Stormwind God

Chapter 674: Final insurance

Unconsciously, the orcs began to spread. ??

"Long live!"

"Praise you! Great mage!"

The cavalry here was suddenly morale, who would have thought that the resplendent aristocrat Qianjin was actually a magician?

Said the Paladin: "Thank you, you can get more time for us."

Just fighting for more time?

If it were such an entrance, I could stay for three days and three nights!

Feeling the terrible spell damage and mana regeneration bonus brought by [Smoke of Gloves], Jaina decided to use an [Fire Wall] to resist the orc attack.

In fact, Jaina did just that, and after five seconds of casting the spell, a huge wall 1m wide and 2m high appeared in front of the church.

Twenty orcs were immediately affected by the flames, and turned into burning human torches.

The cavalry cheered, but the Paladin smiled bitterly.

"What? You have a problem with my magic?" Jaina was a little angry and asked the captain.

"If it is an orc of another clan, maybe this is enough to scare them. Unfortunately, this is the most elite warsong clan in the tribe!"

Almost all the cavalry's bodies shuddered.

Warsong clan, this name is a little familiar to Jaina.

Correct! Warsong Clan!

From the beginning of the town of Nanhai, he was famous, dared to harden the flamethrower, destroyed the Silver Pine Forest, and once killed the Warsong clan under Lordaeron.

The Warsong Orcs dispersed, but it didn't take long for Jaina and others to know what the Warsong Orcs did.

Suddenly, a loud "ping pong" burst from the glass.

Then came the second, the third ... dozens of torches, and countless torches were thrown in, smashing glass windows at least two people off the ground on both sides of the church, and falling to the ground inside the church.

Because many places in the church have been covered by frost, this did not cause a fire, but only caused chaos to the cavalry wounded.

When several daring cavalry climbed high and narrow windows to watch the situation secretly, a cavalry almost pierced his head with a spear.

The next moment, the shaking came from the church in all directions.




The dull impact sounded like a death knell for death.

The Paladin cursed: "Hell! I knew they would use a tree trunk as a hit!"

That's right, the orcs used their great power to shake the big trees in the town and uproot them to serve as siege cones.

Although the church is made of bluestone, it is not a dedicated fortress. In fact, most of the traditional forts are useless unless they are made of cement. Can only be the victim of this group of guys who believe in ‘strong miracles’.

Obviously hit the church wall, but the sound of a landslide made Jaina feel that the big trees were directly hitting her chest, squashing her ribs, and the invaded lungs could no longer Expand and breathe fresh air.

"Death to the end!" Without any luck, the Paladin raised his warhammer high.

"Death to the end!" Even the wounded struggled to get up, holding up their arms to meet.

Jaina never expected that in just a few minutes, she had already reached an end.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!" The orcs outside were very professional and stopped when they were about to smash a wall. They are waiting for more breakthrough points to be prepared.

The rigor of these orcs' ruling forces makes it hard to believe that they are just a barbaric race from a distant planet.

at last……

With a rough call, ten gaps were exploded on both sides of the church at the same time, and each gap perfectly avoided the church's pillars. Almost at the same time, dozens of slender trolls jumped up to the high church window and held sharp spears. In their cracked mouths, two long fangs were shaking. Their There was a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth.



In the splashing gravel and the rising sand dust, the burly orcs rushed in, wielding huge weapons and roaring heavily.

Jaina, wrapped in a white shield on her body, was taken care of especially. She just had a shot of [Flame Shock] and flew an orc, and ten spears were thrown at her the next moment.

Jaina still successfully used [Flash] once during the panic. She had nailed where she stood half a second ago. I don't know how many spears.

After half a second, she was not so lucky!

The five spears that followed immediately pierced her magic shield with ease.

"Ah," Jaina finally gave a dying exclamation, protecting her in vain with her arms!

Duke! I will never let you go!

Before dying, Jaina was cursing like this.

In the end, the miracle was born without any warning.

Jaina's gloves suddenly glowed with a glorious arcane glow.

Time seemed to freeze.

Jaina opened her eyes, her clear pupils were filled with sorrow.

A "roar" sounded a fierce and majestic roar from Jaina's pair of gloves.

The thrown wooden spears silently turned into sawdust, then turned into dust, and disappeared in the air in vain.

With this inhuman roar, everyone in the audience, whether it was the orcs holding up their warhammers to get smashed, or the human cavalry who broke their arms and used the remaining hand to pull out the long sword, they all held their own action.

At this moment, everyone felt their strength and courage were fleeing their bodies in fear.

The mediocre hunch told himself as if something was coming. It is a mysterious existence with the supreme power of Mo impossible.

When it comes, it will dominate everything and take over the entire battlefield.

In a blink of an eye, everyone knows who the ‘it’ is!

An imaginary, enchanted banner of magical magic with purple and blue arcane energy rises from Jaina's gloves.

The banner was so huge that it went over the whole church and rose outside the church.

The orcs and cavalry looked up subconsciously at the banner.

Immediately, the orcs and Lordaeron cavalry spoke the same name, whether in very non-standard lingua franca or with a heavy Lordaeron accent.

"Duke Marcus!"

As if he heard the call of hundreds or thousands of people, a group of blue lights suddenly lit up beside Jaina.

Everyone hasn't responded yet. A young man in a blue and white mage robe has stood beside Jaina kneeling on the ground.

Holding Jaina's arm in one hand, Duke laughed, "Ah! Did you activate the last insurance on [Smooth Gloves]!" (To be continued.) 8

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