Stop Messing Around, Mr Bo!

Chapter 902 - What Is That?

"You're calling me wretched?"

"Don't all sleazy men like to see women wearing these sexy clothes? Didn't you have no women before? Now that you've tasted the sweetness inside, you've tasted it. Don't tell me you'll have feelings for other women in the future?"

Bo Jinchuan's eyes darkened and his lips curled.

That sinister smile sent chills down Shen Fanxing's spine.

The man suddenly reached out and planted a kiss on her lips. Then, he looked up at her with a dangerous smile. "Do you know that I love you?"

Shen Fanxing stared at him warily.

Why did she suddenly mention this?

"What… do you want to say?"

The smile on Bo Jinchuan's face deepened as he planted kisses on her face.

His low and hoarse voice sounded in the room. "I love you so much. Since you said that I'm wretched, if I don't act wretched, wouldn't your words be in vain?"

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"As long as you say so, as long as I can do it, I'll give it to you."

Shen Fanxing was kissed by the man and her thoughts gradually drifted away. For some reason, the atmosphere became warmer under his gentle kiss.

Feeling dizzy from the kiss, she pushed Bo Jinchuan away.

"I was wrong. I was wrong. You're not wretched. You're not wretched at all."

Bo Jinchuan stared at her with displeasure in his eyes.

Seeing his expression, Shen Fanxing wanted to retreat. However, she leaned forward and planted a kiss on his lips.

"The word wretched only describes ugly people. You're so good-looking, so of course you're not wretched."

Bo Jinchuan asked, "What's that?"

Shen Fanxing's eyelids twitched as she stared at him with sparkling eyes.

Bo Jinchuan wanted to kiss her again.

Shen Fanxing tilted her head and placed her hand on his shoulder. "You're handsome. You're always exuding the temptation of male hormones!"

Bo Jinchuan smiled and asked, "Temptation? Are you tempted?"

Shen Fanxing nodded. "Of course!" Seeing that the man was about to pounce on her, she hurriedly said,

"I'm hungry."

Bo Jinchuan paused and looked at her deeply. He wanted to let go of her, but he was unwilling. In the end, he bent down and kissed her ruthlessly!

He didn't let go of her until she couldn't breathe and started to struggle against his shoulders.

Looking at her flushed cheeks and red lips, he finally got up in satisfaction.

"Go wash up. Breakfast is ready."

Shen Fanxing nodded. After Bo Jinchuan left, she lifted the blanket and walked into the washroom.

Looking at the marks on her body through the mirror, Shen Fanxing reached out to cover them. However, there was no point. She shook her head helplessly and started washing up.

The hotel's dining table was on the balcony. Not long after the breakfast delivery service left, the doorbell rang again.

Bo Jinchuan frowned slightly.

The moment the door opened, Yuan Sichun was stunned when she saw how handsome and familiar the man was.

Bo Jinchuan was still wearing the same clothes as yesterday. As he rarely wore the same clothes, it didn't matter if they were wrinkled or not. Now that he had casually put them on, they were wrinkled and messy. The two buttons on his collar weren't buttoned either.

The usually noble and elegant man now looked dejected and sexy, with a unique charm.

She suddenly recalled the shirt Shen Fanxing had bought for him yesterday.

She wondered how the shirt that looked frivolous would smell when he wore it.

Even though she was mentally prepared, Yuan Sichun's expression froze after a short daze.

After a long while, she forced an ugly smile and looked up at the man.

"Good morning, Brother Bo."

Bo Jinchuan's expression turned cold as he glanced at Lan Xianxian.

Lan Xianxian hurriedly lowered her head. "Hello, Brother Bo… I… I'm looking for Fanxing…"


Bo Jinchuan replied before shifting his gaze to Yuan Sichun.

He didn't say anything, but his domineering aura became even more oppressive.

Yuan Sichun bit her lips tightly and took a deep breath before looking up and smiling generously.

"I know that Auntie and Sister-in-law are here. I've made seafood mushroom soup and sent it over for them to try…"

It was obviously made specially for him. Taking advantage of the time when Shen Fanxing was throwing a tantrum, it would be good if he knew that she was doing well.

However, she had been preparing since last night. This morning, she woke up and cooked for more than three hours.

When she reached the Bo residence happily, he wasn't there…

When Bo Jinghang said that he was here to look for Shen Fanxing, she even looked forward to it. She hoped that he would go on a business trip because of work.

However, the truth was right before her eyes…

Bo Jinchuan's gaze landed on the thermos flask in her hand as he recalled the hungry woman.

Perhaps she would like the taste.

After pondering for a while, she let Yuan Sichun in. Lan Xianxian followed behind.

She placed the thermos on the coffee table in the living room and looked at the pillow on the floor. She picked it up and placed it on the sofa.

Then, she smiled graciously at Bo Jinchuan.

"Sister-in-law, are you still asleep? I made this soup at five. It tastes good. Brother Bo, do you want to drink some first?"

Bo Jinchuan walked over and buttoned his shirt. He looked at the steaming thermos and sat down on the sofa opposite.

Yuan Sichun poured some out of the cup and placed a silver spoon in the bowl before placing it in front of Bo Jinchuan.

"Try it?"

Bo Jinchuan pressed his lips and didn't move. He lowered his gaze and adjusted his sleeves.

"Thank you for attending tonight's banquet."

Bo Jinchuan's low and elegant voice sounded calmly. After careful consideration, it sounded distant.

Yuan Sichun bit her lips and looked at the soup that he had no intention of touching. Hearing his distant words, her heart ached again.

"This is nothing. Brother Bo, don't be so polite to me…"

Bo Jinchuan remained expressionless. He was a man of few words. After Yuan Sichun finished speaking, he didn't say anything else.

The living room fell silent.

The atmosphere was extremely awkward.

It was obvious that she was sending him off.

Yuan Sichun bit her lips tightly. Although it was awkward, she didn't want to give up the chance to be with Bo Jinchuan.

"By the way, Brother Bo, are you and Sister-in-law… alright?"

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