Panda Novel

Ou Ximing's words made Zhao Zimo's face turn pale. The low sneers around her made her want to find a hole to hide in.

When Mother Zhao saw her daughter suffering such humiliation, she jumped up from her seat.

"Ou Ximing, don't say that the grapes are sour! Don't forget how you pestered my daughter back then!"

Ou Ximing smiled faintly and said, "I was blind in the past, but I'm also grateful for the past because it allowed me to see clearly what a scumbag is."


The few of them were rendered speechless by Ou Ximing. The mocking laughter from the surrounding people made them feel even more ashamed.

Ou Ximing didn't stay any longer. He turned around and went backstage.

"Hmph, what's there to be proud of? I'm waiting to see Chenyi's loser face when he wins the championship."

"You don't know what's good for you!"

"Zimo, don't worry too much. Just wait for Chenyi to avenge you."

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Hearing the indignant indignation, Shen Fanxing smirked and picked up the fashion magazine on the chair.

Time ticked by. Fortunately, the temperature in the venue was adjusted well. Half an hour later, the competition officially began.

When she heard that the topic was 'bride', Shen Fanxing recalled Liang Chenyi and Zhao Zimo's wedding.

After a while, she dispelled the doubts in her heart. Perhaps it was purely a coincidence, or perhaps the reason for the appearance of this topic was only based on their news.

However, it was indeed understandable that the word "bride" was used as a competition topic.

The stage was huge, and the filming equipment and stage lights were ready. The contestants stood in their positions.

Every contestant had their own examination venue on stage. Everyone had their own makeup room. Everyone's makeup techniques and makeup were absolutely confidential. Only when there were close-ups would there be cameras to explain to the judges.

"Alright, everyone, calm down. Let's give the models some time to change their theme clothes. This is a very important segment. What kind of makeup and what kind of clothes must be matched? The combination of software and hardware is the best…"

"Please return to your own magicians quickly after changing into your beautiful wedding dresses. Let them cast their magic and turn you into the most beautiful brides in the world…"

The host had a beautiful voice and spoke slowly. Coupled with the beautiful music, it was a unique scene.

The curtains on the stage slowly closed, accompanied by beautiful music and the slow and pleasant voice of the host. Then, the curtains slowly opened again.

Every cubicle on stage was in a sealed state. Sometimes, only the models' faces would appear on the big screen, accompanied by the skilled hands of the makeup artists.

The entire competition was filled with mystery and beauty, making everyone present yearn and explore a romantic marriage.

Immersed in this environment, even Shen Fanxing was looking forward to what gown and makeup she would wear for her wedding with Bo Jinchuan.

However, as she thought about it, Bo Jinchuan's tall figure appeared in her mind.

The wait was long. Shen Fanxing was bored out of her mind as she scrolled through the stock market.

However, not long after, she felt a fragrance in front of her. Then, there was an additional person beside her.

Shen Fanxing glanced at her and saw the man looking at her arrogantly.

Her brows twitched slightly. She wanted to turn her head back calmly, but she heard the woman beside her say—

"I didn't expect you to really come today. Did you extend your face for me to slap?"

Sitting beside her was Bei Xi, who had arrived late. She had sat there because she wanted to get closer to Shen Fanxing.

The red dress reminded Shen Fanxing of Yuan Sichun's outfit today.

She couldn't help but chuckle softly. It seemed that the two of them felt that today should be a festive day, so they were all dressed up to show off in front of her.

Her actions were becoming more and more childish.

"Everything can be discussed after the competition results are out, Princess Bei Xi."

Bei Xi snorted coldly and suddenly thought of something.

"Shen, I advise you to give up on Mr. Bo as soon as possible. You don't deserve a genius like him!"

Shen Fanxing felt helpless. It was indeed troublesome for a man to be too outstanding. He was too good at attracting attention.

Pursing her lips tightly, she shifted her gaze back to the stage.

However, Bei Xi did not relent and continued,

"You don't deserve Mr. Bo, and neither does Yuan Sichun!"

"Only a genius like Mr. Bo is worthy of him! You and that stupid woman Yuan Sichun are nothing!"


Shen Fanxing had no idea what she wanted to express.

Since she wasn't fighting for herself, wasn't it a waste of breath to tell her so much?

Seeing how unmoved Shen Fanxing was, Bei Xi's heart swelled with anger.

She hated this woman to death. She would never forget the few slaps she had given her.

One day, she would definitely get it back from her.

Today, she wanted to see the face of a loser.

As time passed, the camera suddenly focused on Liang Chenyi's dressing room. The big screen showed Zhao Zimo with her eyes closed, letting Liang Chenyi's makeup brush dance on her face.

With a smile on her lips, her fair and perfect features looked exceptionally beautiful under the camera.

"Wow, although the makeup isn't done, Zhao Zimo's face is already half the winner."

"That's why you have to find a model with a good foundation. Your impression of her is perfect!"

"I'm looking forward to Zhao Zimo's makeup."

"She must be very beautiful. Look at her now."

The commotion below the stage made Zhao Zimo even happier. She couldn't help but look forward to how she would stand out among all the models after the makeup was done.

Her wedding was in a few days. Her husband had made her the most beautiful bride in the world. Just the thought of it made her excited.

Faced with the commotion below the stage, the host said generously,

"Looks like Teacher Liang's work this year is still highly anticipated and loved. This year is Teacher Liang's third consecutive work. It will be your wedding in a few days. This competition is just right."

With three consecutive crowns as the bride's wedding gift, wouldn't the bride feel very happy?"

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