Panda Novel

"Do you know what a persona is?!"


"Do you know that your image has long collapsed?!"

Yuan Sichun's voice was unusually sharp and irritable. She had lost her patience.

What patience did she have?!

The internet was flooded with news of yesterday's competition.

She was compared to Shen Fanxing openly again!

Without a doubt, she was once again the target of public criticism.

She was criticized by the netizens!

She had become the laughing stock of others time and time again. In the past, she was. Now, it was because of Liang Chenyi!

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She was already extremely annoyed, and now she had to clean up someone else's mess?!

She might as well get lost!

However, the more busy she was, the more chaotic it became. At this moment, there was a knock on the door. The secretary stood at the door with an ugly expression and said,

"CEO Yuan, I've just received a few notifications. The brand has terminated their contract with our artiste."

Yuan Sichun gritted her teeth so hard that her teeth almost shattered. "Which ones?"

The secretary went forward and handed the documents to Yuan Sichun.

When Yuan Sichun saw the document, her face twitched violently.

"What are these?!… These are the few you mentioned?!"

She glared at her secretary and threw the document on the table.

"Not only the new endorsements, but most of the variety shows and scripts have requested to terminate their contracts. Even the brands that we've been working with before have requested to terminate their contracts. How many advertisements has the company assigned to the celebrities? How many do you think there are?!"

"…" The secretary stood rooted to the ground expressionlessly. She was completely indifferent to Yuan Sichun's anger.

Yuan Sichun's face darkened.

There were not many new endorsements that had been discussed recently. She had snatched them from Stars International at the lowest price!

Now, other than those who were filming, almost all of their endorsements had to be terminated…

What happened after the contract was terminated?

How could their company continue to operate?

Now that the contract was terminated, on another level, Lehua Entertainment had become a brand that rejected customers.

Without any endorsements or announcements, what was the point of Lehua Entertainment's existence?!

She couldn't possibly spend money on a bunch of useless people.

Zhao Zimo picked up the document that Yuan Sichun had thrown on the ground. She scanned it carefully and suddenly sneered.

Yuan Sichun glared at her!

"What are you laughing at?!"

The smile on Zhao Zimo's face did not fade.

"Almost all the artistes in the company are facing the crisis of being terminated by the brand and production company. Then… what reason does Lehua Entertainment have to continue existing? Do I have to rely on the few artistes who have just entered filming? Ha, forget it. I think Lehua Entertainment can't even protect itself! Since you don't want to resolve my problem, let's do it this way. It's up to you whether you want to terminate the contract or not. If you don't terminate the contract, I won't have any jobs soon. I can go out and relax."

With that, she gently placed the document on the table with a sarcastic and helpless smile.

Yuan Sichun trembled at Zhao Zimo's words. "What do you mean? Zhao Zimo, are you giving up?"

Zhao Zimo chuckled and shook her head. "Isn't Lehua Entertainment… just a broken jar now? How long do you think it can last in your hands?"

An entertainment company that couldn't even guarantee an artist's announcement was indeed sad.

"Most of the advertisements that the celebrities are filming now were snatched from Stars International, right?"

When Yuan Sichun heard this, her face darkened. She pursed her lips and glared at Zhao Zimo.

Zhao Zimo understood something from her expression. She took a deep breath and shook her head again.

"CEO Yuan, you should know better than anyone that Shen Fanxing from Stars International is not simple-minded and her methods are not simple either. In fact, she has never suffered any losses and is the type to seek revenge for the smallest grievance…"

Hearing Zhao Zimo's words, Yuan Sichun's voice turned cold.

"What do you mean?"

Zhao Zimo smiled and continued,

"You've been snatching endorsements from her artists so frequently recently. Do you think she'll be indifferent?"

Yuan Sichun narrowed her eyes at her. "…But she didn't do anything."

Zhao Zimo suddenly burst out laughing. She crossed her arms and rocked back and forth. "Haven't you realized yet? Shen Fanxing's indifference is her actions. You can snatch it from her. As long as you succeed, you'll lose!"

Yuan Sichun's delicate face was trembling violently.

At this moment, Zhao Zimo realized how stupid and ignorant this woman was.

"This is a war that you started yourself. What do you mean by digging your own grave? This is what you're doing now! I, Zhao Zimo, have never seen such a clear case of self-destruction in my life. My life has not been in vain."


Zhao Zimo's words made the secretary laugh uncontrollably.

She was lucky enough to participate in the scene of self-destruction.

Yuan Sichun slammed the table and stood up. "How good can you be?! What do you mean by I successfully snatched her endorsement? That means I lost? I think you're crazy!"

Zhao Zimo shook her head helplessly and sneered. She pointed at the document on the table and said, "Perhaps I can use a more common term. Do you know what it means to be praised to death?"

Yuan Sichun's expression changed drastically.

"The more you snatch, the more things will rot in your hands in the end! You can't even get back your capital by snatching endorsements at a low price! I'll let you experience the joy of snatching endorsements and make you fall from the clouds…"

"You also used your own people to fight a battle. She won beautifully, but you lost miserably. It was just a makeup competition, but you lost so much at once…"

She paused and seemed to have thought of something. The sarcastic smile on her lips widened. "But I think it's far more than that…"

Glancing at the document again, Zhao Zimo turned and walked towards the office door.

"What will happen next? If you don't believe me, just wait and see. In comparison, CEO Yuan, you're really inferior to Shen Fanxing. You're too inferior."

Think about it carefully. She didn't do anything from the beginning to the end, but you… lost completely!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she reached out to open the office door. When she saw the crowd gathered at the door, she was stunned for a second. Then, she sneered and walked past them.

The few of them took the opportunity to enter Yuan Sichun's office.

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