Stop Messing Around, Mr Bo!

Chapter 887 - Falling Out

At the mention of their childhood, Mrs Bo was obviously interested.

She covered her mouth and laughed, her eyes turning into crescents.

Shen Fanxing looked at her and her heart softened.

Putting aside Yuan Sichun's intention to talk about the past that she wasn't involved in, her topic resonated with everyone.

One could tell from Mother Bo's reaction.

In the eyes of all women in this world, there was nothing more important than a husband and children.

Yuan Sichun was good at finding topics.

It was no wonder her mother hated her.

"What did Brother Bo say?"

Yuan Sichun asked curiously. Even Bo Jinghang couldn't help but prick up his ears.

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"Jingchuan said that the longer Jinghang grows, the cuter he becomes. He's not as tender and chubby as before. He's angry that he didn't grow well and instead became more and more ugly. He looks like he deserves a beating…"



After Mother Bo finished speaking, the living room fell silent.

Then, Yuan Sichun laughed softly.

She looked in Bo Jinchuan's direction and smiled sweetly.

"I didn't expect… such a cute reason…"

Bo Jinchuan pursed his lips, his expression calm.

On the other hand, Bo Jinghang looked as though he had been struck by lightning.

"What?! The longer I grow, the more crippled I become? Who said that? I'm handsome and suave now. I'm simply a walking heartthrob. How am I crippled?!"

Although he sounded a little shameless, he had to admit that what he said was the truth.

How bad could the Bo family's genes be?

Bo Jinghang pointed at his handsome face and asked the servant, "Am I disabled?"

The young servant blushed and shook her head.

Then, she looked at Yuan Sichun and asked, "Am I disabled?"

Yuan Sichun pursed her lips and shook her head. "Second Young Master is very handsome."

Bo Jinghang looked at his mother with an aggrieved and hopeful expression.

Lou Ruoyi nodded. "She's not as cute as when she was young, but she's still very outstanding now."

Bo Jinghang's face fell and he turned to look at Shen Fanxing, placing all his hopes on her.


Shen Fanxing smiled and said, "Yes, Second Young Master is extremely charming now."

Bo Jinghang's eyes lit up, but Shen Fanxing's next sentence made his expression sink.

"But she's indeed not as cute as when she was young."

Yuan Sichun smiled and said, "In that case, many years have passed. It's a pity that I don't have any memories. All these years, I can't remember what Brother Bo and Jinghang looked like when they were young."

Lou Ruoyi smiled gently and said nothing.

Bo Jinghang was still immersed in his sorrow. His lips trembled as he looked at Shen Fanxing.

"You… You've never seen me when I was young…"

Shen Fanxing didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"I've seen it before."

"…Huh?" Bo Jinghang was stunned.

Bo Jinchuan turned to look at her and asked, "You've seen her before?"

Yuan Sichun frowned and suddenly chuckled. "Sister-in-law, when have we met? I'm sorry, I don't seem to remember knowing you when I was young."

Shen Fanxing glanced at her and said calmly,

"I've seen Jinghang before. What does it have to do with whether you've seen me or not?"

Yuan Sichun's expression froze and she looked straight at Shen Fanxing. Her eyes were filled with amusement as she said, "I grew up with Brother Bo and Jinghang. I know who and what happened to them. You said you've seen him…"

Shen Fanxing smiled and nodded in understanding. "It's all in the past. Let's talk about the past today…"

She paused and looked at Yuan Sichun, who had an ugly expression on her face. She smiled and said slowly, "It's just that I have too many memories and they have turned into memories…"

What was nostalgia?

She missed the past!

Yuan Sichun's face turned completely cold.

Bo Jinghang raised an eyebrow and pursed his lips, looking convinced.

"I don't know much about their past, but I saw a photo of the brothers at Grandma's place not long ago. They looked very cute when they were babies, especially when they were naked, revealing their chubby and tender baby flesh…"

"Right? The two brothers were really cute when they were young, right?"

Lou Ruoyi turned her body slightly and looked at Shen Fanxing energetically.


Bo Jinchuan frowned and asked, "You saw Bo Jinhang naked?"

Something flashed across Shen Fanxing's eyes and she pursed her lips as though she had recalled something.

Bo Jinchuan was so angry that he pinched her waist.

Shen Fanxing shivered and said, "I'll go to the kitchen to help make lunch."

She broke free from Bo Jinchuan's embrace and walked towards the kitchen.

After Shen Fanxing left, Yuan Sichun looked at Bo Jinchuan and said softly,

"Brother Bo, I heard that all of you will be returning to Ping Cheng in a few days… How long will you be staying there?"

"Watch Grandpa."

Bo Jinchuan's gaze was fixed on the kitchen as he walked towards it.


All her attention was on Shen Fanxing. From the beginning to the end, she didn't even look at her. Yuan Sichun bit her lips tightly as she sat there with a pale face.

What did he want her to do?

Only then could he look at her?

The moment Shen Fanxing entered the kitchen, the servants were shocked.

She hurried to greet Shen Fanxing before chasing her out.

"Miss Shen, please leave quickly. The kitchen smells bad again…"

"It's okay, I have nothing to do now. I'll help you."

Shen Fanxing would rather stay in the kitchen than listen to Yuan Sichun talk about her and Bo Jinchuan's past.

Although she was disdainful, she couldn't interrupt.

"Oh my god, I'm begging you. Young Master can't stand the smell of oil and smoke. You're covered in it now. Later… Young Master will despise you…"

Shen Fanxing's lips tightened.

Were the people from Hong Kong too straightforward, or were the people from the Bo family so…

"Hurry up and go out. If you have any instructions, just call the kitchen. Don't get covered in oil and smoke…"

In the kitchen, Aunt Zhao hurriedly chased them out with a fearful expression.

Just as she pushed Shen Fanxing away, she saw her noble young master walking into the kitchen.

The busy servants in the kitchen panicked. After working in the Bo family for so many years, this was the first time they had seen Young Master enter the kitchen!

Shen Fanxing glanced at him before turning her face away.

Everyone in the kitchen instantly understood that Miss Shen had fallen out with Young Master.

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