Panda Novel

"I'll ask Fanxing if she has time… She's going to be a mother soon. It's time to learn how to take care of children."

At this point, Ji Fengmian suddenly sighed.

In her eyes, Fanxing was still a child!

Now, they were all going to be mothers.

Chu Yi frowned deeply. "Are you all going to be mothers?"

"You don't know?"

"Know what?"

Ji Fengmian frowned. "Didn't Fanxing tell you? I thought you brought her Malatang because you knew she was pregnant."

Chu Yi's face was terrifyingly cold. "She's pregnant?"

Ji Fengmian nodded and added, "Yes, twins."

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Chu Yi was speechless.

What had happened recently?

Year of the Pig?

All of them were pregnant?!

Two at a time?!

For some reason, the scene of Shen Fanxing and Bo Jinchuan together flashed across her mind.

These two people…

How hard had he worked to create two people at once?!

She couldn't help but rub her forehead. What was his mother thinking?

Seeing Chu Yi like this, Xu Qingzhi couldn't help but feel pity.

It was indeed a pity to leave such a handsome international actor alone.

And now, she had suffered such a heavy blow…

Her expression of pity and pity was too obvious. As an international award-winning actor, Chu Yi was very sensitive to emotions and expressions. Sensing Xu Qingzhi's expression, his face darkened.

"What kind of expression is that?!"

Why did she pity him for no reason?

"What expression can I have? You're suddenly so fierce… You scared the baby in my stomach!"

Xu Qingzhi seemed to have lost her temper.


Chu Yi's eyelids twitched. Were all pregnant women so shameless?!

No matter what, she was previously one of the top young ladies in Ping Cheng City. Now, she was the boss of a well-known cosmetics brand in the country. Did she lose her mother's intelligence just because she was pregnant?

Ji Fengmian raised an eyebrow.

It was unknown what her attitude was towards the confrontation between the two young men.

The atmosphere fell into a deadlock. At this moment, a servant suddenly appeared. "Miss, there's a guest."

Ji Fengmian didn't even raise his head as he said coldly, "Since you're a guest, let her in."

Although she lived here, she knew better than anyone that this villa was no longer her territory.

That was because there were too many people guarding the villa.

Other than Bo Jinchuan, there were also people from the Chu family. However, most of them were Chu Boyang's real-time surveillance.

She didn't want to see that man, so she turned a blind eye to his unconcealed behavior.

Therefore, there was no threat to her if she said that there was a guest.

At the thought of this, Ji Fengmian suddenly smirked sarcastically.

Even without him, did he think she would be threatened?

Yu Song entered the living room, followed by a few subordinates carrying two huge sacks.

Special Assistant Yu felt that he was really busy.

Master had been busy with such a big case recently. He thought that he would be busy with Master. In the end, he didn't get involved in the recent cases. Instead, there were some inexplicable tasks.

"Hello, Madam. Hello, Miss Xu. Hello, Mr. Chu." The few people behind her placed the two sacks on the ground.

Ji Fengmian glanced at the contrast between the two khaki bags and the modern living room and couldn't help but frown.

"Special Assistant Yu, what are you here for?"

Yu Song said, "My master was worried that Madam would be bored at home alone, so he asked me to ask Miss Xu if she wanted to accompany my wife occasionally. At the same time, he brought something for Mr. Chu."

Chu Yi stood up and walked to Yu Song's side. His gaze landed on the two sacks behind him.

"I don't remember asking your master to bring me anything."

Yu Song chuckled. "Probably… yes."

However, it was better to forget about friendship.

Yu Song's ambiguous words made Chu Yi frown. He walked to the two sacks and kicked them.

It was hard.

"What is it?"

Yu Song turned sideways and signaled to his two subordinates.

Seeing this, the two of them immediately turned around and untied the sack.

Chu Yi went forward to take a look. There were bags of purple objects with a pungent smell.

"Our master said that the effect is better if this thing is minced. Mr. Chu, you can try it if you're free."

Yu Song stood at the side and the corners of his lips twitched. He really didn't understand what kind of bad taste Master had.

What did she mean by giving him onions?

What did he mean by "the best chopping effect"?

Dare I ask what effect it has?!

The effect of blinding people?

Thinking back, he had almost been tortured to death by this inexplicable bad taste. His eyes were so hot that he was about to go blind…


Yu Song's heart skipped a beat.

A bold guess suddenly flashed across his mind.

But it couldn't be. Was Master so… childish?

She was really jealous.

Oh my God!

Master, do you know that your image in my heart has completely collapsed?

The effect was even better!

Chu Yi cursed in his heart. What effect did he want?!

The cold energy emanating from Chu Yi sent chills down her spine.

Yu Song silently took two steps away and looked at Xu Qing. "Miss Xu, are you free now?"

Xu Qingzhi nodded nonchalantly. "Sure."

"Carry them away," Chu Yi ordered coldly.

Yu Song looked troubled. "Mr. Chu, this is a gift from our master. I hope you can accept it. If you insist on returning it, Master said that you can only return it to him after you've chopped it up."

"…" Yu Song's eyelids twitched and the veins on his forehead popped.

Yu Song didn't dare to stay any longer and ran out of the Chu family mansion with Xu Qingzhi.

When Yu Song brought Xu Qingzhi back to the apartment, Shen Fanxing was still nestled on the sofa.

When she opened the door and saw Xu Qingzhi, her eyes lit up.

"Why are you here?!"

"Your Mr. Bo is worried that you're bored and ordered me to relieve your boredom."

Shen Fanxing glanced at Yu Song and believed him without hesitation.

She believed everything about Mr Bo's meticulousness.

"Your husband is really jealous. Do you know what he got his assistant to give Chu Yi today?"

Shen Fanxing blinked and asked, "Two sacks?"


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