Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 200 Extraordinary Awakening

The area of ​​​​this tidal flat is almost as large as a county in later generations. It is really not a problem to accommodate tens of thousands of Xunlong.

The tidal flat is located in the center of the lake, several meters above the lake surface, and there are only two channels leading to it from the shore.

One is located in the north and is a naturally formed connecting belt that was blocked by the wall built by the Velociraptors. The other is located in the west, which is the one where Xu Dong and other dragons came. It was built and laid by the Velociraptor Royal Court themselves as a royal court. The door welcomes the arrival of similar people.

When the guards saw the fleeing velociraptor group, with the hunting team as an intermediary, they entered easily.

The first impression of this so-called royal court is that it is big, and the second is that there are many. Dragons are bustling around, and the young dragons are running and fighting wantonly, making it a lively scene.

The royal court is not a centralized rule as imagined, but also an aggregation of families. It is these thousands of small families that build the royal court system.

In order to avoid disputes among so many families, the leader of the Velociraptor of unknown generation divided their territories.

Of course, it's not like building walls or houses. It's just drawing lines and circles on the ground to demarcate areas for their respective families.

This is equivalent to the territorial division of predators in the wild, but because there is no need to hunt, the territory is very small, but the nature is the same. Non-family members cannot intrude into other people's territory at will, which will lead to fights.

In addition to the area designated as a residential area, there is also a large playground for gatherings. The rest of the area is a public area where you can walk around, play, and frolic at will.

The arrival of Xu Dong's No. 780 Xunlong attracted the attention of surrounding families. Xunlong was also curious about what these guys were doing.

Although the tidal flat is large, the place where the big leader lives is not far away. It is located directly north of the big playground, so you don’t need to walk too long.

The first time I saw the leader of the velociraptor clan, I felt that he was not much different from other velociraptors.

It was only a little over ten meters in size, not much larger than an ordinary velociraptor, so it must be quite old. However, what caught Xu Dong's attention was the slightly opened vertical eye on its head. It seemed to be an extraordinary individual.

At this time, Aniu and Coward were already reporting the information about the genocide of the velociraptors and the golden lion to the leader of the velociraptors. Judging from the way they were discussing, they probably wouldn't be able to finish the discussion in half a day.

As for the other velociraptors who fled with them, most of them who were underage were accepted and adopted by Wangting celestial dragons and settled down directly.

As for adult dragons like Xu Dong, they naturally like to do whatever they want. No one cares about them, so Xu Dong starts to wander around.

There are two large areas in the tidal flat. The area where Xudong is now is the resting area and habitat of velociraptors. Almost all velociraptors live here.

Further east, there was a place where prey carcasses were piled. What surprised Xu Dong was that they actually learned to preserve raw meat by salting it?

Also, not far away is the Salt Lake. Over such a long period of time, it is normal to occasionally find that salt can make raw meat less perishable.

Slowly walking through the piles of food areas, there is a mangrove forest further ahead. This is the time when the mangrove forest is at its most beautiful, with red leaves everywhere, dyeing the sky red.

Xu Dong was walking in the red leaf forest, surrounded by the falling red leaves, which made him look like an old movie hero.

As a velociraptor with an old mentality, Xu Dong still likes this kind of beautiful scenery because it can bring him visual stimulation and spiritual throbbing.

Walking all the way to the end of the mangrove, there is a large continuous mound. The mounds here are not high, and can even be said to be very low, only as high as Xu Dong's thigh.

But in front of each mound, there are stone tablets erected. The overall image is like the mass graves of later generations, but they are much neater than the mass graves.

This is really interesting. Xu Dong came to the first mound, sat down and looked at the stone tablet in front of the mound.

The stele is not big, with a height of just over two meters and a width of only one meter. Xu Dong had to lower his head to look at such a small stele even when he sat down.

This stone tablet has been around for some time. Due to the erosion of wind and frost, the patterns on the stone tablet have become somewhat blurry.

But the genius of Ape erectus allowed Xu Dong to materialize the image on this stone tablet again.

It has to be said that the level of this sculpture is already five points higher than that of Xu Dong.

On the stone tablet is a not-so-tall velociraptor with a stooped figure, holding a stone slab in his left hand and an ax in his right hand.

This image seemed a bit familiar, and Xu Dong couldn't remember where he had seen it.

When I looked at the stone tablet on the right again, I saw that this stone tablet was much better than the first one, and the carvings on it were clearer.

I saw a tall velociraptor holding a spear. The third eye on its head was particularly eye-catching, and opposite it were streaks of thunder.

Xu Dong was stunned. This mural seemed to pull him back 14 million years ago through time and space.

It was a dark, lightless night, and the stars were obscured by the black screen.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, thunder roared, and huge lightning pierced the sky, as if it could strike the earth at any time.

Thomas and Peter faced each other on the top of an unknown mountain. Peter was surrounded by countless blue electric bugs, which reflected the thunder in the sky.


Peter sent thunder from the sky to strike Thomas.

The third eye on Domo's forehead opened, and an invisible force field spread around him with Domo as the origin.

Even if lightning strikes its telekinesis field, it will be distorted and slowly dissipated.

Peter looked up to the sky and roared, the sharp horn on his head lit up with blue light, and countless thunder struck at it, making the blue sharp horn as dazzling as the sun.

White light illuminated the surroundings, surrounded by the corpses of countless huge creatures. They were the losers of the war.

And now, as the final victors, Peter and Thomas have to fight it out.

Peter lowered his head, and a thick white light shot out from the white sharp point, like a meteor, destroying all the surrounding trees, earth and rocks.

Domo raised its spear, its telekinesis almost condensed into substance, and stopped it in front of it.

The white railgun collided with the colorless barrier, and the white light exploded violently. The dazzling light stung Xu Dong and made him unable to open his eyes.

When he came to his senses again, there was only the stone tablet in front of him. He touched Thomas' tombstone slightly and lamented the passing of his old friend.

He thought that no matter whether it was Thomas, Peter or Judas, they would all become immortals smoothly and live to this day. Unexpectedly, the white-haired man gave away the black-haired man first.

Turning to look at the first stone slab, it turned out to be his tombstone.

No wonder it's so familiar.

Also, the previous body, the old velociraptor, has been buried there with Domo, guarding future generations together.

Now it is only Xu Dong who comes here, not the old velociraptor anymore.

Getting up from the ground, I felt something different in my body. This feeling seemed like?

Xu Dong closed his eyes, and the vertical eyes on his forehead actually opened again, but this time what he saw was no longer white, but he could see objects and colors like real eyes. The only drawback was that the vertical perspective was a bit awkward. Strange.

He raised his hand slightly, and a red leaf was attracted to him. Sure enough, he also awakened his superpower.

As a descendant of Dormer, this body possesses Dormer's genetic genes, so it naturally has the possibility of awakening the power of mind.

It's just that Xu Dong didn't know that awakening the power was so simple.

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