Strange Advent: My Teammates Are All Sand Sculpture Players

Chapter 157 It's Time To Hang Up! Boss Unlocks Blood! ! !

"Sacrifice a devil's pupil!"

"Evil Soul Locker!!!"

I saw Plath roaring, and then the only devil's pupil suddenly turned into a gray stone and shattered!

But almost instantly, an indescribable and unfathomable force erupted from the void, descended from the sky, and landed on Plath's body!


Countless black chains covered with strange runes emerged from the void, and even forcibly locked Plath's broken demon marks and his demon body together!

"Phew.....This deity, I won't die!!!" A flash of madness flashed in Plath's eyes, and the next moment...

"Death to the deity!!!" Plath seized this opportunity, roared, and killed the servant of the black sword who had exhausted his last strength with one claw!

"What the hell..." The attendant of the black sword widened his eyes, never expecting that Plath was split in half by himself, and he was about to die... .

The last moment was so bloody locked!!!

At this moment, the Hiccup players who saw this scene also exploded in unison!


"Fuck, I'm not a good person for planning!"

"Made, this BOSS is cheating, he's blood-locked!!!"

All the players present felt that Plath was really about to die just now!

But at the last moment, it seemed that by sacrificing one eye, some kind of power was activated, and then forcibly locked the body that was about to collapse, barely survived!

To put it simply, Plath's HP was cut to 0, and he was about to die, but at the last moment, he forcibly opened the padlock and became a drop of blood!

All players know that if you give Plath another hit, this guy will die!

But unfortunately...

Once the black sword attendant dies, and there are no more resurrections, no one can cause damage to Plath!

Because all the bloodthirsty magic swords were shattered, and even the water gun was shattered into slag after the miraculous blow!

Only Davenstein, who was seriously injured and unable to stand up, and Lin Yifan, who was exhausted, were left in the audience!

And obviously, at this time, Plath has entered a state of forced blood lock, I am afraid...

Even if the attendant of the black sword is not dead at this time, and there is another water gun in his hand, if he launches another attack, he probably won't be able to hurt Plath!

Because of the blood lock, there is no solution at all!

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! You guys are still defeated in the end!!" "!" Plath slowly raised his arms, posing in a classic cup-filling pose in front of all the belching players!

Because Plath didn't tell these ants in front of him that once he activates this ultimate secret technique, although he will sacrifice a devil's pupil as the price, it can guarantee to lock his last sliver of vitality!

Although even if you are hit by the enemy a little, you will be instantly killed!

But this evil soul lock demon will give itself a genuine invincible form!

No matter what kind of attack it is, it can't hurt him! It can even be said that even if the kid who used the sword just now strikes again and swings all kinds of swords to attack him, it is impossible to hurt himself again!

After all, this demon lock is an extremely terrifying and strongest life-saving stunt!

"The current deity is invincible! There is no longer any attack that can hurt the deity! Next, the deity will crush the seriously injured one to death first, and then you, the exhausted one! Immediately afterwards, the deity will kill everyone All the creatures of your world!"

"Use your blood and soul to nourish the wounds of this deity, and to turn it into nutrients for this deity to restore its former strength!"


"I want to ask now..."

"Who else???"

As Plath raised his arms, he posed in a domineering posture that was extremely rampant and stretched to the limit, and combined with the extremely rampant words [It just blows up all the players!

However, the thirty-four hiccupping players had no way to fight back, and Davenstein was seriously injured and unable to move, and even Lin Yifan had exhausted his strength.

In addition, Plath opened the padlock blood at this time, which made all the players even more angry!

"々.Damn it!"

"I'm not convinced!"

"We have fought until the boss has only one drop of blood left, this bastard actually unlocked the blood hanger?"

"Scheme Gou is really not human, I really want to cook him!"

" do I feel like I forgot something?"


Just when all the players were sad and angry, just when Plath shouted wildly who else is there!

A voice sounded leisurely behind Plath!

"And I!"

As this familiar voice sounded, Plath was startled!

All players were also stunned!

Could it be that...(Li Wangzhao)...

This voice comes from...

That Pippi?

And the figure behind Plath...

It's Pipi's face shaking!

Without waiting for Plath's reaction, behind Plath, Pippi, who had returned from squatting, swapped his left hand for his right in a slow motion, and held the scarlet ghost blade. Here comes a backstab!

The whole backward entry process is silky smooth, skillful and free, and the circle is perfect!

Even Plath has no chance to react!

"Puff!" There was a crisp sound, and the next moment, a small crack appeared in the center of Plath's chest!

And this crack spread to Plath's whole body in an instant!

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