Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 23 The birth of a legend

Two behemoths of similar size collided together. Dunkleosteus wanted to give the Helicoporonus a headbutt. With the strength of Dunkleosteus, as long as it hit, the Helicoporonus would have no power to fight back.

However, the disadvantage of Dunkleosteus is that it is inconvenient to move while wearing heavy armor and is far less agile than the Helicopteron shark.

The Helicopteron swung its tail to dodge Dunkleosteus's headbutt, then followed up, preparing to use its sawtooth to open a large gash in its side.

Dunkleosteus was not stupid either. It swung its tail, avoided the body of the fish, and brought the helmet to the mouth of the Helicopteron shark.

The strongest spear and the strongest shield of the Paleozoic ocean finally collided together. The sound of chainsaws cutting metal spread in all directions, and the loud and sharp noise actually passed through the river water and knocked out many weak creatures.

The Dunkleosteus and Helicopteron sharks, which were at the center of the noise, were naturally the most harmed.

When the two fishes separated, Dunkleosteus's helmet had already made a cut, and blood was still flowing out of the mouth. After the head wrapped in the helmet was hit by the noise, its eyes were bloodshot and its head was dizzy.

The Helicopteron shark wasn't much better. It was a cartilaginous fish after all, and its bone strength was definitely not as strong as Dunkleosteus's. However, with the power of high-speed rotation, it was able to saw holes in Dunkleosteus's helmet.

The price was that several of its spiral teeth were broken and its mouth was filled with blood.

If possible, Helicoprion would never want to come into head-on contact with Dunkleosteus's skull, and its first target would be the soft body of the fish.

When two big fish at the top of the food chain collided for the first time, both sides suffered losses, but neither party was willing to give up. With the white ball of light on its side, no creature could suppress the drive of instinct, and the same could not be said for Dunkleosteus and Helicoporonus.

Therefore, for the ownership of this white ball, they have no choice but to fight to the end.

The Helicopteron attacked again. This time it kept swimming around the body of Dunkleosteus, exerting its flexibility to the extreme.

Dunkleosteus, on the other hand, remained motionless, its eyes always watching the movements of the Helicoprion shark.

It is different from the Helicoprion shark. Although the Helicoprion shark is flexible, its small serrated teeth will not kill the Dunkleosteus for a while.

But Dunkleosteus is different. With a bite force of up to 600 kilograms and huge hard skull teeth, it can kill with one bite.

Therefore, it needs to wait for an opportunity, wait for the best time to take the mouth, and do not hesitate to exchange injuries for injuries if necessary.

While the two prehistoric sea monsters were fighting, the little creatures at the bottom of the lake were not idle either. Every one of them was furious, and the corpses of countless prehistoric creatures fell like rain.

A magical scene appeared. The transparent cap blocked a huge amount of lake water, but after these dead creatures fell on the cap, they slowly sank, and fell through the cap onto the carpet.

Countless tentacles suddenly stretched out from the fungus blanket and wrapped around the dead bodies. In just a moment, even the bones and flesh melted into the fungus blanket.

Xu Dong's eyes widened. He was so shocked that he couldn't speak. No wonder Long Twenty-Qi's body could not be found. It turned out that it was swallowed up by the carpet under his feet. This soft and comfortable carpet was basically made of It is made of the bones and flesh of countless creatures.

This magical fungus basically keeps the biota in captivity for its own growth and development, and harvests it every once in a while to ensure the ecological balance of the great lake.

Why does it feel so similar to nature? Every once in a while, there will be a mass extinction to cleanse a wave of large creatures, and then allow small creatures to develop again.

This strange fungus is creating its own ecological circle, absorbing the energy of nature, leveraging the corners of the earth's ecology, and creating a small world outside of nature.

In the large lake, a large number of creatures died, and even stronger creatures such as Dunkleosteus and Helicopteron sharks were scarred.

There is a bloody gash on the body of Dunkleosteus. It sold this flaw to the Helicopteron shark before. As expected, the Helicopteron was fooled. When it bit the Dunkleosteus's body, the Dunkleosteus also bit its tail. .

The spiral tooth shark knew something was wrong, and it bit the body of Dunkleosteus with all its strength, but the strength of Dunkleosteus was too great. No matter how hard the spiral tooth shark bit, it was still pulled over by Dunkleosteus.

Eight meters tall and weighing two tons, the helmeted Dunkleosteus endured the pain of being torn off a large piece of flesh and blood, biting the Helicoprion's tail and tearing it apart. With the bite force of the Dunkleosteus, the Helicoprion It's basically impossible to break free.

It just shook the big shark left and right in the water, waiting to shake it until it was dizzy, and then finish it off in one bite.

