Stormwind God

Chapter 933: Technology changes war

Coming Legion!

It was astonishing with a raging wave.

Even the most imaginative coalition soldiers never thought that the first wave of the Burning Legion's offensive was like this.

Without the druids' urging, a giant tree surrounding the camp at the foot of the mountain had withered rapidly. The giant wood that was once held by several people, although it will not be scattered at the touch of dry bark, but it obviously lost its strong and lively vitality.

Originally, the orcs also wanted to cut down all these woods and put them as antlers before the first line of defense of the mountainside camp, build an arrow tower, etc. At the insistence of Duke, all the orcs had retreated to the mountainside camp of Mount Hyjal, The remaining two thousand elves were watching and stagnating the enemies near the peaks on both sides.

Suddenly, there was a bang under the ground.

It was the sound of a huge tide tumbling and running.

Every night elf and blood elf looked at each other, and no one knew what would happen.

But out of insurance, Tyrande's deputy Melander and commander Lilas the frontline Blood Elf Ranger ordered the man over the mountain and hide behind the mountain, leaving a dozen individuals to continue monitoring .

Sure enough, after three minutes, the enemy appeared.

It was a magnificent super fountain. Wrapped in indescribable black slurry, thousands of undead were sprayed into the sky directly from the ground, and scattered with black droplets.

The already crippled tribal camp was once again ravaged. After being sprayed into the sky, large and small undead people accelerated to fall again under the effect of gravity acceleration, and ping-pong slammed everywhere.

The smallest are only half-length zombies, larger are ghouls, and the largest are a few tons of suture monsters. They are long-lost and have few IQs. The building launches an attack.

In front of the elves and a few troll scouts is a crazy undead army, they bite a wooden arrow tower with a lot of broken teeth, and use a rusty machete to split the long-broken arm. The earthen wall made by the orc's hard labor, the wooden wall of the camp wall with a huge arm.

The black fountain continued to gush, and continued to spray more undead troops, not money, into the entire abandoned camp.

In the distance, there was a black cloud suddenly. There were thousands of gargoyles, and there were many dead ice dragons with huge bodies, white bones, and frosty atmosphere.

The dust of the sky set off on the earth, which is a mixed army of 100,000 units of undead and demons.

At this moment, the tribal leaders such as Thrall and Woking, who had already retreated to the mountainside, were all black.

If it wasn't for Duke's repeated emphasis on evacuating them, they would really continue to stand at the foot of the mountain, and it is estimated that the total annihilation is their only ending.

Inside, zombies continued to make breakthroughs in the center, tens of millions of enemy flying troops were entangled, and outside the army was under pressure. It is estimated that the remaining 20,000 to 30,000 tribes are fully explained here.

Thrall hurriedly called a night elf priestess who was in contact. He pointed at the live broadcast in the magical mirror: "What if the Hyjal line continues to be punched by big bugs?"

The priestess held up her chest and spoke a fluent human language: "Not afraid, Mount Hyjal is a sacred mountain, and it has been blessed by the magic of the night elves for 10,000 years. The mountain itself is extremely difficult to penetrate, if not With the emergence of large bugs of the previous level, we need not worry about attacks from the ground. "

"What if !?" Thrall emphasized.

The night elf shook his head: "According to the commander of the alliance, His Excellency Marcus, there is only one great worm called Auro, even under the four ancient gods of Azeroth."

"What about the enemy's air force flying directly to the top of the mountain?"

The priestess was very firm: "The holy mountain has a powerful forbidden magic circle, and everything that exists more than 300 yards from the ground will be attacked by the mage of the sun at all times. Even the demigods can not withstand this attack intensity. And after starting the mountain, , Except the main passage, everything is a dead zone. "

Thrall finally reassured him a little bit, so in this case, the only thing to defend was the front.

Just then, Thrall saw the elves in front of him start to evacuate. Because of the terrain, the undead's army looks very surging, but it is always a distance from the elves.

The area within 200 meters behind the Elf Forces is the absolute dead zone.

The elves ran dexterously through the mountains and woodlands, and from time to time they turned back gracefully as an arrow, directly headshot the zombies or ghouls at the front.

The elves fought and retreated. The arrows were raining, but they still couldn't stop the tide of zombies.


Thrall held up Doomhammer in his hand: "Ready to fight!"

After coordination, the first and second city walls of the mountainside were ceded by the alliance and guarded by the tribe.

Thrall's shout instantly made the whole valley resound with the Horde's unique roar: "lok-tar!"

Not long ago, the camp was lost a little bit. The orc warriors were full of anger. They raised the steel tomahawk and hammer in the hands of the holy water, and issued a roar of war.

At this time, the black tide was very close.

"Covering and firing! No. 1 firing Zhuyuan fired!" Behind the first wall, there were a hundred squads of dwarf mortars. The thick and round cannon barrel immediately issued a loud cannon sound.

"Alas!" The orcs were having a hard time adapting to the kind of dull sound coming from behind them, and even some orcs shrank their heads subconsciously.

But the dwarf's elite gunner was not blown out. The mortar shell flew into the air, drew a wonderful arc, and then flew further down the mountain. That happened to be two hundred meters behind the Elf Force.

"Boom boom!" The small-calibre mortar shells were enough to blow up the weak defenses and ghouls.

The dwarf's cover was so precise, which relieved Thrall. Together with Vol'jin, who was preparing to use the spear as a cover, he quietly put his hand down.

It is also ironic to think about it. Although it is the same family, the elves and trolls have played for thousands of years. Have you ever tried to cover each other like this?

When the last elven ranger rushed into the city gate at high speed, the twelve ox warriors could not wait for the winch to slowly pull up the moat, pulling the heavy iron chain directly with brute force, and pulled the suspension bridge up.

Looking at the seven huge horizontal gullies in front of the city wall with a depth of more than eight meters, the entire mountain road was blocked by a road tiger, and Thrall was numb with scalp. These are the masterpieces of dwarven steam bulldozers.

Fortunately, a zombie who didn't know what to fear came into his head. If he was to attack here with an army of orcs, how many lives should he fill to fill these gaps?

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