"Her mother's, and she was kidnapped right in front of you? Are you useless?"

"Boss, with so much money a month, what do you do with all of you?"

Qi Aiguo kept cursing at the other end of the phone.

After a few curses, he immediately took out his phone and started to make a call!

At this time, the vehicle slowly drove to an unfinished building.

After the doors of several cars were opened, a group of people got out.

After Qin Mo got out of the car, he looked around. It's true that he had never been here in such a long time in Jinghai.

There were a few wires randomly pulled in the unfinished building, and 100W yellow light bulbs were hung.

The yellow light illuminated the surroundings.

The cold wind was howling!

Qin Mo looked at the people standing around him. There were more than a dozen people who surrounded the surroundings tightly.

They didn't give Qin Mo any chance to escape, and it could even be said that he had never been here before. Intimidating Qin Mo.

Looking at this scene, Qin Mo's expression did not change.

Chen Shuting stretched out her hand and hooked Qin Mo's arm.

The two raised their legs and followed He Gui.

The footsteps of the two sounded very crisp in the empty unfinished building.

There was only the sound of the wind blowing around, the rustling of leaves and weeds, and the chirping of crickets.

The air seemed a little heavy.

Qin Mo was also a little nervous at this moment. Judging from the surroundings, it seemed that as long as he couldn't reach an agreement, he would not be able to leave!

However, Qin Mo also resisted his inner timidity.

No one would not be afraid of such a scene. People are always afraid of danger.

The strong have the courage to fight back against danger.

The weak cowardly choose to escape

""Big pot, someone is coming!" He Gui walked to the lighted door and shouted inside.

Qin Mo could roughly understand what it meant.

"Let them in!"

A hoarse voice sounded.

Qin Mo and Chen Shuting walked in.

As soon as they entered the room, Qin Mo saw a small wooden table with some white powder on it.

A man leaned on the sofa, looking at the light in a trance.

There was some powder in his nostrils.

Looking at this scene, Qin Mo subconsciously frowned.

""Speak!" Qin Mo walked straight to the sofa beside him and sat down, raised his legs and crossed them:"What do you want to talk to me about?"

Qin Mo was not timid at all.

Chen Shuting on the side did not change her expression at all.

She looked at the two people in front of her indifferently.

Interpretation of arrogance.

You are also afraid that the other party will look down on you!

At this time, arrogance should be moderate!

He took out a cigarette from his pocket with one hand, lit it, and took a deep breath.

He put his arm on the backrest and served the man opposite.

The man opposite took a deep breath, shook his head, and stared at Qin Mo in front of him with a pair of cold eyes.

"Are you the one who beat up my little brother?"

"Yes!"Qin Mo nodded when he heard that, crossed his legs, and looked at the man in front of him:"Not only is he your little brother, I also want to beat you up now~"

Qin Mo's tone was slightly heavy, and he looked at the man in front of him with a flickering look.

Hearing that, the other party suddenly laughed out loud

""Okay, okay!" The other party looked at Qin Mo and clapped his hands,"You are worthy of being the gangster boss of Jinghai. I admire you very much. How about we do business together?"

"We split it fifty-fifty! If you let me sell the goods in your territory, I can earn at least this much a year!"

The other party raised five fingers.

Looking at the other party's fingers, Qin Mo laughed:"Just five million?"

"It's 50 million!" The other party looked at Qin Mo with disdain.

In an instant, his inner evaluation of Qin Mo dropped to a lower level.

Qin Mo raised his eyebrows when he heard it:"US dollars?"

The other party:???


"Just 50 million? You want me to risk my life with you? ?"Qin Mo laughed immediately:"I run an Internet cafe, and I make more than 50 million a year. You want me to risk my life with you for 50 million?"

Hearing this, the other party was stunned for a moment.

"If it doesn't work, come and work with me!" Qin Mo crossed his legs and looked at the man in front of him teasingly:"Do you know how much money I make a month?"

"How much?"The other party was also a little curious after hearing this, after all, Qin Mo's tone was so big.

Fifty million a year is not worth it?

What the hell are you doing? He opened his mouth and stabbed!

The level was changed all of a sudden!

He subconsciously wanted to hear what Qin Mo wanted to say

"My internet cafe has a monthly revenue of at least 300,000! I now own 15 internet cafes!"

The other party was stunned for a moment. 300,000 a month?

15 internet cafes?

How much does that make in a year?

Tens of millions!

"So you want to cooperate with me? You pay the money and invest! We split it 50-50! What's your name?" Qin Mo looked at the other party and asked.

The other party was stunned for a moment:"My name is He Cheng!"

"Then we will call it Chengmo Internet Cafe! Our goal is to set up Internet cafes all over the country within two years, go public in three years, and go beyond the country and go global and ring the bell on NASDAQ within five years!"

"You may not know much about the domestic market. Let me explain to you. Internet cafes are being set up on a large scale in China now, but what is the problem with Internet cafes now?"

"Do you know?"

The other party listened to Qin Mo's words and shook his head subconsciously:"I don't know much."

"Safety! Hygiene! Environment!"

He Cheng nodded when he heard this. He Gui was also stunned. It seemed to be true.

People often steal things, rob and rob things in Internet cafes.

After that, there are people fighting. It's a mess.

They don't care.

"Our Internet cafe is mainly about providing a safe Internet environment. We have cooperated with security companies to let people around us know how safe our Internet cafe is and how good the sanitary environment is!"

"Think about it, if there is an Internet cafe with a quiet and clean environment, compared to an Internet cafe with a dirty and messy environment, and there is a possibility of people stealing and robbing, which one would you rather go to?"

"The first one?"He Gui replied subconsciously.

Chen Shuting, who was sitting next to him, listened to Qin Mo's words, pursed her lips, and almost laughed out loud.

Chen Shuting could naturally hear that Qin Mo was PUAing the other party!

Mobilizing the other party's emotions to get the other party involved in Qin Mo's topic, starting from the very beginning with the word"刀勒儿"!

First make the other party surprised, so as to arouse the other party's curiosity!

Hearing this, Qin Mo nodded and exhaled a thick smoke from his mouth.

"That's right!" Qin Mo nodded:"This is the core competitiveness of our Internet cafe! Just like you sell medicine"

"In the past it was opium, but now it is ice and powder! You know the difference between these three categories very well!"

"Ice is synthetic, it is low cost and highly addictive!"

"Powder is highly addictive, counterfeit is high, and few people can afford it! It is usually played by rich people!"

"Compared with the two, isn't the first one more attractive? Because it's cheap, he can make a small profit but a large number of sales. Of course, the profit of this thing is not small! But the risk of you selling it is very high!"

"Since you are all about making money, why not choose a safer and more lasting way to make money?"

"Do you want to continue selling when you are old? What will you have to play with young people then?"

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