Panda Novel

Feeling a little disappointed, Lan Xianxian sighed to herself.

What was she doing? She was only helping Ou Ximing today. How could she think of so many irrelevant things?

Seeing Ou Ximing open another set of makeup, and then looking at the two identical makeup boxes, she couldn't help but ask,

"Do you need to bring so many tools for the competition?"

Ou Ximing glanced at the box beside him and shook his head.

"President Shen asked me to prepare one myself. He didn't want me to continue using the previous one."

Lan Qianqian paused for a moment before nodding. "CEO Shen is indeed thoughtful. In such a competition, there are only so many things that competitors can do."

After the car accident two days ago, she only realized the real purpose of the car accident when the media revealed that she was seriously ill.

Someone wanted to ruin Ou Ximing's model, and CEO Shen had asked the hospital to spread the news of her serious illness to make the other party lower their guard. It was also to prevent her from being hurt again before the competition.

Since someone was willing to destroy a person's life in order to win the competition, it was natural to tamper with cosmetics or other places.

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Sometimes, she felt that she could actually take charge, but compared to CEO Shen, she was still too inexperienced.

The competition lasted for two hours.

During the competition, although many people gave up, there were still many people left.

What followed was a dreamy change on the stage.

The lights dimmed slightly. As each compartment moved subtly, a runway slowly formed in the middle.

She could vaguely make out his outline.

Everyone exclaimed in surprise. This year's competition was different from the past.

The host's ethereal voice sounded. "Let's not talk anymore. Let's admire our beautiful brides today!"

Dreamy and beautiful music sounded. An international makeup competition turned into a beautiful and dreamy runway show.

At the end of the runway, a figure swayed slightly. Not long after, the lights above the runway were switched on one by one, creating a dream-like stage effect.

After that, the models slowly went on stage.

All of them were wearing white wedding gowns. Some of them revealed their shoulders, some of them were boldly and seductively dressed in deep V-neck gowns, and some of them wore short skirts that reached their knees. Some of them had long skirts that trailed behind them, and some of them had transparent veils that swayed as they walked.

Every model had a blissful smile on their faces. Everyone was full of confidence and looked like the absolute female lead today.

Every model who walked past had a number tag that symbolized the designer's identity.

Every model and host introduced the participants.

There were only two contestants left, Ou Ximing and Liang Chenyi.

According to the number plate, Ou Ximing was next.

However, when Ou Ximing persuaded Lan Xianxian not to be nervous, the host said,

"Alright, here's the work of Contestant 167. He's Liang Chenyi, the gold medal makeup artist of Lehua Entertainment. He's the exclusive makeup artist of many A-list celebrities and famous ladies. He's the two consecutive champions of our international makeup competition. Is he also the third champion this year? Let's invite the model, Miss Zhao Zimo…"

Ou Ximing's face darkened instantly. If the host had intentionally sided with Liang Chenyi previously and even said that he was thinking too much to make too many people give up the competition, then it was obvious that he was a petty person.

This host was really Liang Chenyi's lackey.

Shen Fanxing lowered her gaze as well. The host stood at the corner of the stage, his gaze sharp and cold.

Applause sounded and a slender figure slowly walked onto the runway.

When she reached the end of the runway, the circle of light hit her.

Everyone couldn't help but exclaim in surprise. They were all stunned by Zhao Zimo.

Zhao Zimo was a goddess in the eyes of many. Be it her temperament or her figure, she had a huge advantage. Coupled with her perfect facial features and light makeup, she was enough to stun everyone.

At this moment, her face was flushed, and her beautiful eyes were covered in makeup. Her almond-shaped eyes were shy, and her pink lips were like peaches. Her makeup looked light, but there were too many things that did not need to be deliberately disguised.

That kind of charm was definitely not something ordinary people could imitate.

What was even more eye-catching was her beautiful wedding gown. The scarf that was as thin as a cicada's wings was fixed at the back of her head, and it was a few meters long.

Holding the white rose in her hand, under the light, her face looked dreamy and beautiful.

She walked slowly, as though there were white lotuses under her feet.

"Oh my god, a fairy has descended…"

"As expected of Teacher Liang. I thought that Zi Mo was already pretty enough. I didn't expect her to still surprise me."

"I really envy Teacher Liang for being able to marry a beauty like Zhao Zimo. She's really… lucky."

Without the host's guidance, the entire venue was filled with applause.

Shen Fanxing applauded generously and nodded. She felt that Zhao Zimo's appearance was not bad.

Liang Chenyi was indeed capable. Otherwise, he wouldn't have relied on his despicable methods to get to where he was today.

A reporter took a photo of Shen Fanxing clapping.

"Looks like Teacher Liang has undoubtedly won the three consecutive championships this year."

"It's indeed stunning. Even Stars International's CEO Shen can't help but applaud."

"Today's outcome has been decided! I really have to congratulate Teacher Liang for winning three consecutive championships. She's an internationally renowned makeup artist and the pride of the country!"

Everyone applauded and congratulated him.

At this moment, Liang Chenyi walked out from the shadows and held Zhao Zimo's hand.

She stood on the stage and bowed to everyone.

"Thank you. Thank you for everyone's trust and support. I'm grateful for that. Of course, there's also my most beautiful bride in the world. Thank you for your support along the way."

After saying that, Liang Chenyi kissed Zhao Zimo's hand.

Applause and whistles sounded from the audience.

Liang Chenyi appeared as the absolute victor.

In the program, only the designer who won the award would have the chance to appear beside the model and enjoy the glory.

Now that he had stepped forward, did he think he was the champion?

Shen Fanxing retracted her hand and looked at Liang Chenyi, who was showing off his affection for Zhao Zimo.

"Can you make way for the venue?"

Her voice wasn't loud, but it was clear and powerful. The noisy hall quietened down and everyone looked at Shen Fanxing.

Everyone's gaze landed on Shen Fanxing, but she didn't seem to feel anything. Instead, she said to the host,

"Is there still one last contestant who hasn't gone on stage?"

###### I

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