
Panda Novel

Bo Jinchuan let her be and went into the kitchen.

Shen Fanxing was dozing off on the sofa. When the fragrance of food wafted out, she sniffed sensitively but she didn't move.

When Bo Jinchuan appeared at the entrance of the restaurant, he was dressed in home clothes and exuded an air of nobility. His presence was exceptionally strong.

"Let's eat."

He spoke, his slender fingers holding two white tissues as he wiped the water stains on his hands elegantly.

Shen Fanxing hugged the pillow and nestled in a corner of the sofa. When she heard the sound, she turned her head and rested her chin on the pillow. She blinked slowly.

She opened her mouth and said in a lazy and gentle voice, "I'm sleepy."

Her long hair was a little messy because of where she had nestled. Now that it was loose on her shoulders, her face looked especially petite and pretty.

Bo Jinchuan tugged gently and strode towards her. "Aren't you hungry?"

Shen Fanxing sniffed again. The aroma of breakfast was indeed alluring.

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"I'm hungry. But I don't want to move."

Bo Jinchuan looked down at the lazy woman lying on the sofa. The gentle smile on his thin lips was indeed alluring.

Shen Fanxing narrowed her eyes and looked up at him. "What should I do? I'm so tired… and hungry?"

"Why don't you sleep? I'll help you eat?"

"But it's uncomfortable to sleep on the sofa."

Shen Fanxing grumbled. He was the one who insisted on bringing her downstairs.

Bo Jinchuan bent down and his domineering aura pressed down on her.

"Where did the sleepyhead come from? I didn't see how sleepy you were in the washroom just now."

The mention of the washroom made Shen Fanxing blush.

She bit her lip, unable to look at him.

Seeing her like this, Bo Jinchuan's lips curled into a smile. He bent down and carried Shen Fanxing from the sofa.

Shen Fanxing grabbed his neck in time and a triumphant smile flashed across her face.

Bo Jinchuan lowered his head and glanced at her. "Why are you so smug?"

Shen Fanxing shook her head and said, "The sofa isn't comfortable at all."

"You looked like you liked her a lot just now."

Shen Fanxing wrapped her arms around his neck and said, "I'm good at adapting. I can make do."

Bo Jinchuan glanced at the leather sofa and said, "It's been hard on you."

Shen Fanxing smiled, her eyes sparkling like the stars in the sky.

Bo Jinchuan lowered his head and planted a kiss on her eyes. Without stopping, he carried her all the way to the dining room.

Looking at the sumptuous breakfast on the table, Shen Fanxing's eyes widened. "You made all of this?"

Bo Jinchuan sat beside her and spread the napkin on her lap. He stuffed the spoon and chopsticks into her hands. "Which eye of yours saw a third person in this apartment?"

Shen Fanxing stirred the porridge with a spoon and asked, "Do you have to be so godly?"

Bo Jinchuan couldn't help but laugh. "You call that God?"

Shen Fanxing nodded.

"Then you have to worship her slowly in the future."

After breakfast, Shen Fanxing was about to go upstairs to sleep when the doorbell rang.

Bo Jinchuan went to open the door. A few seconds later, Yu Song walked in with two people.

Seeing Shen Fanxing standing at the staircase, she greeted her with a smile, "Good morning, Madam."

"Good morning."

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