The plan was perfect at first, but it couldn't catch up with the change. A slender figure rushed into the battlefield like a sharp arrow. The lake water seemed to be unable to resist it. Before the two fish could react, it plunged straight into it. It entered the body of Dunkleosteus and penetrated the fish body.

This troublesome idiot is Cornerstone. It looks like an upside-down ice cream cone. It belongs to the class Cephalopod and lived in the Ordovician. It was the largest predator at that time. The maximum length could reach 9 meters. However, this one is smaller in size. It is small, only 5 meters, far from being compared with the two overlords of Dunkleosteus and the Helicopteron shark.

But with such a thrust, it severely damaged Dunkleosteus in an instant, causing the previously closed teeth of the placoderm overlord to immediately loosen, and the already-thrown Helicopteron spun around and flew out.

For a moment, the Dunkleosteus lost its strength and sank to the bottom of the lake. The corner stone was stuck in the body of the Dunkleosteus and was unable to get out. The Helicopteron shark has not yet woken up from its dizziness.

The three super killers present actually lost their combat effectiveness at the same time.

During this short period of time when the top predators were missing and the middle and lower predators were going crazy, a small, primitive nautilus, almost unchanged from 200 million years ago, struggled upstream, surpassing trilobites and crossing over its close relatives. The ammonite stepped over many cartilaginous fish and bony fish, and swallowed the white ball of light in one gulp.

The little nautilus and the light ball merged into one, and its whole body began to emit white light, as bright as the white ball just now.


An invisible ripple spread from the Nautilus, and Xu Dong felt as if something terrible was about to come out.

Soon, something extraordinary appeared in front of Xu Dong's eyes. The little nautilus began to expand continuously. It grew from 20 centimeters to one meter, and one meter to ten meters. It was still growing. Those short tentacles began to grow wildly and swept towards creatures in all directions.

Whether it is bottom organisms such as trilobites, echinoderms, krill, or Dunkleosteus, Helicopteron sharks, and hornstones, they are all within the attack range of the nautilus.

White tentacles swept past, and no creature could break away and escape, not even the Dunkleosteus and Cornerstone in the top niche.

The Helicopteron shark, the only one with the ability to move, could only struggle in vain. It opened its mouth and bit the nautilus's tentacles. It closed its jaws like a chainsaw and directly cut off the tentacles, sinking to the bottom of the lake.

But this move had no effect. The nautilus's severed tentacles grew back at a speed visible to the naked eye. The powerful flexibility firmly fixed the sawtooth shark's mouth, and several tentacles directly dragged it into its mouth.

Although Xu Dong enjoyed watching it, he was not idle either. He quickly ran to the place where the tentacles fell. Before they fell on the fungus carpet, he directly caught them with his short hands and ate them. I think a creature of this level should You can get powerful components.

But when he saw the prompts that kept popping up, Xu Dong, who had been mentally prepared, was still shocked and fell into ecstasy in an instant. The harvest this time was completely comparable to the total he had gained in the past few years.

After devouring countless creatures, the size of the Nautilus has reached hundreds of meters, and the white light on its surface gradually faded, showing its current appearance.

The huge head, slender tentacles, and red eyes stared at Xu Dong as if penetrating the cap. Xu Dong had only one thought in his mind.


It's just that this domineering and majestic head doesn't match the body at all, because except for this terrifying head, other parts of the huge nautilus are still shells.

In other words, the actual image of this hundred-meter-long monster is a nautilus shell with a Cthulhu head, which is inexplicably funny.

Xu Dong has received professional training and must not laugh at this moment of life and death crisis.

After staring at Xu Dong for a moment, the giant nautilus looked away, tapped its tentacles on the cap, and rushed towards the sky. This large lake is no longer a suitable habitat for it. After hundreds of millions of years, it will return to the sea. , return to the place where he can continue to grow and hunt.

Be real.

King of the Deep Sea!

Paleontology Little Theater: Helicopteron first appeared in the early Permian 290 million years ago, survived the Permian-Triassic extinction event, and finally became extinct in the early Triassic 250 million years ago. Based on the comparison between the 45 cm long spiral tooth fossil of Helicoprinodon and other Helicoprinodon specimens, it can be estimated that Helicoprion can reach 10 meters in length. Of course, turning like a chainsaw is my fiction, please do not take it seriously.

Speaking of cartilaginous fish, they are also miserable. They have been born for hundreds of millions of years. They were crushed by placoderms in the Paleozoic era and by sea crawlers in the Mesozoic era. After finally waiting for the sea crawlers to die, the Cenozoic mammals went to the sea again.

Phylum Chordata - Submandibular phylum - Class Chondrichthyes - Order Eugeniodontidae - Helicodontidae

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