Storm of Kings

Chapter 205: Block back 2 times!

Zhou Lie looked at Gongye Weiwei and asked, "What's going on? Ruan Yizhu... is actually Xiaoya?"

"Yes, Qin Xiaoya, she swears to stay with Ruan Fusheng. However, she has lost her love..." Gong Ye Weiwei clenched her fists to get up, but the loss of the battle was so great that she could only watch. Xiaoya rushed to Jinguang.

You Shaolong collapsed to the ground and gasped violently: "What a powerful lion, I can't even handle Zhao Yishi's mount. When can I lead the You family to fight against the Zhao family?"

"You two, be careful!" Zhou Lie's voice was still in his ears, and the water surged like ten thousand horses.

In a moment, a loud rumbling noise covered this place. A surprising scene appeared. The big water suddenly turned into ice thorns, and the thick ice thorns continued to extend, enclosing the lion.

The current surged and brought Qin Xiaoya back.

Zhou Lie quickly grabbed Gong Ye Weiwei and You Shaolong, raised his arm and threw the two out, just falling into the water, leaving with Ying'er, and he was in charge of the queen.

"Roar..." In a blink of an eye, the green lion smashed the ice thorns and rushed out of Yinger's blockade.

As the sea water poured in, Zhou Lie took a deep breath and instantly fell into the majestic water.

He did not leave, but closed his eyes to feel the power of the sea, slowly raised the epee in his hand and pointed it straight at the invincible green lion.

"Roar..." With just a lion roar, a large amount of sea water was discharged, his tall body began to swell, and his injuries were quickly recovering.

In an instant, the Green Lion rushed towards Zhou Lie.

No matter how weird this kid is, he can't escape the next mighty impact.

Zhou Lie extended his mind and felt the pulse of the sea with all his strength.

Waves, ocean currents, turbulences, jets, mixed currents, every wave of waves forms ripples and maps them into my mind. I vaguely feel that the mighty power that governs the sea comes from the sky. Is that the moon?

"The power of the moon causes the tides? And the power of the earth! Enough, enough, the field of power is really wonderful." Zhou Lie sighed and cleaved the heavy sword in his hand.


Lishi's eyes widened and felt the sea jump. Immediately afterwards, he seemed to hit the city wall, how did he rush over? Just as he flew back, his forehead suddenly split, and the blood stained his vision.


Qing Shi was furious, this kid probably didn't even reach the possessive period, how could he stop him from charging forward? Even if it is indeed a little tired after repeated consumption, it is not something that such a humble cultivation base can intercept.

Zhou Lie wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said secretly: "Fortunately, you can use the sea as a backing and a huge sword as a shield when you are on the bottom of the sea. A green lion rushing over is equivalent to hitting the sea. Terror, the more overbearing the recoil force received."

"Roar..." Qing Shi did not think calmly, but was occupied by anger, and in just a moment he rushed up again in an overwhelming manner.

"Okay, okay, okay! That's it, that's it, use your strength to attack the other's shield with the spear of the other." Zhou Lie was right, and at this moment he mustered up great courage to face the invincible enemy.

Although it was clear in his heart that it was too difficult to kill this green lion, but this did not prevent him from sticking to it, so as to hone his strong belief in not letting the enemy take a half step.


The seabed cracked open, and the huge impact force dissipated towards the surroundings, forming a diplomatic tsunami in the sea. Zhou Lie slid out dozens of meters away, coughing up blood in his mouth, but he was laughing, laughing, arrogant!

In order to prevent this blow, he used the power of hundreds of millions of tons of sea water and increased the weight of the giant sword. In the confrontation, his faith did not waver.

Successful, he finally succeeded! The green lion, which can be described as majestic, was blocked by him again, and a more terrifying crack appeared on the huge lion head, looking very embarrassed.

"Twice? This kid actually blocked me twice?"

Li Shi shook his head vigorously, and finally was beaten sober, and found himself so stupid. This kid is on the defensive from start to finish, and with the weight of that black sword, it must be very difficult to move.

In addition, during the two impacts, the sea will jump heavily, indicating that this kid is leveraging his strength to fight, relying on a strong enough giant sword in his hand.

The solution is very simple, just go around him or approach it slowly.

"Roar, bug tricks, I'm so angry!" The blue lion reacted with anger, but he wouldn't crash like he did just now. It was simply hitting himself, it was all the trick of the kid in front of him.

Zhou Lie chuckled, knowing that this big guy would not be hit again, raised his **** at the green lion, and his body suddenly sank downward.

"Mother, I can't beat it, can't I run?"

"Roar..." The green lion was angrily, rushing up like a dog digging a hole, frantically digging into the mud, and digging out the kid if he said anything.

The giant sword continued to aggravate the falling of the rubble, just opening up a channel for Zhou Lie to dive! The depth of three to four hundred meters arrived in an instant. He kicked the hilt down hard and tilted the sword body to an angle. After sliding for more than two hundred meters, he was shocked to find that the lion did not give up, but he chased it down~www! You are a lion, not a groundhog. "

Zhou Lie was slandering, feeling that the vibration was approaching rapidly, he hurriedly adjusted the angle of the sword body and continued to flee deep underground.

"Roar..." The green lion released a golden demon gas, causing its body to forcibly squeeze into the soil. He stopped chasing his sister Xiaoya and killed his relatives. Instead, he took Zhou Lie as the target of the chase, and vowed that he would not kill this kid.

Zhou Lie frowned, thinking: "Damn it, it seems that I irritated this lion so hard, how deep did it go into the ground? Was that head kicked by a donkey? Why didn't I know to give up?"

Suddenly, Zhou Lie was surprised, something prevented the heavy sword from sinking.

"Hey? Is it possible to meet a baby?"

When the thought was flashing, his feet fell again, and at the same time he heard a sound, the epee led him through a geode.

The hardness of the crystal is very high, so the epee paused just now.

The cave is full of poisonous gas, the eyes are pitch black and quiet, and there seems to be a giant beast crouching in the darkness, focusing on the intruder.

Zhou Lie moved slowly, using the tip of his sword to draw sparks on the ground.

The moment the sparks flashed, he saw a large number of crystals with the thickness of the wrists and associated minerals of various colors, and the whole geode was occupied by the branches and eight warps.

Feeling that the vibrations outside will take a while to get closer, Zhou Lie took this opportunity to ask Shao Yong, "Is the ancestor here? Where do you always think is your birthplace? It's not a problem to run into the ground like this? I go up from the ground. Must not be exhausted?"

Shao Yong replied after a while: "Use your tenacity to slowly refine, you are inconvenient to move underground, but the big lion is even more inconvenient to move. Remember, no matter when it comes, this sword is yours. Shengmen. It's better to ask, and fight this lion with your heart!"

"Diligently?" Zhou Lie was thoughtful, feeling that he had grasped the key.

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