Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 32: Calculation (seeking further reading)

Leaposaurus is different from its dinosaur ancestors Eoraptor, Herrerasaurus, Faunosaurus, and Amphiosaurus. The dinosaur ancestors had very sharp eyes, strong dynamic vision and color recognition capabilities, but their sense of smell was somewhat unsatisfactory.

But Leaposaurus is different. Their dynamic vision is no worse than that of their dinosaur ancestors, and their sense of smell is more acute. They can smell blood from several miles away.

Their eating habits are even more like that of hyenas on the grasslands of later generations. They form a team of three and feed on the carcasses left by large predators. Of course, small animals smaller than them will not be spared either.

Three Elgin jumping dragons with a length of 60 centimeters came here smelling the smell of blood. They couldn't help but feel a little heavy when they saw the blood all over the trees.

The smell of blood can stimulate the bestiality of animals. Stimulated by such a strong smell of blood, the eyes of the three Elgin's jumping dragons couldn't help but turn red, and they looked at the pile of Skerero dragons on the tree and salivated.

According to past practice, the Screro dragons only had to stand on the tree and wait for the Elgin jumping dragon to leave after eating, without any risk in the whole process.

But they underestimated the jumping dragons who were stimulated by the smell of blood and dissatisfied with their desire for food.

The scene at this time was arranged by Xu Dong to have a lot of blood and little meat. The six newly killed Skererosaurus were all dragged into the cave. The jumping dragon could only eat some minced meat, which was not enough to fill its stomach.

And so many Skerosaurus standing on the branches suddenly became the coveted fat meat of Elgin's jumping dragon. They stood under the tree, spinning around the fir tree, trying to jump up the tree, but soon fell down. .

The Skerero dragons who were originally very calm began to panic, hissing and stamping their feet. It was not until the loud howl of the leader of the Skerero dragon that they suppressed their panic.

The jumping dragons are getting more and more irritable, their eyes are red, and their noses are spitting out white air. They are now like the terrifying upright apes with a hole in front of them and a hot tool but they can't get in. They are going crazy.

They were so angry that they even bumped into trees regardless of their size.


The nearly four-meter-high cedar tree was shaken by the impact of the jumping dragon, causing the Skererosaurus on the tree to panic, and one who was unsteady fell directly.

Before it landed, the Elgin Jumping Dragon jumped up and swallowed it in one gulp.

After tasting the sweetness, the jumping dragons bumped into the tree and became even more crazy, scaring the Skerosaurus to hug the branches and tremble.

This cedar forest close to the ocean is also a newly expanded territory of the original cedar forest. It only grows a few years earlier than the surrounding areas, so it is generally four to five meters high.

This also gave Xu Dong the opportunity to plot against Skerosaurus.

In the past two days, it was not playing the game of crying wolf with the Screro dragon. Instead, it adopted the strategy of moving the tiger away from the mountain. After luring the guarding Screro dragon away, Long Jiu led the remaining little red dragons to attack the surrounding areas. Several cedar trees were chopped.

After all, these fir trees were only small trees that had grown for three or four years, and their trunks were not strong enough, barely thicker than the mouth of a bowl. After two days of felling, Xiao Chilong successfully cut down nearly half of the three fir trees.

Normally nothing unusual could be seen, but with the constant collision of the jumping dragons, the tree trunk was already crumbling. Finally, under the impact of the three jumping dragons who were not afraid of being injured, the fir tree standing at the entrance of the Little Red Dragon Cave fell down.

When the small tree collapsed, not one of the Skerosaurus on the tree was spared and fell down one after another.

The three Elgin jumping dragons were startled by the collapse of the small tree at first, but they soon realized that the place where the cedar tree fell was full of food.

Suddenly you were fighting for it, refusing to give in to each other, wreaking havoc among dozens of Skerodrasaurs.

The leader of the Skerero dragon screamed in pain, wanting others of his kind on the other trees to come down to support him.

But, how is this possible?

Survival is the instinct of living things, and the leader of the Screro dragon is not a being like Xu Dong, who is close to the faith of the little red dragon. How can other safe Screro dragons come down to die for its orders.

