Panda Novel

"You're always getting picked tonight. This time, you'll be the first to draw. With such a high chance of drawing a long lot, you shouldn't be so 'lucky'. You'll still be the first to draw, right?"

Shen Fanxing thought about it and agreed.

She had never been the first to draw tonight. No matter how 'lucky' she was, her luck tonight should have run out. Moreover, this was her first time drawing.

"You're right! I'll be the first to draw."

"Okay, come, you go first. Try to leave the opportunity for the men to perform later."

Shen Fanxing pursed her lips and reached out to choose a toothpick. Her hand hesitated for a while before she chose one. Before she pulled it out, she closed her eyes.

Xu Qingzhi couldn't help but laugh. "Do you have to exaggerate? The chances are so small, you…"

Before she could finish, she stared at the toothpick in Shen Fanxing's hand and her lips twitched.

Everyone gathered around and took a closer look. There was an indescribable atmosphere in the room.

Yin Ruijue whistled. "Alright, the game has ended before it even started."

/ Please Keep reading on MYBOXN0VEL.COM

Shen Fanxing's heart sank and she opened her eyes to see a broken toothpick between her fingers.

She took a deep breath and threw the half toothpick aside.

Game Terminator.

It was really appropriate. She could even get the first draw. The "luck" that lasted the entire night was amazing.

"Fanxing, with your luck, you can really buy a lottery ticket…"

Shen Fanxing rubbed her forehead and said helplessly, "You're right. I think I can really buy a ticket. If I win the first prize, I'll treat you to spicy strips from all over China."

"Hahaha, I'm looking forward to it!" Xu Qingzhi clapped her hands. "But now, you have to go next door to ask for spicy strips."


Shen Fanxing heaved a long sigh and stood up from the sofa. "You can go, but that doesn't mean you have to come. Don't expect too much."

"Fanxing is the best!"


Opening the door and walking out, Shen Fanxing saw Bo Jinhang walking towards her.

There were no bruises on Bo Jinhang's handsome face. It seemed like Bo Jinchuan didn't intend to leave any marks on his face.

After all, this was Ping Cheng City and there was a gathering tonight. It was necessary to leave some dignity for her brother.

"Sister-in-law, where are you going?" asked Bo Jinghang aggrievedly when he saw Shen Fanxing. Perhaps it was because he had been beaten up too much, his face was expressionless.

Shen Fanxing pinched Bo Jinhang's arm and he grimaced in pain.

"Are you and my brother trying to torture me to death?"

Shen Fanxing looked up at him and said, "Is there a need to pretend to be drunk? Do you think your brother can't tell?"

Bo Jinghang grinned nonchalantly. "There's still a one in a million chance."

"I think you feel that you deserve a beating, so you want someone to teach you a lesson?"

"… I'm retarded!"

Shen Fanxing smirked and asked, "Which room did the waiter enter?"


"I need to borrow something."

Bo Jinhang pointed at the end of the corridor. "The last one."


The soundproofing of the private room was really good. Knocking on the door was useless.

Therefore, if she wanted to enter, she could only open the door directly. Just like in all the classic Mary Sue dramas, the so-called "dazed", "cute" and "cute" female protagonist walked into the wrong room and opened the door openly.

Then, she realized that it was another stranger. She was so frightened that her face turned pale and she hurriedly apologized. Then, she was either bullied by a group of sanctimonious hypocrites or liked by a cool and arrogant CEO.

Then, she said, "Woman, you've successfully attracted my attention." Then, the classic drama between the gorgeous and domineering CEO and Mary Sue began.


Shen Fanxing couldn't help but laugh and shiver.

Just the thought of it gave her goosebumps.

She had used up all her luck tonight. The scene of her bumping into the CEO or the extremely handsome man and being frightened out of her wits should be completely insulated from her.

There were only two bags of spicy strips left and right. At most, he could just spend money to buy them.

Taking a deep breath, she pushed open the heavy door.

"Sorry to disturb you…"

And then…

At that moment, Shen Fanxing was like the Mary Sue that she had fantasized about. She stood at the door in a daze, her expression changing drastically.


A little.

She felt that she could totally imagine herself as a Mary Sue heroine.

And the beginning was so… exciting.

Who would dare to barge into someone else's private room? Not only was the room filled with the smell of spicy strips, but what was even more ridiculous was that two handsome men were holding a black gun in each hand…

Shen Fanxing closed her eyes for two seconds.

She had experienced all kinds of things in her life.

Mary Sue had also played the fool.

She had barged into a private room, met the best-looking man, and two of them in one go. She was so frightened that her face turned pale. What she saw was definitely something that ordinary Mary Sue wouldn't have.

The two men held their guns against each other's most fragile and sensitive… three inches below their navel.

The men in black suits in the room looked at the scene in front of them with fear and complicated expressions. Their legs were clamped tightly.

It was as if no matter who fired first, they would roll on the ground in pain.

Now that the door to the private room was opened, everyone in the room looked towards it.

His gaze landed on Shen Fanxing as though he had seen a ghost.

"Who… who are you?!"

Shen Fanxing glanced at the man and said, "I'm a guest here to play. I'm here to borrow two bags of spicy strips from you…"

As she spoke, there was no expression on her face. Her gaze landed on one of the men holding a pistol. Her lips twitched and she had already moved back.

"But I didn't come at the right time. I'm not lending you the spicy strips. Please continue…"

"Ah! Isn't she the…"

There was a loud bang.

A gunshot.

Hearing the voice, the men in the room bent down and clamped their legs tightly, covering their private parts.

She looked up at the two armed men. They seemed fine.

A subordinate holding a smoking gun swallowed his saliva and said, "Sorry, I accidentally fired."

Everyone heaved a sigh of relief. Then, there was another dull bang. The door of the private room closed and the woman who had been standing at the door was gone.

[Hahaha, I'm going to die of laughter… Don't forget to do the Heaven Leaderboard event.]

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