Story of Longevity

Vol 3 Chapter 804: Let's talk about it first, please don't add drama to yourself...

[There is also... life without origin does not actually exist. 】

This is a very simple and cruel truth, which violates the basic laws of the material world.

Life without origin does not exist, so Ilia, who was cut off from the root by the star carving——

[The reason why you can continue to exist is because the unknown existence takes on the responsibility of the original root of this world, and grafts the foundation of your existence and the connection with the root to yourself-this is the fate between you and him The truth. 】

Justissa unwaveringly conveyed the final answer to all mysteries to Ilia.

If everyone in the world meets, knows, and loves is arranged by the red line of fate, then Illya’s yearning for Xingqi is more similar to [the magician’s yearning for the root]...

[This is an event that reverses time, obscures the relationship of cause and effect, and crosses several worlds. With a wonderful technique that only he can accomplish, he strips you from the fate of this world.

It’s just that if you want to stop him at this point in time...]

"No, I am willing, thank you."

Before Yustiza had finished speaking, Illya decisively gave her a positive answer.

"Xingyue--well, this word is the name for your series of worlds in our organization.

[Xingyue is a black-hearted company] This has always been a consensus reached in our organization long ago. Although most of them are just ridicule, and the reason for the black heart is reasonable, in my opinion, compared to your prestigious predecessor, I still think it is better to follow my current big boss..."

Although it didn't sound like a very serious reason, it was like a temporary excuse, but after she knew the so-called truth, it was indeed true that Yi Liya didn't want to leave Xingqi in her heart.

She herself couldn't tell why. Although in the plots of general TV dramas and novels, the heroine encounters similar memory confusion, fate red lines and other truths, it is indeed possible to doubt her feelings, and then deliberately keep a distance with the hero, and stage a continuous show After a long emotional entanglement drama, Zhenxiang finally scheduled it... However, it is basically impossible in reality.

Although I asked Ilia to say something about it, after a few years of time spent with "reading materials" such as comics and novels...

"I might have passed the stage of natural and ambiguous feelings long ago... It's a pity."

With that said, Illya disappeared into Justesa's vision with a bitter smile.

"If there is nothing wrong, then I will leave first..."


Justissa didn't say anything, waiting there quietly.

"Oh, that's right—" Illya took out a dimly colored soul ball from nowhere, and threw it in the direction of Justissa:

"This is the ideal old bug, and even after I sacrificed his knowledge, there is still a wreck, and I will deal with it for you.

After all, the root is not only the place where everything was born, but also the place where everything finally returns... isn't it? "

Leaving such a farewell, Illia’s projection of consciousness completely disappeared in this “door door”. The last scene she perceives is Justissa looking at the soul ball in front of her, not knowing that she is hesitating. what……

It can't be the problem of trash disposal, right?


When the subject of consciousness was retracted from the "hole" in the sky, Illya, who came back to her senses, saw her in front of her at a glance, and a figure she had never seen before but was very familiar was watching there. She smiles...


So Ilia drew her sword and was about to cut it over.

"Slowly and slowly, please calm down this beautiful lady. Don't you think my new image is very kind?"

He quickly reached out and stopped the spiral sword held high by Yi Liya, and the renewed Xingke said with a smile.

"Cut... honestly to be a lovely girl, isn't it good to be my daughter? Why did you grow up? And even taller than me."

Of course Ilia can recognize the star carvings at a glance, but she just has some opinions about the new "personality" of the star carvings——

It's as if the previous version of "Illiya's Daughter" has removed the softness of women, and turned into a "boy" face that grows up to an adult. The eyes are still red, but some gold is mixed in the red. That's it.

However, the hair has changed the most, turning into long, straight, fresh black hair...

"Then what? I just look at my mood and change it casually."

As Xing Ke spoke, his black hair faded a little while his mind moved, and his height dropped again...

In the blink of an eye, a twin sister exactly like Illia appeared in front of her.

"Soul materialization-it's really Even if I don't use Animagus now, as long as it is a creature I can understand, I can copy it perfectly."

Xingqi imitated Ilia's movements and expressions like a mirror, and then thought for a moment a pair of cat ears suddenly grew on top of his head, and then it shook twice...

"A transformation like this is also possible?"

Illya looked at the star carvings that were exactly the same as herself and put cat ears on herself, making herself cute, unconsciously twitching at the corners of her eyes, and slapped decisively to pick up the incredibly soft and short-haired pointed ears, and ravaged-- —

"You give me enough! ~ Don't use my face to trick me!"

"Oh oh oh-stop, this thing, this ear is tactile..."

Xingke hurriedly put away his joke products, and turned back to the black-haired image with some fear, and pushed away the terrible light in her eyes, and said:

"Ahem, that's the truth. I became the third magician and gained a kaleidoscopic ability, but I also lost something else."

When Xing Ke said this, his face became a bit solemn.

"I'm a little guessing that you can obtain this ability. The third method has long had such a legend..." Ilya rarely saw Xingke so serious, and said in doubt:

"But what can you lose? Does the root cause have the ability to take something away from you? Is it moral?"

"Oh, it's a pity to say... I don't seem to be able to die." Xingke said with a sad expression on his face.

"...Huh? What did you say?"

"I, I just experimented a bit, and I found that now I look like a human being, but even if my head is cut off, I can pick it up and install it by myself... it's incredible."

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