Panda Novel

"Limo is the man I have my eyes on. I believe that the person I love is definitely worthy of my love. I shouldn't be considered bad, right? As long as I work hard, can he fall in love with me?"

Shen Fanxing nodded and lifted their hands to rub the back of her hand against her cheek.

"You're so beautiful and outstanding. How can you be bad? It's Limo who didn't have good taste in the past. I believe that in the future, Limo will definitely love you until he can't leave you."

"Hahaha, then I might be annoyed."

The next day, Shen Fanxing drove Xu Qingzhi to the airport. After checking her luggage, she accompanied Xu Qingzhi and Li Mo.

In the morning, Xu Qingzhi insisted on leaving early, so Shen Fanxing bought some breakfast for her.

She didn't eat much on the way. Now that she was hungry, she sat there and started eating again.

Shen Fanxing smiled silently.

She had never eaten more than three meals a day.

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Her self-control had always been strong. Sometimes, even she admired her.

She was hungry now.

This was a pregnant woman…

Thinking of Bo Jinchuan's insistence on not having a child, she still felt stifled.

She actually abandoned the child for the sake of convenience?

Since Qingzhi already had a child, her child didn't want to be too different from Qingzhi's age. Otherwise, it wouldn't be easy for them to pair up…

After Xu Qingzhi finished eating, she looked at the time.

"It's nine o'clock. Limo should be here."

The expression on her face was faint, but the light flickering on her face could not be concealed.

An indifferent and confident woman still felt uneasy when she met love.

"When you reach Rongcheng, call me immediately, okay?"

"I do."

"I'll be leaving for Rongcheng the day after tomorrow. You can just send me the address. You don't have to pick me up."

Xu Qingzhi sighed and said, "I know, I know. If you continue, you might as well go to Rongcheng with me."

Shen Fanxing pretended to be angry and said, "I think you've forgotten your friends in love. You haven't even met Limo and you're already annoying me?"

Xu Qingzhi raised an eyebrow and said, "How would I dare to? I'll be relying on you to support me in the future."

As she spoke, she looked down at her watch again.

Shen Fanxing glanced at her silently.

After a while, Shen Fanxing frowned.

"Limo's flight was delayed?"

Xu Qingzhi's face turned pale and she shook her head. "No, I arrived on time. I've already landed."

Shen Fanxing narrowed her eyes and ordered, "Call him!"

Xu Qingzhi took out her phone numbly and her slender fingers paused on the screen.

Shen Fanxing saw that more than ten calls had been made.

However, Xu Qingzhi still clicked on it and pressed it to her ear. A familiar sweet female voice sounded. "Sorry, the number you have dialed is unavailable. Please try again later. Sorry…"

Xu Qingzhi listened to the same sweet voice over and over again, her expression unusually calm.

Shen Fanxing gulped and snatched the phone from Xu Qingzhi's ear.

The call ended automatically and Shen Fanxing called again. Upon hearing the apology, she put her phone away coldly.

At this moment, an announcement sounded in the airport. Xu Qingzhi finally blinked and stood up slowly.

"What are you doing?"

She immediately grabbed Xu Qingzhi's hand, her eyes full of warning.

Xu Qingzhi pursed her lips and said, "My legs are numb from sitting."

Shen Fanxing frowned and glanced at her legs. She was wearing a pair of thin black pants and a camel-colored trench coat. Her long hair was tied up high for convenience.

Although there was a smile on her face, Shen Fanxing wished she could cry in front of her.

But Xu Qingzhi wouldn't cry. She was never a woman who cried easily.

Shen Fanxing didn't let go of Xu Qingzhi's hand. Seeing the long queue at the boarding gate getting shorter and shorter, her grip on Xu Qingzhi tightened.

Xu Qingzhi only spoke after the last person had passed the security check.

"Fanxing, you're hurting me."

Hearing this, Shen Fanxing loosened her grip but didn't let go of her.

Seeing this, Xu Qingzhi chuckled softly and placed her other hand on Shen Fanxing's wrist.

Then, he looked up at her with a smile on his face.

"I'm not that stupid. No matter how lowly I am, I can't possibly knock on the Li family's door and say that I want to marry Limo."

Shen Fanxing's eyes flashed and she loosened her grip on Xu Qingzhi's wrist.

Hearing the voice urging her to pass the security check, Xu Qingzhi smiled and said, "Looks like you don't have to show him your authority today."

As she spoke, she walked out of the airport.

Worried about Xu Qingzhi, Shen Fanxing stayed by her side after sending her home.

"Aren't you going to work? Why don't we have a hotpot for lunch? There are still leftovers from yesterday."

At ten o'clock, seeing that Shen Fanxing had no intention of leaving, Xu Qingzhi smiled and said as though nothing had happened.

"I think Ye Qingqiu was happy when she married Li Tingshen… So no matter what the outcome is, I want to marry love."

"Limo is the man I have my eyes on. I believe that the person I love is definitely worthy of my love. I shouldn't be considered bad, right? As long as I work hard, can he fall in love with me?"

No one knew better than her how Xu Qingzhi felt when she said those words last night.

No one in this world knew Xu Qingzhi better than her.

She was beautiful and confident. She would not allow anyone to step on her dignity!

In order to marry Limo, she had already given in too much. There were many rumors that Qingzhi had threatened Limo with her child.

Especially in Rong City, many people coveted the Li family's prominent family background. One could imagine how many unbearable rumors there were.

How ruthless was Li Mo's heart?

Not only did he ignore those rumors, he even used these incidents to stab at Qingzhi's heart!

Shen Fanxing's heart ached.

When she found out that Su Heng was with Shen Qianrou and ignored her life and death, her heart ached.

However, the pain didn't last long before it was replaced by anger.

Or perhaps it was because of Bo Jinchuan's sudden appearance.

More importantly, she didn't love Su Heng.

But Qingzhi was different.

Other than Li Mo, she was someone who could give up her life.

The most fatal injuries were usually inflicted by the person she loved the most.

Even a word or action was the sharpest blade.

"Qingzhi, at least don't do this in front of me…"

The smile on Xu Qingzhi's face froze.

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