Stormwind God

Chapter 761: The death of Banazzar

The mage tower was supposed to be the protector of the mage apprentices. When this mage tower with various elemental energies filled with high and low levels blasted to the mages, Duke opened the mouth of countless element channels.

This was originally impossible.

Those who play magic naturally do not want others to use magic to bomb themselves.

In the magical capital of Dalaran, the entrances to the strongest elemental realms are all controlled by various magic formations, restraints, and seals. It is possible to cast Morning Star or lower level magic. Every higher level magic must obtain permission from the higher controller.

This means that unless you are playing with elemental magic that is not familiar to the world, what kind of magic and how advanced magic can be used depends on the face of the Kirin Tor Council.

In the opinion of those two lawmakers, it was impossible for Duke, an outsider, to perform advanced magic here.

Obviously, Duke subverted their imagination.


Duke sneered.

Do you think I have been in the void for ten years and really didn't do anything? I'm working as a secretary every day?

Keke, although it is a fact to develop Windrunner sisters, I really have practice!

The biggest result of cultivation is to make up for a lot of magic knowledge and maximize the role of system spirits!

It was not until this moment that two lawmakers noticed that the body of Antonidas, who had fallen to the ground, had no idea when Duke had gripped his collar.

Suddenly, there was a current flowing from Duke, and on the sky covered by the undead sky again, this lightning meandered, breaking through the dark clouds boiling like porridge, and then spread like a umbrella, and shot into the big Among the small and large mage towers.

A red dot like a laser dot suddenly appeared in Duke's eyebrows. With the fierce shaking of the red dot, if a boulder fell into the water, a circle of mysterious ripples could not be explained by arcane theory.

The circle of mysterious power spread out a radius of three or four kilometers.

Kael'thas watched this scene in amazement.

He didn't know what Duke did. Just before blinking, he also forced to open the mage tower belonging to him, and confronted other mage towers controlled by the Scourge.

Like the heavy rain elemental missile, mad pouring to each other.

Behind his mage tower is the support of Quel'Thalas. Of course, it is higher than other mage towers. The size of the mage tower is extremely strict in Dalaran. Kael'thas's mage tower can't be bigger than the sun mage's mage tower.

Originally, his mage tower had fallen into a disadvantage. After all, many **** who had taken refuge in the Scourge Legion had just two big moons of all sizes, and 28 mage towers of morning star mage blasted his nest.

Kaizi was still thinking that if Antonidas' mage tower attacked him, he would kneel.

Who knows, in the blink of an eye, the situation is reversed!

The seven-story mage tower, which stands at the center of Dalaran City, is the largest and most gorgeous.

"Not good!" He was still sneering for the first half of a second, watching Dalaran step into destruction as the mastermind, watching Barnazzar, the dreaded demon king who was fleeing his head, and tens of thousands of mage apprentices fleeing. Paper white.

Not long ago, he was attached to Antonidas. He knew better than anyone that Antonidas's magic defense system was difficult.

After the ambush was successful, Antonidas' soul was taken in and dedicated to Alsace. All that remains now is the old body of the dead old man. With this body alone, even his possessor could not control the mage tower of Antonidas.

Now that the light of the mage tower is on, naturally it has nothing to do with him!

The white light converging on the mage tower of the sun is getting more and more abundant. It is a huge hexagon ice flower with a diameter of one kilometer. Relying on the surging magic stored in the mage tower, it floats in the air in a translucent form.

The Lich on the side of the Scourge leg finally noticed the change above their heads, whether they were, or those low-level undead, raised their heads a bit stiffly, watching the huge unreal ice flowers turn into countless bright The dazzling ice arrows poured over them.

Countless white rays extended from the corners of the hexagonal ice crystals, just like the giant giant wood fell, and instantly pierced the countless undead monsters, and the weaker monsters were eliminated directly. Stronger, just like the nails that fixed the monsters during dissection, and nailed them to the ground.

Kael'thas witnessed several cave-demons larger than the carriage, which were crucified, and he couldn't break free with his body twitching and twitching ...

Not only are the Master Towers of Anthony Das, the rest of the Master Towers, whether or not they have a master, as long as they are lower than Huiyue's Master Towers, they are forcibly controlled by Duke at this moment.

The result is that, except for the two mage towers controlled by the cursed **** Huiyue Archmage, all mage towers pour out overwhelming firepower towards the Scourge.

This looks more like a trap under Dukebu than a Scourge.

Then the ice crystals in the sky suddenly broke apart and turned into six immense ice blades, which gave Banazal a fatal blow.

The direct attack of the sun mage, even if it is usually not dare to connect it, not to mention that after the mage tower bonus, the power is even more amazing.

Barnazzar twisted his posture, holding up all the shields he could support, even using the low-level undead as the meat shield, but still couldn't escape the six-stroke serial ice blade controlled by Duke.

Duke, who had already calculated all the evasive routes of the Dread Lord, easily let Antonidas' mage tower enlarge and hit the key of the Demon King.

Barnaton did a scream of sorrow.

In the next hair, the wind was loud throughout his body, and his huge body suddenly burst into many holes. No blood was flowing out of the holes, but the roaring cold and cold wind sprayed out.

Soon, soon.

Dreadlord's body became bright and fair, no, it was already translucent.

"Go to death!" Du Keli sighed, and his flat raised hands shook his hands vigorously.

Banazal's body immediately began to collapse, which was a saturated blow far beyond the frost element that his body and soul could bear. The power of the element of magnitude not only frantically destroys his physical tissue, but also tears and destroys his soul.

At the last moment in his life, his whole body glowed with a blazing white light, and then it burst into pieces, turning into countless element fragments smaller than dust, dissipating in the wind.

Dreadlord Barnazzar will die forever!

At this moment, no believer who cursed the theology can believe his eyes, and no lich dared to step forward to challenge Duke.

Because for the first time in history, someone forever destroyed a dreadlord on the soul level!

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