Storm of Kings

Chapter 282: Before leaving

"Where is this?" Wang Ziqing couldn't help but be surprised when he looked at the surrounding landscape like ink paintings.

   Suddenly someone next to him replied: "This is the second volume of Xuanpian."

   "Huh? Sister Honghua?" Wang Ziqing was very surprised. Standing next to him was a small woman, Saffron, the original owner of the copper incense burner.

   "Go, there is a pavilion on the mountain, let's go and take a look." Saffron didn't seem so autistic, and took the initiative to take Wang Ziqing's hand and walk towards the mountain road.

   The two climbed up the steps, and soon came to the pavilion. They saw Zhou Liezheng and a red-faced old man sitting in the pavilion talking.

   "Are you here?" The old white beard smiled slightly and waved to the second girl.

   "Zhou Lie, this is amazing! Do people really have a soul? The ancestor actually attached the soul to the second volume of Zhixuan Chapter." Wang Ziqing looked at Chen Tuan in surprise, unbelievable.

Zhou Lie shook his head and said, "What you see may not be true. Sometimes the human brain deceives the eyes, and the eyes deceive the brain as well. ."

   "Wisdom and this heart?" Wang Ziqing chewed the meaning.

   At this time, Zhou Lie continued: "The ancestor Chen Tuan was a very interesting ancient person and a pioneering wise man. He left a guide to help future generations to open the door. You can ask if you have any questions."

Saffron looked at Chen Tuan's ancestor, and suddenly asked: "What on earth am I? Is it a ghost? Can I recover my body? If I am just an impression in Ziqing's heart, why is it so realistic? I always have my own thoughts. , And know how to use that copper incense burner?"

The ancestor Chen Tuan didn't know where to get a feather fan, fanned it lightly, and pretended to be Zhuge Liang and said, "Hey, since it's so stable and independent thinking, let's keep going! Your eyes should look forward. , In the future you will be one of the rain masters. Interesting, interesting, some people will leave marks in the years even if they are gone! The thin shoulders have to bear so many burdens stubbornly, this kind of achievement will only be possible in the future Only the blood of a saint can do it."

   "Rainmaster? Saint blood?" The saffron was like falling into the cloud, and she looked at Zhou Lie for answers.

"Ziqing, your spirit is being stimulated and is splitting, and you will not be limited to saffron alone. In the future, you will resurrect the identified companions around you in the way you imagine. This will bring a great burden to your spirit, but there are also A rare benefit is to draw strength from these comrades in arms, and one person is equivalent to a team."

   Zhou Lie paused and said with emotion: "Many people have obsessions, and your obsession is not to let people around you die."

   The prince stood there blankly, and said in a daze: "Yes! Many people have died, I hope they live happily, instead of suddenly turning into dust and flying with the wind."

Zhou Lie nodded and said: "Your mood is understandable, but it will be quite unfavorable for you to develop in this situation, so I want to teach you a method to strengthen your spiritual power, which can generate wisdom through concentration, just like ancient sitting meditation. Let you know your mind and know what you are doing, and maybe one day you can reach the level I hope for."

   Chen Tuan's ancestor said with emotion, "You want to break up the Xuxuan Zi Zen art and extract the part of the meditation? This requires constant experimentation, and it is difficult to do it overnight."

Zhou Lie smiled: "Isn’t there an ancestor you? This means that the Xuanpian is so wonderful, but it is the purpose of your life. It can confirm each other with Zichan and help Ziqing soar, so the foundation of Taoist palace is also It's stable."

"Hahaha, the brat has yours! It turned out to be the old man's horrible idea. Okay, there is nothing wrong with multiple heirs. To be honest, I also want to see what this palace will become as the years change? It’s rare to see the experience of sitting and watching the vicissitudes of life!"

   Zhou Lie also smiled and said: "Follow the predecessor, follow the predecessor and change. A chess game of thousands of miles, just a **** in advance, maybe nothing, at least leaving some traces of my past."

   The ancestor Chen Tuan laughed forward and backward, and said: "Do you want to write about this trip if you do not pee? That would be more interesting."

   Zhou Lie couldn't laugh or cry, and scolded: "You're not ashamed! Ziqing is still standing outside the pavilion, and quickly asked her to come in and sit down."

   Wang Ziqing never dreamed that Zhou Lie's journey would look like this, it was a journey full of magical colors.

   What makes her feel happy is that the two people seem to have a small world of solitude.

Time is short, saffron accompanies Chen Tuan’s ancestor to talk, Wang Ziqing drags Zhou Lieman across the mountains and runs wildly. When she sees the streams and woodlands painted in ink, she waved her hands and screamed excitedly, like traveling with her boyfriend to famous mountains and rivers , Let her heart relax like never before.

   "Wow, I really want to live here forever, no longer worry about the right and wrong outside." Wang Ziqing was tired from running, and said, holding Zhou Lie's arm.

Zhou Lie moved in his heart and looked around and said, "It's okay! You can seal the main mind here and follow the ancestors into the meditation practice. You can put a stronger personality outside. If there are many split personalities, everyone will bear the burden for one day. This consumes much less."

Wang Ziqing widened his eyes and said in amazement: "Huh? Can you do this? I have watched a There are seven twin sisters in the social environment at the time, and they must dress up as one person, so Seven sisters with different personalities took turns walking out of the room to meet people from Monday to Sunday. Many problems occurred during the period."

   Zhou Lie listened attentively, thinking that this film is indeed very interesting, if it develops, it will be similar to the situation of Wang Ziqing.

   "It's like this. After these seven twin sisters have their favorite people or even children, they fall in love and kill each other! Oh my God! I'm still honest, try to be an obedient prince!"

   Zhou Lie was amazed: "Awesome, it seems that you just lack communication, and you are smart enough to understand all the problems, so I can rest assured that I will tell you something next."

   Wang Ziqing suddenly became serious, and said, "You still have to leave, right?"

"Well, I'm going to save people. Maybe when that person brought me, I was already a vegetable and didn't have any perception of the outside world. But it doesn't matter, maybe I will wake up again sometime, you have to fight against the crowd. Save my body."

   "You, what's the matter with you? Suddenly become so strong, and then suddenly say that you are going to become a vegetable, which makes people around you unable to comply, you know?"

Zhou Lie said in a joking tone: "Yes! Others don't care, you, Ziqin, Liu Xu, are my good friends! It's hard to be so precious and disappear! So I wondered, even if you lie down once, Occasionally there is a corpse or something!"

   Suddenly, Wang Ziqing hugged Zhou Lie. She felt that she was about to lose the most important person in her life. She didn’t know what happened, and her heart filled with loneliness and sadness, as if she had waited hundreds of years.

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