Panda Novel

Before Lan Yingying could finish speaking, her face was slapped.

Water splashed everywhere.

Everyone drew in a sharp breath.

Shocked by Shen Fanxing's sudden appearance, he retracted his glass calmly.

Lan Xianxian was also shocked and quickly went forward to grab her arm. Even though she looked afraid, she still wanted to shield her.

Shen Fanxing's heart softened.

When Grandpa had pushed Lan Xianxian to her side, she had rejected him.

Other than her own matters, she had never had the habit of interfering with others.

Recently, she seemed to have gotten used to it.

Bo Jinchuan, who was walking up slowly, could sense the change in her eyes.

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Her lips twitched slightly.

What a sentimental little woman.

Lan Yingying's face was splashed with water. She wanted to wipe it off, but she didn't dare to do so out of habit. Her makeup was still on, and it would be smudged if she wiped it.

Fortunately, she was afraid of getting dizzy, so she took off her makeup and bought high-quality waterproof makeup.

Otherwise, she would embarrass herself today.

Even if she had to strip naked, she couldn't let anyone see her without makeup.

"What are you doing?!"

She blinked and forced her eyes open. When she saw the empty glass in Shen Fanxing's hand, she screamed.

Shen Fanxing retracted her glass indifferently and said, "Let's see what right you have to call others ugly."

Yuan Sichun, who had been splashed by Shen Fanxing on Lan Yingying's face, had one of her eyes splashed.

When she heard Shen Fanxing's words, she frowned and felt that something was amiss.


"Oh my god…"

"It's really… ugly."

"That face looks so dirty…"

"How dare you call her ugly? Who gave her the courage?"

"Of course. Cosmetics. The current makeup skills are comparable to plastic surgery!"

Lan Yingying's hair was wet and stuck to her face in a sorry state. The heavy makeup on her face that matched her style today was slowly smudged and flowed down along with the liquid. The thick foundation makeup on her face was like an ink painting that was smudged irregularly. It was mixed with black eyeliner and colorful eye shadow. The water flowed down her face and landed on her sharp chin before it landed on her chest.

The dirty water dripping on the bright yellow fabric of the cheongsam was exceptionally eye-catching.

Then, she looked at his face. There were many obvious potholes that could be seen with the naked eye. There were also light brown spots on both sides of his cheeks. The dark circles under his eyes and the bags under his eyes were obvious. Without the shadow of the sun, his nose looked a little sunken.

Because she had been using cosmetics all year round, her face was pale and she looked haggard.

There were traces of makeup on her face, but she could still see her face clearly.

Compared to her exquisite makeup, how could she be described as ugly?

When Shao Ziqian, who had been standing beside her, saw her like that, he suddenly let go of her body with an ugly expression.

Although he had been dating her, he had never seen her remove her makeup.

According to what she had said previously, she had put on makeup because she cared about him. Every time they met, she wanted to give him her perfect appearance.


Furthermore, every time she was unwell, every time she was sick, she was innocent and pitiful. He had never seen her like this today.

Now that she thought about it, how many times had she felt uncomfortable and innocent?

Was she putting on a pale and weak makeup to win his pity?

He even thought of every time they made love. At the thought of how she looked under her makeup, he felt nauseous.


Shao Ziqian suddenly turned to look at Lan Xianxian. Anyone with a discerning eye could tell that she had good skin. Her supple and tender skin could not be enhanced even with the best cosmetics.

When he saw her previously, she still had bangs. Although she had her head lowered, he could still see her fair face without any makeup.

Other than the birthmark in the wrong place, her skin, facial features, figure, and even temperament were all excellent.

Now that the birthmark was covered, it formed a beautiful pattern. Compared to Lan Yingying's face, the difference was like heaven and earth.

Seeing the timid but stubborn expression on her face, Shao Ziqian's heart skipped a beat. He really had the urge to cherish her.

The discussion made Lan Yingying frown. However, when she saw Shen Fanxing's faint smile, she couldn't help but roar,

"Are you crazy?!"

Something fell from her eyes and blocked her vision. Puzzled, she reached out to touch it.

Puzzled, she took it down and took a closer look. It was actually a fake eyelash.

Lan Yingying was stunned for a moment before she screamed and covered her face with her hands.

"Don't look! Get lost! Don't look at me!"

How did this happen?

Her cosmetics were the best, so how could she be so dizzy after being splashed with water?

It was only when the faint scent of makeup wafted into her nose that she snapped out of her trance.

Makeup remover!


She had been splashed with makeup remover in public!

"Don't look! Ah!! Don't look anymore!"

Lan Yingying screamed hysterically!

Yuan Sichun finally reacted and hurriedly covered her eyes.

She gritted her teeth in anger at Shen Fanxing's actions.

"Sister-in-law, how important is a girl's image? You actually want to splash makeup on her. You… aren't you going overboard?!"

The surrounding people couldn't help but take a few steps back.

"It's too scary to splash makeup!"

"Fortunately, I wasn't affected."

"Which woman doesn't wear makeup now? To be splashed with makeup… This woman is too ruthless."

Hearing what the people around her said, Lan Yingying covered her face and sobbed.

Faced with everyone's criticism, Shen Fanxing stood there calmly and looked at Lan Yingying coldly.

"Which woman doesn't wear makeup? That's right. Not only women wear makeup, but men do too. Beauty is what everyone wants and pursues."

Makeup was a form of self-cultivation, a form of respect for others, and a form of self-confidence given to her by a woman. A woman's makeup was like eating, and her clothes were as ordinary and ordinary. Since you could choose to use makeup to cover up your shortcomings, what right did you have to force others to expose their privacy? What was that on Lan Xian's forehead? What did your face look like? Just because she didn't obediently serve as a supporting role for you today and stole the limelight from you, you embarrassed her like this? Miss Lan, aren't you being too low-class?"

Hearing this, Lan Yingying stopped sobbing.

"When did I ask her to be my green leaf…"

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