So, under the watchers of two cedar trees, dozens of Skerosaurus, and the little red dragons in the cave, the Elgin Jumping Dragon carried out a one-sided massacre of the Skerosaurus.

The first one to bear the brunt was the leader of the Screro dragon, because the other Screro dragons would run away desperately as long as they could move after falling. Only this leader stood there stupidly and screamed.

This stupid dragon was naturally killed by the leaping dragons first.

After ten minutes of chasing and killing, seven or eight of the thirty Skerosaurus that fell down escaped, and the rest became food in the mouth of the jumping dragon.

The killing and blood attracted other predators, but after seeing the three jumping dragons eating, this group of small predators did not dare to approach from the outside.

In this new cedar forest close to the ocean, a sixty-centimeter-long small and medium-sized predator like the Elgin's Jumping Dragon is already considered a top killer, and larger predators will not come. This species is barren and food is scarce. border zone.

After the three jumping dragons had eaten and left, the remaining flesh and blood on the ground was the food that small predators could get their hands on.

But they seemed to have forgotten that there were dozens of angry Skerosaurus in the tree.

Jumping dragons eat their own kind, they are submissive, small predators eat their own kind, and Skerosaurus is about to strike hard.

It was such a chaotic battle that Xu Dong was so excited to see it. Among the small predators present were giant bugs with wings similar to those of a mantis, the Squeaking Titan, which was about 20 centimeters long and actually had the ability to fly.

The larger one is the 30-centimeter Talampea crocodile. As its name suggests, it is a crocodile as big as a rabbit. Of course, crocodiles are not pseudosuchians, but the basic group of dinosaurs.

Others are remnants of the Synapsid family, mammal relatives Chiniguadon, which is the largest of these small predators, almost forty centimeters in length.

Facing such small predators with their own abilities, Skererosaurus quickly discovered that even with their numerical advantage, they seemed to be unable to defeat them.

What should I do if I can’t beat him? Of course he was running.

After leaving behind more than 20 Skerosaurus carcasses, more than 30 Skerosauruses fled back to the depths of the woods in dejection.

At this point, the battle between the little red dragon and the Skerosaurus ended with the little red dragon's victory. For the time being, no more creatures can threaten the little red dragon's habitat in this cedar forest.

For this entire forest, the little red dragons have completed the first step and grabbed a piece of their own territory.

What the little red dragons have to do in the next stage is to learn to climb trees, adapt to climbing trees, and finally become arboreal animals.

Xu Dong swaggered out of the cave with thirteen little red dragons, and cut the neck of a Chiniguadon with one knife amid the protests of many small predators.

In nature, the strong are respected. After Xu Dong's demonstration, the small predators consciously gave up part of their bodies, and the small red dragons naturally accepted it without mercy.

However, when they were enjoying their meal, the sound of flapping wings came from the sky, and Xu Dong looked up with a Skererosaurus leg in his mouth.

Suddenly his eyes widened and his mouth opened wide. He didn't even know that the dragon's leg in his mouth fell off. The only thing that came to his mind at this time was one sentence.

“You can’t find anything even after wearing iron shoes, but it takes no effort to get there!”

Paleontology Theater: The genus Leaposaurus, also known as Leaposaurus and Leaposaurus, is a very small bipedal dinosauromorph. They were carnivorous animals in the late Triassic period. Jumping dragon is about 60 centimeters long, shaped like a small cat, has hollow bones similar to birds, weighs about 1 kilogram, has five fingers on its hand, and has a long head with dozens of teeth. None of this is certain, as only very few fossils of Leaposaurus have been found, mostly fragments of hind legs.

Jumping dragons have been classified differently, such as sauropods, more advanced theropod species, and close relatives of Herrerasaurus, but the classification of jumping dragons is still controversial because only partial fragments have been found, but After all, it still belongs to the dinosaur form category.

Sauromorpha - Archosaurs - Ornithopods - Dinosaur morphotypes - Dinosaurs - Jumping dragons

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