Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 57 Grabbing food

Plateosaurus was one of the largest dinosaurs in the Triassic and one of the largest land animals in the Triassic. It could reach 6 to 10 meters in length and weighed an estimated 3 tons. It was about the same size as a modern African elephant. It was such a big guy. , can actually stand upright on both feet, which is simply unscientific.

Vegetarian dinosaurs were one of the three major grasshopper groups at the end of the Triassic, and were the favorite food of medium to large predators.

Compared to the solid lizards, which are covered in thick armor that resists damage, and even the following words are fully armed, and the Ken's beasts, which are getting bigger and rarer, the Plateosaurus is indeed easier to digest.

As the size of the vegetarian dinosaurs increased, the predators of the dinosaur family also followed the process of becoming gigantic, such as the 3-meter Coelophysis baumannii, the 4-meter Demonosaurus, and the 6-meter Godzillasaurus (combined fossil) wait.

Every mass extinction in history has been a reshuffling of the cards, sweeping away the medium and large creatures at that time, freeing up a large number of ecological niches and giving small creatures a chance to rise.

However, there was a mass extinction of organisms, but it seemed to be prepared for the dinosaurs to usurp the throne. You said that you would have no problem wiping out the pseudosuchians. After all, they were the overlords and the largest predators of the Triassic.

But the problem is that the dinosaur family was not small at that time. They were the strongest family under the pseudosuchians. The mass extinction reshuffled the cards. Logically speaking, guys of the dinosaur level would have to be cleaned up no matter what.

Alas, no.

This mass extinction is like the old mother of the earth who is not worried about her baby being bullied, and directly wipes out all the dinosaurs that can bully the dinosaurs.

You said this is not the son of the version, the protagonist of Destiny, what is it?

Pseudocrocodile: You just colluded with the GM to cheat.


Just when the demon dragon in the ferns was about to make a move, the overlord in the river took the lead.

A piece of rotten wood drifted to the shore along the current. Several medium-sized vegetarian animals were startled and stepped back a few meters. However, the huge Plateosaurus and the fully-armed Orthosaurus just looked up, and soon continued to lower their heads. Went to drink water.

When the rotten wood was close enough to them, the noble in the water, no, the overlord in the water suddenly jumped out of the water, with a big mouth aimed at the young plate dragon that the demon dragon coveted.

It looked like a huge mouth emerging from the abyss, but with crystal clear water drops illuminated by the morning light, it became somewhat beautiful for a moment.

The sharp fangs bit the little Plateosaurus that was drinking water by the lake. Amidst the screams of the Elasmosaurus, the panic of the surrounding vegetarian animals, and the whine of the young Elasmosaurus, they were dragged into the abyss by this huge mouth.

The image of this giant beast that jumped out was almost identical to that of later crocodiles, except for the prominent downward-curved aquiline nose at the front.

This king of the water is surprisingly the Manhattan Crocodile of the order Phytosaurus, a big guy with a body length of over 3 meters.

The surrounding creatures fled in panic, and the Plateosaurus acted as if there was no one of its kind, and followed the vegetarian animals away from the river bank.

This little elasmosaurus, which was not completely dead yet, struggling desperately in the river and whining, had been abandoned by all its kind. Except for its mother who screamed twice, no one else would mind their own business.

Even the mother of Plateosaurus knew that being dragged into the water by a plant dragon would lead to death. After howling twice, she left here with her peers.

The little Plateosaurus opened its big eyes and whined as it was submerged bit by bit by the river until it disappeared into the blood.

Its death is a gluttonous feast for the plant dragons. They rarely attack the huge adult elasmosaurs, and if they bite them, they may not be able to drag them away. The minor elasmosaurs are the main targets of their attacks.

This little Elasmosaurus is 3 meters long and will reach adulthood in a few years. This is their favorite prey. It has a lot of meat and can be dragged around. It is enough for them to digest it for several days.

However, this move made the demon dragon hiding in the dark very angry, because it was obviously the food that it took a fancy to first.

But now that the creatures on the shore were so chaotic, it didn't have time to think too much. When it saw a 4-meter-long Anranosaurus, it pounced on it, but was slapped in the face with its tail.

