Lin Yifan was on the Blue Mercury planet before the crossing.

A handsome and gentle young man, skillfully hit the enter key!


With the loud voice of the gentle youth!

An exquisite and fully functional website is successfully established.

On the homepage of this website, there is even a line of big characters.

"Beyond the era for a hundred years, if you don't play the same Genesis masterpiece as if you haven't lived it, the strangeness comes, and the king returns!"

Yes, this gentle young man is one of the players summoned by Lin Yifan, ID: Davenstein!

"Okay, you can invite other people to enter the forum to chat. Well, this is the address information of other people sent to me by the official website. The invitation... very good, they received it!" Davenstein tapped the keyboard quickly, feeling very nervous. A chat window opens soon.

And soon, after receiving Davenstein's invitation, the eleven friends who had fought together entered the forum chat room one by one.

[Sharp Spear Invincible]: Wow, Brother Dawen Niupi, you built a website so quickly?

[Farmer's Three Punches]: This plan is really good, it will save money, this is the first time I have seen players help build and manage the official website!

[Pipi Nian]: Hey, invincible, really lonely as snow!

[Davenstein]:? ? ?

[Sharp Spear Invincible]:? ? ?

[Farmer's Three Punches]:? ? ?

[Black Sword Attendant]: Does anyone know when the next test will be held? Next time, I won't lose again!

[Sharp Spear Invincible]: Brother Heijian, go to sleep, Miss Ghost, you can never win at swordplay for the rest of your life, why not... learn how to use a gun with me! Lao Tzu's sharp gun is designed to defeat female ghosts!

[Farmer's Three Punches]: Die laughing, the 30-second soft gun is still blowing! Brother Heijian, practice the Martial Emperor's Changquan with me! This time I was attacked by a sneak attack, and next time I will directly beat the red knife female ghost to death with three punches!

[Sharp Spear Invincible]: Happy, who lay down in the first second, don't talk, I persisted for at least 30 seconds, how about you? Have three seconds?

[Davenstein]:? ? ?

[Pipi Nian]: I stand on the top of the peak, and I can see no one who can fight. Hey, how can it be so difficult to find an opponent? Invincible, really lonely!

[Sharp Spear Invincible]: Ma De, Pippi is dead!

[Davenstein]: Made, Pippi is dead!

[Farmer's Three Punches]: Ma De, Pippi is dead!


With the activity of Davenstein and others, other players who didn't speak much at first joined the group chat soon.

"Tell me, what is the origin of this red knife female ghost?"

"Ghost knows, I didn't see the true face of the female ghost lady until I hiccupped!"

"Laughing to death, I let you see it for the first time, how can you have the motivation to repeatedly brush the book?"

"To be reasonable, I've already vomited from playing those spicy chicken games that use materials and equipment, but this dungeon of the female ghost in the ancient building, I can play for 10,000 years, okay?"

"You mean to hide it in a cupboard for ten thousand years?"

"Speaking of the cabinets, I really don't understand why the female ghost just opened the cabinets when I chose ordinary cabinets? Why?"

"Fuck, so you are the king of screaming kings!!!"

"It's reasonable, buddy, the female ghost didn't scare me, but you scared me out of my mind! It's the first time in my life that I've seen someone scream for such a long time!"

"Brother Dawen has already sent me the sound source of this guy's screams, and tomorrow I will make a ghost animal rap!"

"Damn it, be yourself! Can you send me first?"

"Please send, please send!"

"Please, Brother Dawen, do you know when the test will start next time? I'm almost dying of anxiety. I can't play with the strangeness, I feel like I'm going to die!"

"Me too, this game is so real that it explodes, I feel like my soul has traveled to another world, it's so fucking incredible!"

"Yeah, to this day, I still remember the garlic-flavored fart in the cabinet!"



"Shut up. Don't say any more, I'm going to spit out my dinner overnight!"

"By the way, I heard from Brother Xiaofan that the next test will feature a combat power system. What do you think it will be like?"

"Huh? Isn't this a horror game? Can we still become stronger?"

"Laughing to death, online games can't level up to become stronger, so what's the difference from stealing food games?"

"Young man, wake up, now that the vegetable stealing game has reached level 1000, you can open a starship to steal vegetables. You will not be a vegetable farmer at level 1, you have to walk to steal other people's vegetables, right?"

"I think it should be possible to get the skills or equipment of the bosses! For example, the red knife!"

"Yes, I feel the same way!"

"Is it the female ghost's original flavor clothes? It really feels good!"



"Pippi Cowhide!"

"By the way, Brother Xiaofan called me back online after you all went offline, saying that the next battle requires more teammates. I think it should be to expand the quota! In other words, the next round of B testing, It is estimated that the number of players will increase!"

"What? There will be new players so soon? Tsk tsk tsk, it seems that I, a seasoned and skilled high-end old player, must show my strength and bring new players!"

"Made, I'll take you as a happy kid who lays down in seconds! It's just like the real thing!"

"If there are 12 people in the first round of test A, then the number of people in test B is likely to be doubled, that is, 24 people!"

"Fuck, this prediction is very reasonable! This kind of horror game, too many people is not good, it will seriously affect the experience!"

"Indeed, it was already disgusting for ten of us to squeeze into one cabinet at that time. If 24 of us squeezed together..."

"Ahh! Don't say any more, I'm getting goosebumps!"

"No, what if there is a girl in Mengxin? If we have 23 big guys and a girl squeezed into a cabinet, it will be pitch black and the confined space... Hehehe..."

"Hey hey hey!"

"Hey hey hey!"

"Hey hey hey!"

"You guys are so silly! I want to fart every day, and I don't even squeak, so I'll ask you why?"

"No squeak, I still have hands!"

"Even if I don't have hands, I still have feet!"

"Even if I lose my hands and feet, I still have my little duckweed with cool oil on it!"

"Ahhh, enough of you guys! You have simply defiled my pure heart!"


As the style of painting in the chat room gradually distorted and began to develop in a disharmonious direction, Davenstein resolutely banned all members from speaking for one minute.

After everyone calmed down, Davenstein released it, and then leisurely typed out a line.

"If there are no accidents, the second round of B testing should start after 24 hours! Everyone, take a good rest and get ready to start... a new round of battle!"



As Davenstein withdrew from the chat room, the rest of the players also went offline to rest after chatting for a while.

And time just passed by slowly, and a new day came quietly!

Happy reading every day during Spring Festival in the Year of the Rabbit! Recharge 100 and get 500 VIP coupons!

Immediate recharge (activity period: January 21st to February 5th)

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