Story of Longevity

Vol 3 Chapter 673: who am I? Where am I? What should I do? Why my...

After finishing the dinner carefully prepared by Ilia and Serra, Xingke used the magic of cleaning all tableware tabletops in one second to prevent Serra from doing housework, and then asked her to prepare tea...Four people Once again, I can do it and chat slowly.

However, even though there are four people, the only people who really have something to say are Xingke and Illia. Serra and Liz just need to be in attendance. Get in touch with [Humanity] to learn and improve their personality models. .

"So far, things have become clearer—"

Ilia took out a gorgeous-looking scroll and pen, let them float on the side and began to record her words, and then concluded by herself:

"First of all, I am not a person in this world. The character [Alice Phil von Einzbern] does not exist in this world. Because the surname of Einzbern is rare in the first place, together with the same name. None of the others exist.

So I, Elias Phil, of course is also a person who didn't exist in this world.

The evidence is-my memory and investigation, the testimony and genealogy of the Einzbern family, and the observation of the line of fate of Guise. "

After Ilia finished speaking, Xingke answered:

"However, while there is no Mrs. Alice, there are [Kishua Zellrich Shibein Ogu] and [Justicereich von Einzbern]. There are two characters. One is our senior, and the other is the ancestor of the Einzbern family and a magician.

The evidence is-our personal experience, the testimony and genealogy of the Einzbern family, and the magician I also have acquaintances over there, so I can check at any time. "

After Xingke finished speaking, he asked Ilia to signal her to take over.

"The reason why I came to this world is because my parents brought me here. The world where I was born should have been in a dangerous situation, and it is a threat to the newborn me... at least a harmful thing. So. Mom and Dad sent me to this relatively safer world... roughly to allow me to live a stable and safe life.

This point is speculation, and the possibility is very high. The evidence is—my childhood memories, the life experience of Ilias Phil from other world lines, and the existence of a precedent—"

Yi Liya said this, looking at Xing Mo, and Xing Mo also deliberately understood what Yi Liya wanted to say, and said:

"Meiyou? Adelfeldt, or the New Moon Meiyou, a naive wishing machine—his brother made a wish to the Holy Grail and hoped that she could get her own happiness, so she did it because of his brother's wish. Jumping in parallel worlds, signing a contract with a fake sapphire, becoming a magical girl, and establishing a deep friendship with Ilia in that world... This is the precedent.

Therefore, if you, who are closely related to the two of them, were also sent by Mrs. Alice and others to take refuge in this world by some means... then it would not seem so strange. "

After all, there are always various possibilities in countless different parallel worlds.

"Because this world has two characters: [Kishua Zellrich Shibein Ogu] and [Justicea Rizileich von Einzbern], so he and Xingyue It’s certain that the world view is’s not surprising to be able to jump in parallel worlds.” Yiliya asserted.

"But more of this world is children's literature belonging to the "Harry Potter and XX Series", so it should be in the border zone where the two worlds are intertwined?" Xingke murmured:

"No, there should be other worlds mixed together.

The proof is that there are no such characters as envoys of wizards in the Harry series and the Moon series. "

Iliya put down the tea cup, let out a long sigh of relief, nodded, and said:

"It doesn't matter what position this world is in, but at least it seems that it is about to enter the end of magic, so it is relatively safe.

The evidence is-Guice your research results. "

Xingke answered again, saying:

"And now, we make an inference-your parents want you to stay in this world and don't want you to go back, at least they can't go back when they are weak.

The basis is—Mrs. Alice, they did not hesitate to avoid contact and communication with you when you were young. I don’t hesitate to lie to you or make you misunderstand ‘they don’t like you’, ‘your parent-child relationship is not good’ and let you blend into this world;

They didn't tell you the truth until they left, and dealt with Liz and Serra's memory module in order to hide the truth;

These all reflect their reasons for having to do this, and they have mentioned this point [I don't want you to go back] everywhere in their behavior. "

Although it is just a guess and no direct evidence has been obtained, this possibility is the greatest.

"But Mom and Dad still gave me a clue to go Although this clue is very demanding——

More than a certain amount of magic power, fine magic control skills, knowledge that can imprint two halves of incomplete magic into one, and my blood... these are indispensable. "

In this world where magic is going to the end, it is impossible to get these conditions together. If it hadn’t been for Iliya to meet Xingke, it would really be impossible to be as strong as she is now... Thinking of this, Iliya suddenly laughed:

"No, this is not a clue left to me at all, but a thought of mom and dad themselves, a thought that might still meet me."

"Well, Ilia, your speculation is correct... This is indeed the thought left by Mrs. Alice and the others, or that this is their sign of staying in this world, which is similar to the astrology I built.

The proof is—the magic engraving in my body now, as long as I don’t stop it, it will absorb my magic power all the time, and it will emit magic power fluctuations similar to coordinate signals. "Xing Ke affirmed:

"By analogy, your parents are also thinking about being able to come back someday... how about it? Knowing that is the case, can you be happier?"

"Yes, thank you, Guise."

Illiya smiled slightly when she looked at Xingke. Fortunately, she was able to find the correct clue so quickly and accurately with Xingke's support today, dispelling a doubt that had been buried in her heart for a long time.

"Ahem, if you praise me so directly, I will be shy."

To be honest, Xing Ke was flashed by Illiya's smile, and she couldn't look directly at it. So quickly changed the topic:

"Then, the topic is back on track, Illya, let's make some speculations about what happened in the world where you were born..."

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