Stormwind God

Chapter 398: Lying down (below) (5500 monthly ticket)

"The troll is about to run!" Kelsaust reminded.

The reason why the forest trolls taking the Amani troll as an example is that the elves have not been wiped out for thousands of years. One of the main reasons is that the forest trolls are inherently jungle killers.

Especially Zulkin's guy, as long as he doesn't want to be caught. So even if he dispatched the best Ranger team in Quel'Thalas to go hunting, he would not be able to catch him.

Before the emergence of Duke's brutal and unreasonable army of monsters and demon spirits, the war in the forest was the battle between trolls and elven rangers. For thousands of years, no one wants to completely overwhelm anyone.

Often, there are more trolls, and they rush out of the forest to die.

The troll was killed terribly, and he immediately rolled back to the forest to cultivate and rest.

This tug of war has fought for thousands of years.

Prince Kael'thas also heard about the power of the demon spirit. In terms of early warning, the demon spirit is really powerful. Unfortunately, this annoying little guy is too slow. In the pursuit battle at full speed, the demon spirit is not useful.

Again, it is easy to break up and defeat the trolls, and it is difficult to destroy the trolls.

Compared with the nearly 200,000 soldiers and civilians sacrificed, defeating an army of trolls who have lost the orc's main support is far from enough to relieve hatred in the feelings of the elves.

Kael'thas is in a hurry!

Du Keyou shook his head leisurely: "The way of commanding a leader, in addition to taking the overall situation into consideration, is to make one of the most beneficial choices for one's own side. It is very important that you learn to look at people and learn to believe in those spirits. Experts in one area. "


"People have their own strengths," Duke pointed to the enduring Sagunar: "He is so brave and a pioneer."

Duke pointed to Aurelia, who still did not forget the command during the fierce battle, and coordinated the Quartet: "Be able to fight and be able to control it, only for it."

Duke finally pointed to himself: "Anyone who can complete special tasks at special times and places."

After all, Duke read a string of mantras.

As soon as Kael'thas heard it, he felt instinctively familiar, because it was a mantra that launched the Runestone Circle underneath the Eversong Forest. But after listening carefully, I felt wrong again. From the middle, the mantra was changed beyond recognition.

You know, even if it is the same magic device, different spells often correspond to different functions.

Kael'thas really didn't know how Duke knew this mantra, and how he changed it.

His Royal Highness reluctantly understood Duke's use of the word "rise" in the spell of the High Elf to "sink", and changed from "deposition" to "release".

However, with more than 30% of the runestones destroyed and most of the buried arcane energy under the forest has been squandered, what can Duke do?

In Kael'thas's vision, let alone the flames that burned 10,000 people, even the Runestone Formation had a fire head that could be grilled.

At this moment, Duke's perception is a completely different situation.

The stream of data dangled from Duke's retina, like a waterfall, poured into Duke's vision, and simultaneously imprinted in Duke's spiritual world.

A large amount of knowledge was poured into Duke's head in a duck-type manner, which should have been a very uncomfortable process, but when all the knowledge was crushed into pieces of memory, it was continuously rotated at high speed, and merged into Baichuan Huihai In Duke's memory, everything changed ...

"Import Yongge Forest Geological Data ..."

"Compare the geology of the battlefield ..."

"Feed back the magic status to form a data link ..."

"Load the strongest king terrain change system."

"Permission: Supreme."

Kael'thas next to Duke watched in horror as Duke's pupils gradually changed, from a deep black pupil to a flowing mercury-like color, and under his feet, a series of gradually appeared The magic fluctuated, as if the magic loop on his body extended from the limbs to the city wall, and then spread from the city wall to the entire battlefield.

"How is this possible !?" Kael'thas screamed in awe.

As the ancestors who played magic, the biggest difference between the high elves' treatment of the city walls is the use of magic to solidify the city walls of Yinyue City to prevent the city walls from collapsing after being exposed to magical effects such as high and low temperatures.

Even the Sun King, who had a part in building the city walls, could not let his magic pass through the city walls. Because the city wall has been strengthened many times and has been cured by magic many times.

However, Duke did it.


The large area where the troll stood, seemed to have experienced an extremely violent earthquake, and suddenly the whole thing shook.

Standing on the high walls, looking at Kael'thas across the battlefield, and several members of the Silvermoon Parliament,

As if a shocking beast that stood up against the sky took a sip to the back of the place where the troll stood, a huge half-moon-shaped area there suddenly subsided a full five meters.

Do not!

More than five meters!

It seemed as if the giant that couldn't see the shape bit down again, making the three-kilometer-long semicircular pit deeper.

"Beep" was another loud noise.

Every time a loud noise came from the earth, the cracks further expanded, deepened and widened.

How deep is the black trench's deep trench, no troll knows, but the width is more than thirty meters.

The "no" trolls found in horror that their back road was cut off! Before re-entering the forest, the first thing they have to face is the huge trench that cannot be crossed by themselves!

At this time, Duke laughed.

"Kaiko, please. Use your flames to make the trolls jump into the ditch to see the ghost."

Kael'thas' eyes widened and he suddenly realized that this was what Duke called hunting!

Without further hesitation, Kael'thas picked up the magic circuit of the whole body, and the whole body rose into the sky, bursting into a strong light enough to illuminate the eyes of every soldier in the entire battlefield.

Kael'thas's mighty flames were too terrifying, and within a few breaths he turned into a huge and unreal fire phoenix.

This behemoth full of burning flames was slowly falling down the city wall, and it struck the wings of the flame wider than the main gate of Yinyue City, and every time the wings oscillated, a hot turbulence was rolled up.

Kael'thas hasn't even shot yet. The power of the flames just flowing is like a flame storm enough to destroy half of the forest.

The high elves watched His Royal Highness prince with a mighty mighty enough to subvert the entire battlefield, flying over them, and they suddenly burst into high cheers that were enough to overturn the clouds in the sky.

"Long live the sun!"

"Long live Your Highness Kael'thas!"

Kael'thas carried the magic circuit of the whole body, and the various magical treasures of the Sunstrider King ’s magical treasure that he wore on his body suddenly shined. He saw his palms pushed forward, and a fire wall more than two kilometers wide appeared on the battlefield. . (To be continued.)

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