Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 209 Guns come out like rain

Tie Ya's spouse put some pine branches into the earthen stove at home, and Tie Ya discovered that there was such a strange thing in the house.

The spouse spread some pine chips, tinder and other fire starters on these wooden branches, then picked up the flint and began to hit the iron pieces.

The iron pieces made a crackling sound, but no sparks were produced. After all, it had just been implemented not long ago, and the Velociraptors were not yet skilled enough in making fire.

Tie Ya raised his head and howled, indicating that the sound disturbed him and that he needed to rest.

However, his spouse, who had not been beaten after so many times, was equally angry. He turned around and yelled at Tie Ya twice, and Tie Ya suddenly did not dare to say anything.

Perhaps it was because I was angry and hit it with a little more force, and the flint and iron pieces hit together and finally sparked a flame.

Tieya just watched helplessly as the sparks fell into the earthen stove and the flames burst out. Of course, it knew the terror of flames as it had been hunting all year round.

It suddenly didn't even care about its foot injury and limped towards its spouse.

But five seconds later, it stopped again when its spouse looked at it like an idiot. Only then did it realize that the flames seemed unable to burn the dragon.

Finally feeling relieved, Tie Ya felt the pain in his ankle and fell to the ground again and screamed in pain.

The spouse dragged it to the fire in distress, hoping that the warmth of the flame would take away the pain of the iron tooth.

It continued its cooking work, inserting a wooden spear into the back of an oak dragon it had hunted during the day, and then poked it out of its mouth, then put it on the fire to roast.

Tie Ya, who had finally calmed down, looked at each other again and thought that his spouse was wasting food by doing this. Can the food burned by the fire be eaten?

It had seen it before, a pitch-black mass, and one bite could spit out everything it had eaten in a day.

The spouse grabbed a wooden spear and was about to hit Tie Ya on the head. Tie Ya was frightened and did not dare to speak. He was injured now and did not care about the female dragon.

The oak dragon that was soon grilled on a skewer began to turn red, and it exuded a strange fragrance. This smell was something Tie Ya had never smelled before, but it made him salivate unconsciously.

As the aroma spread, a group of young velociraptors ran back in a hurry. They were Tie Ya's children. One by one, they came to the earthen stove and stretched their necks to look at their mother attentively.

As for the old man lying on the ground, the barbecue was not as important.

The female Velociraptor opened her mouth and tore the oak dragon, which was no more than three meters tall, into a pile of minced meat, then threw it on the ground.


The little velociraptors immediately swarmed over, scrambling for the freshly roasted dragon meat, not caring about the heat of the roasted meat.

Tie Ya just watched the pieces of barbecue on the ground disappear one by one, and watched as only the skeleton of a three-meter-long oak dragon was left, and it didn't even eat a single piece.

At this moment, the mate stuffed an oak dragon leg into Tie Ya's mouth. It's eyes widened, feeling that the meat was unimaginably delicious.

It is a descendant of Judah and possesses mutant powers. Its teeth are no less strong than iron stone. The bones of the Oak Dragon fall into its mouth like brittle bones and snap in a few clicks.

The whole thing is like eating flesh and bone, meat and bones. The delicious food hits Tie Ya's brain, making the pain in his body forgotten.

A three-meter oak dragon is naturally not enough for Tie Ya and his family to eat. Tie Ya could barely support it before he came back. After all, the little dragons don't eat much, so they can hunt it if they work harder.

When the head of the family, Tie Ya, comes back, their family will naturally have no shortage of food.

Unexpectedly, Tie Yahui came back, but he overestimated his ability and challenged the big boss, but was defeated by the big boss. Now there is another mouth to eat in the family, and he is an adult dragon with an amazing appetite, which makes the female velociraptor very worried. .

If it doesn't work, I can only borrow it.

Early the next morning, Xu Dong held a burial ceremony again, burying the corpses of the velociraptors brought back by Tie Ya, and performed a snapping ceremony, hoping that they could rest in peace.

After the funeral ceremony, Xu Dong began to announce his new invention.

Throwing gun!

It tried making bows and arrows, but found that making bows and arrows was too troublesome. It took so long but never succeeded in making even one.

On the other hand, the reprocessing of discarded wood used in making bows and arrows produced unexpected results.

Xu Dong had seen spear-throwing weapons in later generations. The shape of this thing was very simple. It was just a piece of wood poking a few holes, and then there was a groove for the spear. (see picture)

I quickly made it based on my memory. After trying it, I found that it can indeed be thrown farther. The principle is to throw the wooden spear hard.

Don't think that the wooden spear thrown out is not very powerful. Just like the army of later generations, archers shoot arrows by throwing them. Not only can they shoot farther, but the power is also stronger than a direct shot under the influence of gravity.

The same principle applies to spear-throwing weapons. As long as the scale increases and spears rain down, even those upright sauropods will become nothing more than living targets.

Xu Dong demonstrated the use of the spear thrower in front of all the dragons.

It's very simple, put the wooden spear into the groove, stick your finger into the small hole, and then flick it hard.

The wooden spear flew into the air like this. This spear actually flew over the city wall before finally falling.

The velociraptors were all shocked. It was at least three kilometers away from the city wall.

An ordinary ape throwing a spear can only throw a few tens of meters. Even the javelin world record does not break 100 meters, but the spear thrower can throw a spear up to 200 meters.

The Velociraptor's strength is much stronger than that of the upright ape, but it can only throw a few hundred meters at most. Even those with extraordinary talents and infinite strength cannot exceed one kilometer.

As for Xu Dong, due to the bonus of the Golden Lion Devouring Gene, his body is stronger than an ordinary Velociraptor. Coupled with the spear thrower, it is normal for him to throw a spear for three or four kilometers.

With Xu Dong as a demonstration, the Xunlong clan immediately got into action, cutting trees, drilling holes, and making spears. They were all busy anyway.

Everything else can be left to the Velociraptors, because they are all simple tasks, but Xu Donglai still has to carve the grooves. After all, this is a delicate job that ordinary Velociraptors cannot do.

In this busy time, half a month passed, and the first batch of 300 gun-throwing guns came out. An average of 20 guns were made every day, which almost made Xu Dong's eyes cross-eyed.

Xu Dong selected 300 Velociraptors with long forelimbs and powerful arms to participate in actual combat training.

Among them is the former crown prince Tie Ya’s spouse, mother Xunlong Tie Ya’s sister-in-law.

The food she hunted these days was not enough for her dragon, so she had no choice but to borrow it from the warehouse.

Yes, borrow it.

Theoretically, the food in the warehouse belongs to all the velociraptors, so there is no such thing as being exclusive to the big leader. The velociraptors in the royal court can take it at will, which is better than leaving it all to get moldy.

However, the Velociraptors are a group that attaches great importance to dignity. Unless they really cannot survive, they are self-sufficient and eat the food they hunt.

Families who valued dignity but found it difficult came up with a solution.

That's borrowing.

How much you borrow from the warehouse will be returned next time. This has become Wangting Xunlong's default rule.

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