Story of Longevity

Vol 3 Chapter 849: Let children learn while playing, but this process is also right...

As if it had been calculated, when Kirisuki Eomiya took the elevator to the lobby on the first floor of the tower, the gate of the tower was just pushed open by the young girl from left to right, and the two men stretched out their curious little heads. Looked at the alien style decoration in the hall.

   "Ah, are you here to meet us? Wonderful uncle."

   "Wow, is this tower an uncle's house? It feels amazing."

   The two people looked up and saw Eimiya Kiritugu, smiled at the same time, and asked.

  , while being questioned, Weimiya Kirishu looked at the appearance of the two of the visitors and dressed up, watching the sight of them pushing the door in, and was stunned at the same place--

   You must know that Kiritugu Eomiya has lived here for a long time, and this magnificent gate has been opened countless times.

   I don’t know what Xing Ke, the builder of this tower, thinks. Even if this heavy gate is really powerful, it won’t be easy to open it. Even if the people living here are not ordinary people, every time the door opens and closes, it will be troublesome.

   So, in fact, the people in the tower either teleported, or flew, or passed through the wall, or jumped off the building, or didn't go out... But today's situation is obviously different.

Thinking of his own brain circuit, the teacher specially asked him to come over to greet him, and remembered that weird instruction, combined with the two guests in front of him-if he still didn't understand Hoshiki's intentions, then he would be for nothing. Star carving has flicked thousands of times every day.

"Welcome to the nameless tower, two guests from afar. I am the master's apprentice here. You can call me [Kiri]." Keishi Uemiya walked slowly to the center of the hall, facing Facing sisters Hansel and Gretel, politely lifted their chests, bowed slightly and asked:

   "What are the names of the two guests? What are you doing here?"

   I don’t know what the reason is. This time the person who was stunned in the same place was replaced by two sisters, Hansel and Gretel, but after a while, the lovely laughter echoed in the hall:

   "Hahaha~ Did you hear that? My sister, he actually asked our names."

   "Hahaha~ I heard, my brother, he really is a very strange uncle."

   After a burst of laughter like a broken bell, Hansel and sisters Gretel bend over, lift their skirts and salute very formally:

   "When we first met, my name is Hansel."

   "Good morning, my little girl's name is Grete."

   Then the two stood up straight at the same time, placed the cello box in front of them, and smiled cleverly:

  ""I came here to kill the people of this tower! ~””

   Hearing this answer, Eimiya Kiritugu closed his eyes.

   "Really, that's a shame... You are rarely asked for names."

   The identities of these two children are actually self-evident. They are members of an armed organization that actually controlled this land as a source of raw materials, and they should be the so-called twilight race.

Precisely because they are the Twilight race, they can push open that unreasonable door at their age. It is also because they are the Twilight race that they will carry a box with weapons in their hands at this age and say If the others were killed.

   madness, the smell of blood, the scent of gunpowder, and the distorted reason on the verge of collapse-this is the impression of Eimiya Kiritugu of these two people. Their disregard for life and their habit of killing can be conveyed without too much contact. It's not like his teacher who looked very normal at first.

   And... it's such a familiar silver hair again.

Keiji Eimiya confirmed that this is a test for him. Xingke absolutely calculated everything to two decimal places from the beginning, and then sat at the top of the tower and watched what he would do to the two children. response.

   That is, during the brief period of thinking by Kirito Uemiya, Hansel and Gretel have already opened the cello box with a laugh——

   The child claiming to be Grete took out the M1918 Browning automatic rifle, and the child claiming to be Hansel took out the B-300 anti-tank bazooka, and pointed it skillfully at Keith Uemiya who had only half of the cigarettes in his hand.

   "Uncle, you always have a dangerous feeling in you..."

   "So we're welcome to start first~"

  The intuition cultivated from the dangerous situation where life is hanging by a thread is keen, especially in the face of the "kind" who has also struggled in the quagmire of war like Eimiya Kiritugu.

First, the rain of metal projectiles tick-tacked, and the bite wrapped in flames roared, and then came the huge explosive of 82 mm dragging the long tail with death. Kirisu Eomiya was greeted grandly by the two children... …

   The rocket exploded, but because the ground here was spotless and very solid, the explosion of the rocket did not raise too much smoke except for the splash of fire and metal fragments.

   But because of this, the bullets of the automatic rifle paused for a while, and the two sisters were attracted by the phenomenon before them.

   "Wow, did you see it? My sister, he didn't break this uncle!~"

   "Yes, I saw it, my brother, this uncle seems to be very strong!~"

   The two children's eyes gleamed as if they had seen a rare toy, and the smiles at the corners of their mouths gradually twisted.

But after being baptized by flames and splashing metal, only his clothes became tattered, and the solid body exposed under the shattered shirt was not scratched at Silk faintly magic light flows through...

   Actually, Kirito Uemiya thinks that the most brilliant battle he has experienced in the first half of his life is undoubtedly with the warrior priest of Yanfeng Kirei who can only use some strengthening magic.

So, I don’t know why, after the Holy Grail War, I knew that there was no more time to control magic in a short period of time. There was no big approach to the road. In addition to learning a lot of knowledge, he did the most. Exercising means getting closer to the person you hate the most... It's like a disgusting curse and fate.

  " "Hahaha—so funny! ~Uncle, what kind of monster are you? ! ——""

   The two children laughed happily, one holding a spear, the other holding up a battle axe, and walking briskly, one to the left and one to the right to go up to Eimiya Keishu. The scene is like two free children who want to plunge into the arms of their father.

   However, the real reason is still very clear. Whether it is a battle axe or a firearm, the destructive power at zero distance and the destructive power at long distance are of course different.

If the intention to kill is the same as love for other people, a feeling that is strong enough to tear the heart, then the current brothers and sisters of Hansel and Gretel must have an incomparable love for Keiji Eimiya. .

And Kirito Eomiya also suffered from a tragic face, like a real student accepting an examination paper from a teacher, tore off the tattered shirt cloth on his body, and took him out of his back for more than ten years. His love gun, facing the battle axe that will split him in half...

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