Stormwind God

Chapter 515: Three Dragons play (for subscription)

"Cunning boy, do you think you can lie to me?" With the light and scornful words of disdain, this dark-haired man who suddenly appeared like a ghost suddenly waved his big hand and Duke died.

Duke is not without trying.

It's a pity that the light of his resistance was so dim, as if the firefly was as ridiculous as the glory of the sun.

[Ice Barrier] opened at the end of the last.

Just an inch away, the black flames that came out of hand could turn Duke into ashes. But the strong defense built by the ice element still protected Duke ... as much as a second.

As in future generations, both the Paladin's invincibility and the mage's refrigerator can have a chance to be dispelled. In the face of more advanced and more cohesive power, the so-called absolute defense is just a joke.

King Nezario, who is the top death wing of Azeroth's world power, can his power be resisted by a little morning star mage of Duke?

Duke was dead and was killed without a second's suspense.

Right in front of Alexstrasza.

The poor Queen of the Red Dragon just thought she could regain her freedom, but she did not expect that she had just seen the dawn of hope, but found that it was just a prelude to a deeper nightmare.

"Resisting! Sa! Lee! O!" Alekstatha was angry! She is really angry! With incomparable grief, and the grievances she has suffered for months, she growled angrily at Nesario.

However, this is not very useful.

Neckluss died, only that [Devil's Soul] temporarily lost her master, which does not mean that the restraint on her was lifted.

She can still only look like a weak woman who can be ravaged 10,000 times and 10,000 times at any time, looking up poorly and desperately at the high Nesario.

Nesario, no, now it should be called Deathwing. He appeared in human form, and the whole face was still enveloped in the dark black mist. The only thing he could see was his eyes full of disdain.

"Well, uh, I didn't expect that you, known as the most beautiful dragon world, would have fallen to where it is today. It really opened my eyes, Alexstrasza ..."

"Nessario ..." The Queen gritted her teeth.

"Don't call me by that name !!!" With a whisper, a strong wind rolled up directly in the huge cave, and the queen's long red hair was blown straight by the wind.

After the rage, Deathwing's voice softened again. He extended his left hand with sharp nails, clasped the Queen's jaw, and twisted her whole body.

"Spit!" The queen spewed a scent of perfume directly to the wings of death.

However, the spit flew into the air and suddenly stopped. The next moment, it disappeared without a trace.

"I wanted to send this dirty thing back to your face, but this is a blasphemy against all the dragons. So thank you, dear Alestasa." The King of the Black Dragon is sharp The claws rubbed against the queen's bleachable cheek, making it easy to scrape blood.

The queen was disfigured, and the scar was repaired instantly.

As a life-giver, as long as her power is not completely exhausted, her repairing ability is almost unlimited.


The entire Red Dragon Queen was shaking violently.

"Move it, I'm not interested in you. As long as what I want is in hand, it doesn't matter whether you become a lowly orc slave or a mean human plaything. Hehehe!"

Flicking Alexstrasa away, Nesario walked backwards.

There, there are a few giant dragon eggs that glow with crimson light. However, the flame power wrapped on the dragon eggs has almost disappeared, and the light is like a candle that is about to go out. It can no longer shelter these dragon eggs.

"Bang!" Nesario waved his hand, and the last protection on the dragon egg broke.

At this moment, she had understood everything.

Why did the [Devil's Soul] disappear for nearly 10,000 years?

Why did this terrible, dragon-specific magic weapon suddenly fall into the hands of orcs?

Why did the orc find her there so perfectly that she was captured somehow?

Why is the orc so shrewd through various mental and physical tortures to reduce her resistance and allow more red dragons to obey the orders of the tribe?

Then why did Duke come to rescue her ...

Everything has an answer!

Only the guardian dragon knows the guardian dragon best. From beginning to end, Nasario's plot. And his ultimate goal is that her dragon egg Nasario may want to use her dragon egg to hatch the most evil and incredible new evil dragon!

Aleksassa shouted in despair: "Don't touch them!"

Nesario never stopped, sneer, and continued his movements.

The Queen is desperate! Choked! The tears of sorrow burst out.


Who can help me!

Save my possible baby!

I am willing to pay everything for this!

As if heaven heard her prayer in the deepest despair.

A miracle really happened.

In front of Nesario, a group of emerald green lights suddenly bloomed.

Is that a portal?

The next moment, the movement of Deathwing's whole body suddenly stagnated, as if the whole person was forcibly pulled into slow motion. Immediately afterwards, a blue light blasted out from the green portal, directly flying the entire Deathwing.

"Boom!" The surging magical power blasted him directly to the top of the cave. Turning his entire body into a cannonball, it penetrated through the underground rock formations of the Grim Batol Fortress and blasted into the sky.

Three strange and familiar figures appeared next to Alexstrasza.

Although she was blinded by tears, she didn't recognize these figures for a while, which did not prevent her from sensing who they were by virtue of her breath.

"Ysera? Nozdom? Marigos !?"

Ysera nodded with a smile, and then sighed again, "Sorry, you know, we can't touch that thing. It still matters to deal with Nesario."

That's right, the guardian dragon can be regarded as a stone hitting his own foot. At the beginning, in the whole planet of Azeroth, except for the dragons, there were not many intelligent lives. So after they found that they couldn't destroy [Soul of the Demon], they cast a spell that could not be used by any dragon or dragon descent.

Now, watching this stuff in front of them, the three guardian dragons are so helpless that they can't even rescue their companions.

This is absolutely ironic.

After all, the three guys who looked like humans nodded at the same time and disappeared instantly.

The next second, a terrible roar of four guardian dragons sounded in the sky. A 3v1 dragon battle started. (To be continued.)

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