Story of Longevity

Vol 3 Chapter 671: I'm lying here obediently, letting you slaughter me, is that interesting? (

"I didn't expect it to be like this..."

Illiya felt that this trip to her hometown was very strange. After so long entangled in her heart, the mystery that she couldn't find the clue was suddenly clear in such a short time:

"The clues are indeed on the two of them, but the complete clues are separated and engraved in their bodies respectively, hidden in the magic circuit that maintains their daily thinking and activities..."

Then, Elia turned her head to look at Star Carving: "Jess, I need your help."

"Of course, it is my honor, my lady (MyLady)." Xingke agreed, stepping forward and coming to Iliya's side.

Of course he would. The last time Illiya needed her help for speaking so bluntly, it was a rare thing.

The last time Illiya needed Starcut's help was to help the cursed son of Yukino's world, why this time?

"[The clue] is in the bodies of Liz and Serra, and it is hidden by a fairly sophisticated design. [Clue] must have a live magic circuit to maintain, and it will be the moment when the magic supply is lost The self-destruction disappears, no one can even think about it..." Illiya said solemnly: "There are a few magician families in the Moon World that often use this method to preserve the magic engraving inherited, and it is not uncommon."

"In other words, [Clues] is something similar to an incomplete magic engraving, and the two of them are living [Clus] preservation devices?" Xingke understood.

Even if Xingke did not systematically study the magic of the Moon World like Illiya, he still knew some common sense through his works.

The magicians of the Moon World use magic circuits to generate and refine magic power for magicians to use. For the two female maids of the artificial humans, the magic power generated by the magic circuit maintains their lifeline.

"Yes, as a preservation device, as a robot weapon, the magic power generated by their own magic circuit is really limited.

In order to maintain two incomplete clues, they occupy a large amount of their magic power supply, so in this world where magic power is getting thinner and thinner, they can't even maintain their normal human-level thinking ability, just like an unconscious magic power. It's the same as a generator..." At this point, Illiya's face became more and more gloomy.

In any case, she is never a qualified magician who has been instilled in the ideas of a magic family from a young age under the world view of the moon, but a witch girl who grew up in a relatively peaceful and gentle world of children’s literature. She is a star. Moment affects Miss Witch who is in love with comics.

This behavior of treating creatures with intelligence and personality as experimental animals and as tools... She doesn't like it.

"So, this is the truth about [Maid like a doll]." After saying that, Xingke patted the lid of the coffin and paid tribute to the two maid ladies in the coffin: "Thanks for your hard work, two ."

Seeing Xing Ke's actions, Illiya couldn't help but smiled and continued to preach:

"Guise, like this kind of thing that is similar to the magical engraving with strong confidentiality, generally only people with blood can transplant it...Do you know what I want you to do?" Ilia smiled unkindly.

"Of course--"

Is that still necessary? The magical power is close to the infinite star engraving. It happens to be the star engraving born as Ilia's daughter, which is quite suitable for maintaining this [clue].

Perhaps in the original plan, Mrs. Alice and Mr. Kate should have been transplanted by Ilia herself.

This is the only clue that Illya may find them when they have not returned. However, they have worked so hard to send Ilia to this world and let her integrate into this world. Maybe they don't want Ilia to mix up their affairs again in their hearts?

Therefore, they did not leave any knowledge about magic marking and magic circuit. Similarly, just maintaining half of the magic engraving has caused the battle maid to lose most of its thinking ability, and there should be a lot of magic power needed to open this clue.

At least the current principal of Hohenheim, the level of strength of Professor McGonagall, who is nearly a hundred years old... This almost means that if Ilia did not meet Xingqi, the days when I can use this clue are far away. Indefinitely, it is very, very likely that Illya will just live a relatively safe and stable life as an ordinary witch who lost her parents in her early years and has extraordinary magic talents.

Rather than a "disposable part" of the Holy Grail ceremony.

"Come on, Illya. Please don't hesitate to reform me as much as you like!" Xingke spread his arms and turned in a circle.

"You can be serious. Keep alive and transplanting magic engraving is a technical job. What if I hurt my maid?" Illiya pointed to the large table like an operating table next to the laboratory and motioned Xingke to lie down.

"Um...Miss Ilia, is my status lower than your maid?"

"What silly thing are you talking about? You are a tough guy who can be resurrected immediately..."

" You are right, please be gentle."

So Xingke cleverly lay on the operating table, consciously cut off his own tactile senses, hypnotized, and fell asleep in a daze in order to suffer from the extra flesh.


The next time I opened my eyes, the ceiling that Xing Ke saw was already a bright ceiling light in the living room.

"Is it night? This nap is really comfortable~"

Star carved hit Hache, got up from the sofa, and lifted the blanket on him.

"Good evening, Master Keith."

An expressionless Miss "Illiya" dressed in an English maid costume said hello to Xingke, and then stepped forward to put away the blanket on Xingke and folded it.

"Well, I are a counterfeit!~"

I woke up and met an Illya wearing a maid costume next to you. How could it be possible!

If you want to ask why...

"Illya in my house can't be such a maid!"

"-_-?" The "Illya" in the maid's costume is unknown.

"Guise! What nonsense are you talking about? Come over for dinner."

At this time, behind Xing Ke came the real Illiya's voice.

"Master Keith, the dinner is ready, please move to the restaurant."

And the fake maid pretending to be "Illiya" was expressionless and respectful to Xing Ke.

"Well, I know, I was just kidding."

When I came to the restaurant, Illiya was already sitting at the table, behind her stood a short-haired version of [maid outfit limited? Illiya]...

"What's the matter with this family-like face? There are not so many versions of King Arthur, right?"

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