Panda Novel

Liang Chenyi smiled with a cold glint in his eyes.

Since he had participated in this competition, he would wait for his career as a makeup artist to end on this stage.

It was as if he was deliberately targeting Ou Ximing.

On the huge runway, there were no changing lights or music.

Even the beautiful and romantic background displayed on the big screen had become a desolate desert.

Occasionally, the wind would blow.

After the screen changed, everyone laughed.

This was blatant sarcasm and humiliation.

He was the finale.

How could they not differentiate?

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Other people's music was melodious and romantic. The background was beautiful and dreamy.

When it came to Ou Ximing, it became a desolate and desolate desert.

Shen Fanxing pressed her lips tightly, but there was a smile on her face. The coldness in her eyes couldn't be concealed.

His faint smile made one shudder.

Faced with such an unexpected situation, she was at a loss for a long time. She knew that Ou Ximing was at a loss.

Just as she was about to stand up and resolve the matter, a slender figure suddenly appeared at the end of the runway. At the same time, a melodious flute sounded in the huge venue.

As someone who knew a little about music, Shen Fanxing was familiar with this song.

The melodious sound of the flute and the yellow sand on the screen complemented each other, giving off an inexplicable sense of tragedy.

At this moment, the figure standing at the end of the runway gradually walked forward.

However, the stage lights were backlit.

"What? I can only see a shadow."

"I can't see his face. What is the lighting technician doing?"

The audience was filled with curiosity and couldn't help but complain. At this moment, the lighting technician seemed to have woken up from a dream as he slowly placed the light on the shadow.

When everyone saw the black shadow clearly, the entire venue gasped.

The sky was filled with yellow sand and there was no one around. Lan Xianxian, on the other hand, was wearing a bright red dress and a simple phoenix hairpin. She held her hands lightly in front of her and a red transparent veil covered her face. As she walked, accompanied by the melodious sound of the flute, she looked exceptionally dazzling on the desolate yellow sofa!

It was a bright red.

It was loneliness, stubbornness, pride, life, hope, and love…

For love, she had traveled a long and arduous journey. For love, she was strong and stubborn. She was not afraid of hardship or danger. For love, hope, and faith, she walked slowly…

Lan Xianxian's figure was graceful and exquisite. When she walked over slowly, her red dress was flamboyant and dazzling. She believed in love and was neither servile nor overbearing.

With the veil covering her face, it added a sense of mystery. She could vaguely see her face under the veil, but she could never see it clearly. It made one's heart itch uncontrollably. She always wanted to see her true face, but she couldn't.

The entire venue fell silent. Everyone watched as the exquisite woman in red slowly walked to the runway. When she got closer, they could see her makeup clearly.

Under the veil, a pair of dark eyes shone brightly. They were neither servile nor overbearing. When she looked at everyone, there was no fluctuation or emotion.

There was a crimson phoenix on her forehead, spreading its wings and giving off a noble and cold aura.

"Oh my god, so… so beautiful…"

"That phoenix on my forehead is really lifelike! It feels real…"

"She's dressed in red and came from the end of the desert. She's simply an immortal…"

"I don't know why, but I feel so impressed and touched. Her eyes made me believe in love again…"

"I really want to see the moment she meets the groom…"

"So beautiful… so beautiful… so beautiful…"

There were murmurs in the venue. It sounded like exclamations, but it wasn't.

In the end, Lan Qianqian stood in front of the runway. Everyone couldn't help but walk forward. They wanted to get closer and take a closer look. It would be best if they could see the glory under the veil.

Liang Chenyi saw Lan Xianxian walking past him with his own eyes. Her graceful figure was wrapped in a red veil, and she looked graceful. Her dark eyes and the phoenix spreading its wings on her forehead were shocking.

He gritted his teeth and looked at Lan Xianxian with malice and anger.

The sound of a flute approached from afar. He turned his head and saw Ou Ximing standing at the side of the runway with a flute in his hand. As he played, his gaze was fixed on Lan Xianxian's figure, his eyes filled with warmth.

At this moment, another gust of wind whistled past the venue. As the wind blew, the red veil on her slender body fluttered gently in the wind. She looked indescribably beautiful.

The people who rushed to the front lay on the stage, changing their positions to see the glory under the veil, but they couldn't.

Especially when a light breeze blew at this moment and the red veil fluttered gently, it made people hold their breaths.

At this point, the gloominess on Shen Fanxing's face finally dissipated. Her lips curled into a smile as she watched the scene on stage.

This appearance was indeed unique.

It seemed that the desert and rumors that someone had created had played a huge role.

At this point, Lan Xianxian was surrounded by so many people and she was starting to feel pressured.

The audience couldn't wait to complain.

"Where's the groom? Where's the groom? Come out quickly!"

"Groom, the bride is here for you! Come out and remove your veil!"

"Bride, what's your name? Where did you come from?"

It was rare to see such a lively atmosphere in the venue. Liang Chenyi and Zhao Zimo were caught off guard by such a reaction.

Zhao Zimo stared at Lan Xianxian, unable to hide the envy and jealousy in her eyes.

The few judges in the judging panel were also affected by the atmosphere. They exchanged glances and nodded at each other, unable to hide their amazement and satisfaction.

Seeing this, Liang Chenyi felt that the outcome today might change!

She couldn't help but say,

"Please understand that this is a makeup competition, not a stage play!"

However, everyone couldn't stop thinking about Lan Xianxian. Someone shouted,

"Where's the groom? If you don't come out, I'll snatch the bride away!"

"Yes! Even if the groom doesn't come out, I'm going to snatch the bride!"

"Bride, come with me! If you come home with me, I can worship you like a fairy…"

The flute paused for a moment. Shen Fanxing looked up at the flustered Ou Ximing and couldn't help but laugh.

How could he mind such a joke?

After some thought, she suddenly stood up and walked towards the stage.

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