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Dare to go to Zhou Ji's place... In the blink of an eye, they haven't seen Zhou Ji for almost a month. Zhou Ji should be fine, right?

The priest was also a little anxious: "Let's go and see."

"You're too slow, I'll take you there!" Xiong He picked up the priest and ran forward.

Priest: "..." This fellow Xiong He dared to dislike him for being slow!

Xiong He hugged the priest and couldn't catch up with Xiong Ye. He was still running when Xiong Ye came to his door: "Zhou Ji!"

As soon as Kumano finished speaking, he saw Zhou Ji open the door.

Zhou Ji seemed to be a little darker, and looked at him with a smile: "Are you back?"

"I'm back." Xiong Ye hugged Zhou Ji: "Zhou Ji, I'm going to be the patriarch!"

"You're amazing." Zhou Ji touched Xiongye's head and kissed Xiongye's mouth again.

Xiong Ye was a little depressed when his head was touched, but then he was kissed and laughed again: "Zhou Ji, Hu Tian was killed by me, Hu Tian is the patriarch of the giant tiger tribe!"

Zhou Ji kissed him again and praised him.

"I brought back a lot of people and a lot of food!" Kumano said again.

"You are the most powerful." Zhou Ji kissed again.

Xiong He and the priest who came in a hurry: "..." They shouldn't have come!

After being away for a month, Kumano really missed Zhou Ji, but after talking to Zhou Ji for a while, he suddenly thought that he hadn't taken a bath yet.

He should be a little stinky, it's hard for Zhou Ji to kiss her...

"I'll take a shower!" Kumano jumped into the river and went to take a bath.

When the priest who was planning to leave saw this, he stayed: "Zhou Ji, how is your communication with the beast god?"

"Very good." Zhou Ji said.

He had suffered a lot when he went out this time, and he came back a day earlier than Kumano.

After taking a bath and sleeping, Kumano and the others came back.

The tribe must be very lively, so he didn't go to join in the fun, anyway, Kumano would come... Sure enough, Kumano came.

"That's good!" The priest looked at Zhou Ji: "Zhou Ji, Xiong Ye is going to become the chief of the tribe, do you want to be a priest?"

"I don't have time." Zhou Ji's face was not red or heartbeat.

The priest also felt that Zhou Ji was a bit shameless when he said this. In their tribe, the most leisurely person should be Zhou Ji!

But he couldn't help Zhou Ji.

The priest said: "Then what do you think of Xiong He? Is he suitable to be a priest?" He had trained Xiong He with all his heart at first, but unfortunately, after Kumano's father died, Xiong He went to be the patriarch.'s time for Bear River to keep going.

"I can't!" Hearing the priest's words, Xiong He said without thinking, and the fear of being educated by the priest came up again.

Back then, the priest asked him to recite things every day. He knew the grass, and he wouldn't give meat if he couldn't recite it. He had a headache from learning!

He doesn't want to be a priest, he likes to hunt!

"Suitable." Zhou Ji said without hesitation.

Xiong He regrets it! He felt that he should occupy the position of the patriarch!

"I also think Xiong He is very suitable, I will start training him tomorrow... By the way, Zhou Ji, this time the giant tiger tribe is gone, our tribe

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