Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 206 Holding a knife in one hand and a head in the other

In the dark night sky, only a few stars illuminate the world. The beach located in the big lake looks brighter because of the reflection of the lake water.

Many of the previously frightened velociraptors had returned to the royal court, and now they felt a little at ease at home.

Only home can soothe their fear. They don't know who will win in the battle between Xu Dong and the golden lion. As long as the golden lion no longer appears in their field of vision, everything will be fine.

After receiving the notice from Long Face, two of the crown princes who had previously sent out to attack the Golden Lion returned to the royal court. The remaining one may have thought that Long Face was playing a conspiracy and did not come back.

After the two crown princes returned, they saw the great plain to the west of the royal court littered with corpses and rivers of blood. Their arrival quickly stabilized the dragon's heart and brought the heavy-dead and injured fast dragon into the royal court.

Of these two crown princes, one is named Iron Head, whose head can be hardened, while the other is furious, and the angrier he becomes, the stronger he becomes.

After seeing the tragic situation in the royal court and learning about the deaths of the chief leader and the two crown princes, they all looked solemn, and their expectations for the golden lion were raised to an invincible level.




Heavy footsteps sounded from the south, with long intervals. They didn't sound like running, but like jumping.

The two crown princes standing guard in front of the royal court looked solemn and alert.

After a while, a huge black shadow appeared in the field of vision. This black shadow whose face could not be seen clearly jumped on the ground and quickly approached the royal court.

Although Tietou and Fury were nervous, as warriors of the Velociraptor clan, they would not back down no matter how scared they were.

Fury roared and rushed towards the shadow. With its lead, Tietou and hundreds of velociraptors also charged together.

However, the golden lion looked down upon these hundreds of ordinary velociraptors at all. After falling and trampling a few to death, the golden lion continued to jump towards the royal court without stopping.

Tietou and Fury were lucky and were not stepped on by the golden lion, but the shock wave generated by the golden lion's landing also knocked them to the ground. When they got up from the ground again, the golden lion had turned into a black shadow.

The velociraptors present felt something bad. The direction in which the golden lion was jumping was the royal court! That was their home!

Raging Fury and Tietou ran towards the royal court with all their strength, which was now crowded with the old, weak and wounded. Once the golden lion left, it would be over.

At this moment, a sharp metallic luster flashed past them.

Tietou didn't even see what was flying by, and soon another figure flew past them.

Although they couldn't see clearly this time, they still saw a general outline.

This is?

A flying velociraptor?

How could a velociraptor fly? It was definitely an illusion.

Xu Dong here didn't care at all about Tietou's self-comfort, and just chased the golden lion.

The walls of the royal court are much larger than those of other tribes, reaching a height of fifteen meters. Almost no ordinary land creature can cross such a height.

Now this record is easily broken by the Golden Lion.

It is now eighteen meters tall, and can reach more than twenty meters with its hands raised. The fifteen-meter wall can only reach its chest.

The golden lion doesn't even need to hold on to the wall. As long as it uses both feet to exert force, it can easily jump over the wall of faith that the velociraptor has accumulated over thousands of years.

Just like a human quilt, it seems to be able to isolate all monsters and ghosts, allowing them to have a place to stay in the terrifying dark night.

Now that the city wall has been crossed, it's like a sleeping human being whose quilt is ripped off by a fierce ghost, which brings about the deepest fear in the soul.

Many velociraptors screamed, ran away, cried, and looked like all living beings.

Just when the golden lion opened its mouth, exposed its fangs, and was about to start enjoying the feast, a dark light flashed and passed directly through the big baboon's head.

The dark light penetrated the ground, making a buzzing sound, and the scene was frozen. The golden lion froze in place and remained motionless.

Xu Dong fell from the sky like a god from heaven, sucked back the dark light with one hand, and slashed the golden lion's neck with a sharp steel knife under its command.

After all, the reinforced iron bones of the Golden Lion are not real reinforced iron bones. When encountering a real steel knife, you have to bow your head and submit.

The half-edged steel knife just cut off the huge baboon head, and was controlled by Xu Dong's telekinesis to float in the air and float on his hand.

The scene suddenly became quiet, and Wang Ting Xunlong, who was originally in a panic, looked at Xu Dong flying in the air blankly.

At this time, Xu Dong used the starry sky as the background, with darkness under his feet, controlling the sword with one hand and holding his head with the other. This scene was deeply burned into the depths of their minds.

The body of the golden lion fell down at this time. As the huge figure fell, the dragons cried with joy and cheered. The roar of the dragon was endless, and even Iron Head and Fury outside the royal court could hear it.

At this time, a velociraptor suddenly lowered its head towards Xu Dong. This ceremony was very ancient. It was a velociraptor, no, it was a way for the Red Dragon clan to express their submission.

Of course, here, perhaps the meaning expressed is more advanced, it is to express one's reverence and gratitude.

As this velociraptor took the lead, more velociraptors kept lowering their heads, and finally all the velociraptors in the royal court lowered their heads in unison.

Even Coward and Aniu, who had been with Xu Dong for the longest time, couldn't hide the admiration pouring out of their hearts. He had done what they couldn't and avenged their parents, relatives and people.

Xu Dong, who was originally unknown, turned the tide in this battle that endangered the survival of his ethnic group and killed the golden lion with the power of a dragon in the King's Court of Swift Dragon.

At this point, Xu Dong's prestige was unparalleled, and it was logical to inherit the position of leader.

After all, nothing is more important than a leader who can protect the tribe. Even if Tietou Furious and other crown princes are dissatisfied and want to fight for the throne, they have no mass base.

After pretending to be cool, Xu Dong started his own journey of collecting prizes and digging for protozoa.

In the past, showing off was all about face, but now harvesting spoils is all about lizi. Only when all the lizi and lizi are present can a battle be considered complete.

The extremely sharp steel knife cut open the golden lion's abdomen. Xu Dong could only pray that this guy was not an immortal species, not an immortal species, not an immortal species.

Although the flesh and blood of the immortal species has many benefits, in the final analysis it can only be regarded as a panacea. It can improve qualifications and restore injuries. It has many uses, but it is not the key to embarking on the path to legend.

After searching the baboon's body for a while, Xu Dong sighed helplessly. This was really what he thought of.

This big guy is just an immortal species.

That's right, otherwise it wouldn't be as strong as it is just with superpowers.

Since there was no mutant pronucleus to eat, Xu Dong generously shared the golden lion meat with the Velociraptors.

But to be honest, the meat of the golden lion is not popular. Except for the velociraptor who wants to take revenge because his family was killed, the other dragons don't want to eat it after eating a piece.

When Xu Dong took the first bite, he immediately understood everything.

This guy's meat is so hard that it's hard for the Velociraptors' teeth to cut it into pieces, and it may even hurt their teeth from chewing, so they may not be able to eat it.

Xu Dong couldn't help but admire those warriors who could eat a few or dozens of dollars. Sure enough, the power of hatred was amazing.

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