Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 47 The counterattack begins

The Little Red Dragon must have a higher IQ than other creatures of the same period. After all, there are many group herbivores, but when have you ever heard of group predators, there are still tens of thousands of them in the same habitat at the same time.

This shows that the little red dragons already have a tendency to swarm animals in later generations. Even if it cannot be realized now, it may still come true one day in the future.

The little red dragons are indeed not as smart as Xu Dong and Long Jiu, but they are not stupid enough to understand Xu Dong's subsequent hunting plan.

If he wants to realize the hunting plan, escape from the desperate situation, and make the Little Red Dragon clan great again, Xu Dong must obtain the leadership. The strongest in the biosphere is respected. As long as he defeats the current leader, he can obtain the Little Red Dragon. of leadership.

So Xu Dong ignored the leader's injury, stood in front of the leader, and declared war on him.

If it were in the past, the little red dragons would definitely be booing and watching. After all, this leader is too strong. Both his size and attributes exceed the limits of the little red dragons. The most important thing is that he is also very smart.

The reason why the leader of the little red dragon was injured this time was because he personally killed a Brysonraptor that broke into the little red dragon's territory.

Therefore, although there has been an endless stream of challengers in the past few years, they all ended in failure. At this moment, someone came to challenge again, but the little red dragons present had no intention of watching the battle.

In nature, the strong are respected. When faced with challenges, you can choose to be tough or run away without fighting, but you cannot refuse to fight. This is the awareness that a leader must have.

So even though he was injured, leader Xiao Chilong still accepted Xu Dong's challenge.

In fact, there is no suspense in the battle. The gap between Xu Dong and Xiao Chilong is really too big, using Buchneraptorosaurus as the standard.

Ordinary little red dragons will basically die when they encounter a Bryonraptor in a one-on-one encounter. A stronger one may be able to fight back a few times or escape. A stronger one, like the leader of the little red dragon, can challenge Bryonraptor in a single combat.

But Xu Dong is completely different from them, because Bryptoraptor can't even make a move under his hands, so the leader of the little red dragon who can challenge Bryptoraptor alone will also not be Xu Dong's enemy.

As the ancestor of the Little Red Dragon clan, he was already very embarrassed to seize power. Naturally, he would not do anything to the leader of the Little Red Dragon. He just knocked him down and stopped taking action.

The defeated leader of the original little red dragon was obviously aware of the huge gap between him and Xu Dong. He was smart and understood that when the race was in danger of survival, a stronger person was needed to turn the tide of the battle, so he obediently retreated to the red dragon group.

Xu Dong's loud cry attracted the attention of all the little red dragons. Then he walked alone into the group of little red dragons, selected the twenty largest and strongest little red dragons, and gathered them together. , formed a red dragon hunting team.

These little red dragons will be Xu Dong's initial team to deal with the Brysonraptor, and he will lead them to hunt the Brynaraptor.

The original leader got up from the ground and howled at Xu Dong in dissatisfaction. He also wanted to join the hunting team. Xu Dong knew that this guy was very strong, stronger than the twenty little red dragons here, but he was wounded. , so I didn’t select it.

But I didn't expect that this guy would take the initiative to ask for a fight. His attitude was very resolute and he would not retreat in the face of Xu Dong's threats. In this case, let him be alone.

Xu Dong led a team of twenty-one little red dragons to leave the core clearing and their ancestral land. Under the watchful eyes of the surrounding little red dragons, and under the witness of the thirteen ancestral clans, with the belief of a last-ditch fight, he wanted to fight for The Little Red Dragon clan fought their way out.


Under the drizzle and shaded by leaves, the cedar forest looked hazy. A Brysonraptor was gnawing on the newly caught Tallosaurus on the branch, and its eyes kept glancing around, always alert to sudden emergencies in the surrounding area. status.

Xu Dong stood on a big tree hundreds of meters away. His eyesight now was very amazing. Even though he was hundreds of meters away and covered by leaves, he still found the Brygniraptor. It's also your bad luck. Xu Dong happened to be caught. When the dragon collided with it, Xu Dong operated on it.

In a low voice, he ordered the small red dragons to spread out and slowly surround the Bryonraptor. Unexpectedly, two million years later, Xu Dong would one day use this method again, but the little red dragon he was commanding had already I don’t know how many generations have passed.

The encirclement slowly formed and slowly approached the Bryptoraptor. However, this was the first time for the little red dragon to use this method. It was far less experienced than its ancestors two million years ago. Soon there were little red dragons. Carefully made some noise.

The very vigilant Bretonraptor suddenly looked up at the place where the movement occurred. Even if it was blocked by leaves, it still saw the red little red dragon. This was what Xu Dong was most worried about. The little red dragon's skin color was too bright in the jungle terrain. At a disadvantage, it is incompatible with the green leaves and brown trunks, and its innate concealment and ambush ability is -5.

Now that he's been discovered, he won't make a sneak attack and just draw the bow. Xu Dong neighed, and twenty-one little red dragons rushed out and rushed towards the Bryptoraptor.

The Bretonraptor was shocked. Of course it knew the little red dragon. The original occupier of the ecological niche in the forest canopy became food after they arrived. But if there were too many ants, they could kill an elephant. How could one of them deal with so many little red dragons?

The Bryonraptor slipped away in a hurry.

However, it was too late, because Xu Dong had already blocked it.

The Bryontheraptor bared its teeth and tried to scare Xu Dong away. However, Xu Dong not only remained unmoved, but also gave it a slap, which stunned the five-meter-five-meter big guy.

When did a little red dragon that was only worthy of being food dare to resist it? What gave him the courage?

But it’s important to escape now, little boy, I’ll take note of this grudge, and I will definitely kill you in the future. Bryptoraptor bypassed Xu Dong and prepared to escape from the side.



Another slap slapped it back.

The Bryonraptor was suddenly furious, and its amber eyes stared at Xu Dong. It didn't want to care about the coming little red dragons now, it just wanted to tear into pieces and eat the little red dragons that were blocking the road one after another.

It had just squatted down with its legs, ready to jump, and the result was.


With another slap, Xu Dong's speed was so fast that Bryptoraptor couldn't react at all, interrupting the jumping action and interrupting Bryptoraptor's last way to survive.

The little red dragons around finally arrived. In the frozen state where the movement of Bryonraptor was interrupted, the little red dragons swarmed forward, and dozens of claws fell on Bryonraptor, leaving a mark on this guy in an instant. With countless blood marks on it, claws raised and then teeth biting, this unlucky Bryantraptor didn't even have a chance to fight back before it was cut into pieces by five horses.

The little red dragons frantically tore and devoured the flesh and blood of the Brysonraptor. This hunt wiped away the previous depression and allowed the little red dragons to regain their former high spirits. It turned out that the Bryonyraptor was not invincible. They can also be easily killed by them.

Xu Dong just wants to let them understand that it doesn't matter if they are larger than him, stronger than him, or have more powerful weapons than him. As long as the little red dragons unite and attack together, no creature will be their opponent.

Thanks to Drunk Bear zz, book friend 20180727180135037 for the reward

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