the surrounding tribal habitats.

Water droplets fell on Xu Dong's face in the wind. He knew that these were the tears shed by a coward. From now on, they would be the only trace left by the ethnic group in the world, and they would also shoulder the responsibility of revitalizing the ethnic group.

After running for most of the day in silence, the coward Xunlong finally couldn't hold on anymore and sat down.

This guy has been running at a speed close to sprinting for so long. With Xu Dong's agility attribute, it is nothing, but for a coward to run for so long before he is tired, it is still an amazing physical strength.

Of course Xu Dong knew the sadness and self-blame in his heart, but as an adult dragon, he must be responsible for his own choices.

The only thing that can be done now is to complete the mission of the Velociraptor Clan leader and return with the Velociraptor army for revenge.




There were screams all around, and before they knew it, they ran into a long ditch.

The ditch is different from the mountain road. The two sides are not as high as the mountains, but there are still five or six meters of earth walls.

At this time, five or six Allosaurus appeared on both sides of the tunnel at the same time. They stood on the tunnel and stared at Xu Dong and the two.

The situation was not good. Xu Dong looked at the Allosaurus above and quickly identified their identities.

Allosaurus fragilis, the most common effective species of Allosaurus from the Morrison Formation.

Allosaurus may not have been the largest or strongest predatory dragon, but they were arguably the most successful predators of the Jurassic.

The fragile Allosaurus is eight to nine meters long and weighs three tons. Its body structure is very even. It has two crown protrusions on its head. Its pair of sharp claws can easily tear the skin of its opponent. Its big mouth full of sharp teeth is also impressive. Chills.

At this time in North America, there were three valid species branches of the genus Allosaurus, Allosaurus fragilis, Allosaurus jannii and the Saurus rex that could compete for the title of the largest predator of the Jurassic.

Oh, it seems that I saw a clade of strong Allosaurus on the information board before entering. These special creatures with unknown abilities are the biggest variable.

But now, it is not a question of how many types of Allosaurus there are. The most important thing is to consider how to escape from these ten fragile Allosaurus.

The only plan for now was to run forward quickly to avoid the attack of the Allosaurus. The unlucky coward Velociraptor had to start running desperately again not long after he sat down to rest.

Allosaurs are not anxious when they see their prey escaping. They are experienced hunters, and what they are best at is chasing down their prey.

In this way, Velociraptor and Allosaurus began racing in the tunnel. Although the tunnel was not very wide, it was enough to accommodate two or three top predators running side by side.

After all, Allosaurus can be regarded as the fastest predator in the late Jurassic. Xu Dong and Coward did not get farther apart even though they ran as hard as they could.

But it was difficult for the Allosaurus to get closer.

At this moment, a Stegosaurus with its head lowered and grazing suddenly appeared in front of it. It was ten meters long and weighed just over six tons. When it noticed the movement, it immediately turned sideways and pointed its tail spines in the direction of Xu Donglai.

While waving his tail, sharp bone spurs actually shot towards Xu Dong.

What the hell? Stegosaurus can actually shoot bone spurs?

Xu Dong and Coward avoided the sudden bone spurs, but the Allosaurus whose view was blocked from behind was not so lucky. The bone spurs directly penetrated the chest of an Allosaurus, hit the heart, and took it away directly.

Another bone spur was inserted into the hind limb of the Allosaurus next to it. The Allosaurus lost its balance and rolled the Velociraptor behind it to the ground.

This stegosaurus had no idea that it had inadvertently helped Xu and Dong two dragons.

Facing the rapidly approaching Velociraptor, it turned around again and pointed its head in the direction Xu Dong was charging from. Its back began to shake. When it lowered its head, the two huge sword-shaped bone plates on its back actually rolled off like tires.

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