Stormwind God

Chapter 292: The change of Kirin Tor (subscription required)

The Dark Portal February 11, 2nd year, in Dalaran, Anthony Das felt very angry.

That's right, he was the first one to study the power of curses after he hit a curse of Gul'dan last year. However, as more orc warlock death magic and orc death knight data were brought to Dalaran, Anthony Das suddenly realized that this was a taboo that should not be touched by humans.

After an urgent discussion in the Kirin Tor six-member parliament in mid-December last year, with a five-to-one vote, the decision was made to seal all the information on psychicism, and seal everything into the Violet Library. This decision was announced in Dalaran.

This should have ended, but just in early January, Anthony Das received a report and found a zombie in the frozen field near Dalaran. Obviously, this is a masterpiece of a certain mage. Although the experimental material is only a few white rats, these zombie animals still caused strong uneasiness to the surrounding farmers, and also caused a bad influence on the reputation of Mage Dalaran.

Anthony Das had the following mage thoroughly investigate the incident, but found nothing.

There are only two possible reasons for this. One is that the guy doing this is so clever that he can hide the surveillance of the entire Dalaran and even the Kirin Tor Council; the other is that this guy is probably a high-level mage in Dalaran. He secretly concealed it all with his power.

In his office, Antonidas glared at his spies: "Psychicism must be forbidden!"

Quite simply, although in the past the history of Dalaran also has the academic faction of the Necromancy, but the mainstream values ​​of human society exclude the existence of undead magic, so the mage obsessed with psychicism and the universal value of Dalaran Incompatibility becomes inevitable.

Anthony Das cannot ignore the opinions of most people for the experimental demands of individual mages.

At this time, the guard heard the news of Duke's visit.

"Tell him, I'm very busy!" Last time, Duke dug a large number of mages. In the end, he did receive a lot of lone magic books, but they were all toy magic books of little practical value. Not even one of the more valuable cats.

In a word, there is no fish in water.

Obviously, Duke was rigorously screened.

Antonidas was pitted, and now Duke is here again.

The guard apparently looked distressed: "But His Excellency Marcus asked me to tell you that this is a matter of great reputation and survival for Dalaran for thousands of years!"

Anthony Das had a spirit and dealt with Duke. Of course, he knew that Duke was not the kind of person who was not trivial. He could say such serious things only to prove that Duke really had something important to tell him in person.

"You all go out and let Duke come in."

Soon, there was only Antonidas in the room.

Duke pushed in the door.

"Marcus, your intelligence is really as important as you say. Otherwise I won't forgive you. Of course, if you are a friend of Dalaran, Dalaran will never regret returning."

This is the little trap of the old and refined Antonidas. If Duke says anything in return, it is definitely not a big deal. It also proved that Duke was not sincere.

Duke waved his hand: "It doesn't matter what is returned. What matters is what I show you, you see."

Duke took out a soul imprisoned with a magic device.

After quickly reading the information in the soul, Antonidas' face turned discolored: "She didn't mention who it was, and this may be an obituary."

"No, exactly, I know who he is." Duke took a deep breath. "Sorry, in fact, I have a talent for detecting evil. When I first met Medivh, I found out that there was one A powerful demon was attached to Medivh. I was silent at the time because I had no evidence and no one would believe it even if I said it. "

Antonidas was silent.

He was also quite clear about Duke vs Medivh. Why so many people couldn't find Medivh was possessed, and Duke Duke found it. This is a mystery that has never been solved.

Now Duke solemnly tells him that everything said is true. This gave Anthony Das an ominous premonition.

"In fact, I took the opportunity to visit some high-level wizards in Dalaran before I finally found my goal ..."

Antonidas was already frosty: "Duke Marcus, do you know what you're talking about?"

"I know exactly what I'm talking about, and I want to ask Archbishop Alonzos Fao to come and he will provide evidence for my allegations. But before that, I strongly recommend that you contact Krasus and Kay Two parliamentarians. Speaker, you are really strong, but even you are not guaranteed to stay with him. "

"it is good!"

On February 12, Kirin Tor Speaker Anthony Das recalled all Kirin Tor MPs, as well as backup MPs.

"For the upcoming orc war, we need to meet again to discuss arrangements."

Taken for granted.

No one doubts what moths will be.

But when all the members arrived in the magical conference room suspended above Dalaran City, everyone suddenly found that the situation was a bit subtle. As a daily matter, the six-member parliament is already the highest decision maker. Unless it is a matter of life or death of Dalaran or the change of parliament, there will be no backsliding.

This time, three members of the back sat in the auditorium.

As everyone arrived, the arrival of Archbishop Alonsos, Deputy Commander Duke of the Alliance, and Paladin Uther, filled the conference room with ominous premonitions.

Antonidas' magical circuit spread throughout his body, surging magic overflowed out of the body, and the temperature of the entire conference hall was lowered by a full 10 degrees.

The old-looking Sun Master slammed his hands on the magic table in front of him with a loud bang.

"First of all, please take off your mask, and I, as the speaker, announced that I do not need this thing today."

Although I don't know why, it shouldn't be necessary to open the magic mask in front of outsiders, but everyone still did. The three alternate members, two men and one woman, are passers-by whom Duke does not know.

Antonidas was holding the table, and the momentum radiating from him was still like a tiger.

His voice shocked the audience: "There is a traitor among us! A traitor in collusion with a demon!"

There was a sudden uproar in this remark.

"Demon !?" A few people, including Kael'thas, were trembling to stand up on the spot.

Damn it! A traitor in collusion with the demon! ? (To be continued.)


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