This demonic dragon obviously wasn't thick-skinned enough to prevent such injuries. All of a sudden, his bones and tendons were broken, his jaw was broken, his teeth fell apart, and he fell to the ground vomiting blood.

This is the case in this era. Don't think that predators can only eat herbivores. Even the vegetarian dragons at the end of the Triassic, which have not yet developed weapons, rely on their huge physical advantages to pose a huge threat with every move they make.

Xu Dong flew to the branch and waited for the death of the demon dragon so that he could have a feast. However, after waiting for a long time, all the vegetarian animals were gone, and this guy was not dead yet.

This area should be the territory of this demon dragon, so no other predators come, and the chisel-toothed crocodiles in the river are full, so the demon dragon can lie down peacefully on the ground.

Just when Xu Dong was about to go up and see if the thing was dead, a group of small pterosaurs held up their leather wings and glided towards the demon dragon.

This group of pterosaurs does not look like the pterosaurs that often appear in later movies, but more like bats. Is this also convergent evolution?

Xu Dong didn't recognize this group of pterosaurs, but he thought they were an evolutionary group similar to the Carnian pterosaurs. There were a lot of pterosaurs these days, but there were very few pterosaur fossils unearthed in later generations.

The bones of pterosaurs themselves are relatively light and hollow, so the fossils are very difficult to preserve.

Currently, there are only more than 200 named pterosaurs in the paleontological world, which is far less than the actual species at that time.

Since these pterosaurs look so much like bats, let’s call them bat pterosaurs.

According to the investigation of the paleontological community, most of the pterosaurs in the Triassic period fed on insects, and the more advanced ones ate fish. There were almost no meat-eating ones, but they do exist now.

After this group of advanced bat pterosaurs hovered over the demon dragon for several times, they finally couldn't resist the temptation and pupae pounced towards the demon dragon.

Here it comes, a universal skill in the world of paleontology!

From the dominant pseudosuchians to the pariah therodonts, almost everyone can do it.

Pretend to be dead skill.

The demon dragon jumped up fiercely, opened its half-broken mouth, waved its short claws, and captured four or five bat pterosaurs in an instant.

Although five of them can't fill their stomachs, they are still stuttering after all, which is better than starving to death later.

The bat pterosaurs were frightened and fled away, leaving the demon dragon to try a hundred ways to eat pterosaurs.

Of course it wanted to bite it into pieces and swallow it directly, but the broken mandible did not allow it to do so, so it could only cut it into small pieces and swallow it directly into its stomach without passing through the teeth.

It is precisely because of the mandible that a lot of food put into the mouth leaks out, which is really miserable.

Xu Dong is also very miserable now. His stomach has complained eight hundred times, and he will starve to death if he can't find anything to eat.

In this case, don't blame Xu Dong for bullying the disabled dragon. Since it has bad teeth, eat less meat and Xu Dong will help it eat.

It flaps its wings and flies close to the ground, approaching the demon dragon.

The bigger the dinosaur, the more helpless it is at low altitudes. The short forelimbs can't be reached by hands, and it's even more troublesome to lift and drop the hind limbs, so they basically have to rely on their mouths. And now this devil dragon's mouth is also useless, so it can basically reach low altitudes. Xu Dong, who was flying, was helpless.

Thanks to book friend 20201025080448399 and the number one cat fan for the tip.

Paleontology Theater: Plateosaurus is one of the largest known Triassic dinosaurs and one of the largest land animals in the Triassic. Plateosaurus once belonged to the order Prosauropod, which was a group of early herbivorous dinosaurs. Elasmosaurus is stronger than other similar animals, such as Anchirosaurus. Elasmosaurus has a long neck, which is composed of 9 cervical vertebrae. Its body is strong and pear-shaped, and its tail is composed of at least 14 tail vertebrae. , which can be used as a balancing tool between the long neck and the front body. They have a small head, a long neck, and sharp teeth for crushing plants. The forelimbs are obviously smaller but have large big toe claws. These claws may be used for crushing plants. To defend and help with eating.

Sauriformes - Archosaurs - Dinosaurs - Saurischia - Sauropods - Elasmosaurs - Elasmosauridae - Elasmosaurus

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