Yuan Sichun shook her head and said, "This gown must be very fitting. Sister-in-law has a good figure. Why don't you give it a try?"

Shen Fanxing shifted and her gaze swept across the dress in her hand. Her smile became even more sarcastic.

"Miss Yuan is beautiful, her skin is smooth, and her figure is excellent. I'm sure you'll stun everyone when you wear it."

Yuan Sichun shook her head. She wasn't angry at Shen Fanxing's spinning ball. Instead, she said calmly,

"I like it a lot, but… I was born in the Yuan family after all. Although I don't think it's a big deal, many people are paying attention to it. There are too many rules in the family, and I still have to take over the Yuan family in the future. Naturally, I can't make mistakes just because I admit my mistakes. Actually, I envy you most of the time. You're not so restrained and particular. For example, I like this dress, but I can't wear it. Sister-in-law is different…"

Shen Fanxing listened to her quietly, feeling increasingly amused.

"Yes, I think your life is indeed quite depressing. I also think that you value the Yuan family too much…"

Yuan Sichun smiled and fiddled with the dress in her hand. "You're not me. You're just like the others. They're all envious of me for being born into a wealthy family, but there are more things that you can't imagine…"

"You're thinking too much. I'm not envious of you."

Shen Fanxing interrupted her with a smile, "Miss Yuan, aren't you saying that you're unlucky to be born in an imperial family? Of course, it's a little exaggerated to describe the Yuan family as an imperial family."

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Yuan Sichun paused for a moment before saying with a smile, "I naturally know that the Yuan family can't compare to the imperial family, but it's good that Sister-in-law understands what I mean. The Yuan family can't compare to the superior, but it's still more than enough to compare to the inferior."

Shen Fanxing nodded and said, "I understand what you mean. That's why I told you just now that you think too highly of the Yuan family. You think that the Bo family can't compare to your Yuan family."

The smile on Yuan Sichun's face faded and her eyes narrowed.

"When did I say that?"

"In the end, aren't you looking down on me? What should I do? The person you're looking down on will be the young mistress of the Bo family in the future. Your Yuan family's future head looks down on me, the future mistress of the Bo family. Isn't it because the Bo family can't compare to your Yuan family?"

Yuan Sichun widened her eyes and glared at Shen Fanxing angrily. Then, she turned to look at Lou Ruoyi and smiled.

"Sister-in-law, what's the point of misinterpreting my meaning? Who doesn't know what kind of family background the Bo family has? I naturally don't dare to be compared to the Bo family, but if I don't dare, then I'm afraid you can't… As for the future mistress of the Bo family… Ha, you're thinking too far ahead…"

Shen Fanxing nodded and said, "You're thinking too far ahead. However, everyone in this circle knows that I'm the fiancée of the young master of the Bo family. No matter what, I'm the face of the Bo family. The Yuan family has a lot of businesses and you have no choice. The Bo family's face can't compare."


Yuan Sichun had no intention of letting Shen Fanxing have the dress. She just wanted to borrow something to let Shen Fanxing know her place. It would be best if she was willing to try it on and wear it at the banquet.

The future young mistress of the Bo family had appeared in front of everyone. So what if Brother Bo liked her? She was not presentable and had lost the Bo family's face. It was impossible for her to enter the Bo family.

However, she guessed that Shen Fanxing wouldn't be so brainless. She really couldn't think of these questions.

She knew very well that Shen Fanxing couldn't be underestimated.

Hence, she didn't think too much about the rest.

However, this woman didn't have any self-awareness at all. Instead, she was being unreasonable.

Unable to continue the topic, Yuan Sichun kept the dress with a straight face.

At that moment, Lou Ruoyi walked over.

From afar, she saw the two of them standing face to face for a long time. How was that good?

"What are you guys talking about?"

Yuan Sichun smiled and said, "It's nothing…"

Shen Fanxing smiled and pointed at the dress in Yuan Sichun's hand.

"Mom, Miss Yuan recommended a gown for me. She said it suits me very well. What do you think?"

The smile on Yuan Sichun's face froze. She didn't know whether to put the dress down or not.

In the end, Shen Fanxing took the dress and showed it to Lou Ruoyi.

Lou Ruoyin smiled and turned to look at the dress. The smile on her face disappeared instantly.

Yuan Sichun's heart skipped a beat. "Auntie…"

"Sichun." Lou Ruoyi's expression was cold and her tone was unusually cold. "You said that this gown suits her?"

"Auntie, I was just joking with Sister-in-law…"

"You're joking with someone you've only known for a few days?" Lou Ruoyi's cold gaze landed on Yuan Sichun. "No matter what, I've watched you grow up. I understand that you're not someone who jokes with others."

"Do you know what the consequences will be if this gown is worn at Fanxing's banquet? She's now holding the title of Jinchuan's fiancée. If she really wears this gown to the banquet, not only will she lose her sense of propriety and face, but the Bo family's reputation as well. More importantly, what will others think of Jinchuan? Will she find a gaudy nightclub girl to be her wife?"

Yuan Sichun bit her lips lightly and said, "Auntie, Sister-in-law is such a transparent person. How could she really choose this dress? I didn't think too much back then, so I used it to joke with her… After all, we still have to get along in the future. I just want to find a topic to improve our relationship…"

Lou Ruoyi looked at her deeply, her gaze exceptionally cold and sharp.

It was as if she wanted to see through Yuan Sichun.

Shen Fanxing smirked coldly and said, "In terms of thoroughness, I can't compare to Miss Yuan. But perhaps Miss Yuan didn't mean it."

Yuan Sichun's eyelids twitched. She refused to believe that Shen Fanxing would speak up for her.

Indeed, Shen Fanxing paused before saying,

"At first, Miss Yuan said that she liked this dress. However, the Yuan family's business is too big and there are too many restrictions. There are too many things that we have no choice but to do. We have to consider the reputation of the Yuan family. Naturally, we can't wear such a scandalous dress…"

The corners of Yuan Sichun's lips twitched as she looked up at Shen Fanxing, who was smiling innocently.

This woman, she knew it!

When Lou Ruoyi heard this, her expression turned even colder. "You can think of the Yuan family's reputation, but you didn't think of the Bo family? Sichun, so the Bo family is nothing in your eyes, right?"

Yuan Sichun shook her head repeatedly. "No, Auntie. I only brought it out as a joke because I knew that Sister-in-law wouldn't really want it…"

Shen Fanxing turned to the salesperson and said, "I want this dress."

( ̄)

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