Panda Novel

Such a good opportunity…

Even so, they hesitated for a while before leaving.

Ji Yi glanced at the closed office, feeling a little worried.

When the secretary, who was about to leave, saw Ji Yi's expression, she couldn't help but laugh. "You only care about convincing others, but you can't convince them?"

Ji Yi shook her head. "I believe in CEO Shen's ability. I'm thinking… CEO Shen seems to be very angry today."

The secretary thought for a while and nodded with a frown. "That's true. Although she's usually stern, this is the first time she has such a bad temper."

Ji Yi frowned and wanted to know the reason, but she couldn't go in and ask.

In the end, the secretary left after work. It was late autumn and the sky was short. It was already dark outside and neon lights were on, but there was still no movement in Shen Fanxing's office.

Ji Yi had been waiting for Shen Fanxing at the door and was eager to go in to take a look.

At seven in the evening, Shen Fanxing's face was extremely cold.

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The documents had already been dealt with. At this moment, she was sitting on the office chair with Ji Yi's latest single playing.

Just as Ji Yi couldn't take it anymore and was about to knock on the door, messy footsteps sounded from the top floor.

The footsteps were getting closer. She turned her head and saw a slender figure running over, panting.

Ji Yi opened her mouth and looked at the girl running over. The striking red birthmark on her forehead was too eye-catching.

Knowing that this might be something that others cared about, Ji Yi quickly shifted her gaze away from the birthmark and looked at the red face.

She had a tender face, cherry lips and a nose bridge. Even with the birthmark, one could tell that she was a beauty.

"Miss… Miss Ji, is CEO Shen… still around?"

Her voice was clearly trembling and she looked like she was about to cry.

She quickly moved aside and said, "CEO Shen is still here."

After saying that, a look of relief flashed across the girl's face. Then, she became timid and hugged the clip tightly.

Ji Yi looked in that direction, confused.

She knew that this girl spent most of her time with the new stylist. She had always thought that she was the stylist, so she didn't quite understand what she wanted to do now.

"Miss Ji… if I were to ask you to wear a gown that is not famous or even branded in public… will you… wear it?"

As she spoke, she hugged the clip in her arms even more tightly. She bit her lips tightly and looked at her timidly and expectantly.

Having said that, Ji Yi couldn't help but look at the clip in her arms again, seemingly understanding something.

"I don't quite understand what others think, but as a girl, I think everyone likes beautiful clothes that suit them. As for the brand… I think beauty is a brand. So as long as it suits me, I will definitely wear it."

Lan Xianxian looked at her in surprise. She didn't expect a celebrity like Ji Yi to say such words.

Ji Yi pointed at Shen Fanxing's office and said, "CEO Shen is waiting for you inside. Hurry up and go in."

Lan Xianxian nodded vigorously, took a deep breath, and knocked on the office door.

Shen Fanxing, who was sitting on the chair, turned her head with a cold expression.

Seeing that it was Lan Xianxian, she placed the pen on the table and closed the folder. Her voice was cold.

"What are you doing here?"

Lan Xianxian was frightened by Shen Fanxing's indifferent attitude. She stood at the door, not daring to enter.

Shen Fanxing narrowed her eyes at her for a few seconds before standing up slowly.

She placed her phone in her bag. "Since there's nothing else, I should get off work."

Seeing Shen Fanxing walking to the hanger to put on her coat, Lan Xianxian hurried forward.

"CEO Shen, I… I want to attend Fashion Week."

Shen Fanxing paused and asked, "You?"

Lan Xianxian hurriedly handed the things she was hugging tightly to Shen Fanxing and said, "These are the clothes I've designed over the past few days. They're all designed according to the style of Miss Ji and the other artistes in the company. Can I…"

Before Lan Qianqian could finish her sentence, the sketchbook was grabbed by Shen Fanxing.

She opened it and took a closer look. Every design had the name of every artist.

With just a few lines, the strong sense of style assaulted her.

Apart from Lan Xianxian's unique design style, Ji Yi and the other artistes' personalities were all on paper. There were no figures on the blueprint, but Shen Fanxing could almost see them in their gowns.

There was a strong sense of immersion.

Shen Fanxing raised an eyebrow and said, "I didn't expect you to know so much about what others wear despite your slovenly outfit."

Thinking of the first time they met in Hong Kong, she couldn't help but want to complain.

"Because she's beautiful…"

Shen Fanxing smiled and passed the sketchbook to Lan Xianxian.

"Have you thought of a name for your clothes?"


Shen Fanxing put on her windbreaker and glared at her. "Don't you think it should have a name?"

Lan Xianxian's heart suddenly raced.


"Yes. The name of the brand."

She suddenly tightened her grip on the sketchbook.


"Can… can I have my own brand?"

Shen Fanxing buttoned her shirt and asked calmly, "You've never thought about it?"

"I've thought about it!" Lan Xianxian said hurriedly. When she saw Shen Fanxing looking at her with a faint smile, she blushed and said, "It's just that… I didn't dare to think so carefully, so I don't have a clue about the name…"

"You can think about it."

She picked up her bag and turned around. Pointing at the sketchbook in Lan Xianxian's arms, she said, "You didn't make me wait in vain."

"…" Lan Xianxian was confused.

"I've rejected a few brands who took the initiative to seek cooperation. If you don't come or the design is a mess, do you know what consequences I'm going to face?"

Lan Xianxian's heart tightened. "You rejected all the brands previously?"

Shen Fanxing didn't answer her directly. "Work hard. I'm looking forward to how far you can go."

Just as Shen Fanxing was about to leave, Lan Xianxian stopped her.

"Fanxing, thank you so much. If it wasn't for you… This was all my delusion. Thank you for giving me this chance."

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