"Mark hahahahaha!!! Dual wielding ghost blades, I have them in the world!" Pippi yelled, with a scarlet ghost blade in his left hand and another scarlet ghost blade in his right hand, going crazy in front of other players show off.

"Brother Dawen, look, although you have one, I have two! Two is twice as much as one! You can count, do you know the concept of twice?" Pipi looked at Davenstein, Yoyo spoke, with a tone of do you understand, do you understand.

Before Davenstein got angry, Pipimian rushed to the farmer's three punches with a whoosh.

"Brother Farmer, did you see it? Two scarlet ghost blades, you don't have any scarlet ghost blades, I have two? Two, you count, one plus one equals two!!!" Pipi said He even raised two scarlet ghost blades, almost stuffing them into the eyes of the farmer's three fists, showing off crazily.

Forget it, Pipi turned around, and showed off one by one in front of the other players, his tone was weak, his expression was disgusting, he could be called the tyrant of the cheapest!

"..." Seeing this scene, Lin Yifan was speechless.

Pipimian, you really like to play to death!

So inadvertently, Lin Yifan turned around silently and looked up at the sky, as if admiring the sea view.

Behind him, a group of players saw Lin Yifan turn around and instantly understood.

"Fuck! What are you trying to do?"

"Oh, don't hit me in the face!"

"Ahhh, are you really going to do it? Brother Xiaofan, save me, ahhh!"


As Pipimian's screams sounded, Lin Yifan acted as if the captain didn't hear or see anything, and didn't know anything.

After waiting in silence for ten minutes, Lin Yifan turned around slowly.

At this time, Pi Pi Nian had already been beaten into a pig head three.

"Brother Xiaofan, they, they bully me! You have to make the decision for me!" Seeing Lin Yifan turn around, Pipi slapped his face, hugged Lin Yifan's thigh, and cried and asked Lin Yifan to do it for him. Make up your own mind.

There is such a moment!

In a trance, Lin Yifan seemed to see a certain distant world, and there was also a man with a surname, who hugged the thigh of a young man who was very similar to himself with a snap, and even the words he said were almost the same.

But this weird feeling quickly dissipated.

"Pippi, the captain was looking at the sea just now, did something happen? Unfortunately, I didn't see anything!" Lin Yifan said lightly.

If you don't do it, you won't die!

It's fine if you show off two scarlet ghost blades, you're almost stuffing the weapon into the eyes of the farmer's three punches, it's strange if they don't beat you!

change me...

I beat him harder!

After finishing speaking, Lin Yifan didn't look at Pipi's face any more, but spoke lightly.

"Everyone, are you ready?"

"Ready for the challenge, the second weird fissure?"

"Get ready, Brother Xiaofan!!!" All the new and old players present were screaming, all gearing up, preparing to perform well in this weird gap and become the strongest boy in the audience, that is, the audience optimal!

"Then, come with me!" Lin Yifan smiled slightly, waved his hand, and a wooden boat naturally appeared on the edge of the island.

Then Lin Yifan walked towards the wooden boat step by step, his figure dissipated with the wind.

"???" The new players were still confused, but the old players shouted proficiently!

"Get on board, get on board, let's go!"

Soon, old and new players got on the canoe neatly. As the canoe set sail and slowly sailed to the depths of the endless sea, Lin Yifan also returned to reality.

"Here we come!" Lin Yifan waited for a moment, then his eyes flashed.

With twenty-four lights flashing, twenty-four figures slowly appeared in front of Lin Yifan!

It is the fourth natural disaster player group!

The twelve on the left are old players, and the ones on the right are new players.

"Everyone!" With Lin Yifan's shout, the players on the scene suddenly fell silent, and they all looked at Lin Yifan curiously and excitedly.

"Perhaps the old team members have had the experience of challenging the weird fissure!"

"But this time's weird fissure is more dangerous and terrifying than the last one!"

"So, all team members must unite as one, gather the strength of each group, and fight together!"

"Then, if everyone is ready, you can enter this weird rift!"

"Wish you guys good luck!"


Lin Yifan opened his mouth lightly, pretending to be an NPC perfectly.

"Come on, let's go brothers!"

"It's finally time to start, I'm so anxious!"

"Let's go, let's fight, let's fight!"


Most of the players screamed and rushed into the dark green weird crack.

But among the second batch of summoned players, there are also more intelligent players.

So, these players with online IQ took a few steps and found Lin Yifan motionless, so they couldn't help asking curiously.

"Huh? Brother Xiaofan, won't you go in with us?"

Before Lin Yifan answered, an old player answered instead of Lin Yifan.

"Hey, Mengxin is Mengxin. As the captain, of course I have to sit in the main base, idiot!"

"That's right, if the chief captain pays for it, then what's the matter with us?"

"Laughing to death, Mengxin is so cute, even asking such a mentally handicapped question!"


Following the explanation of the old players, the faces of these new players turned red, and they hurriedly followed into the dark green weird crack.

After all the players went in, Lin Yifan found a quiet place to sit down, took out a bottle of happy water, and skillfully opened the system screen, and began to appreciate the players' wonderful hiccup moments...

"No! This is not right!" Lin Yifan's expression suddenly changed, and he couldn't help feeling, how could he do this?

The players escaped death, but he was watching a show with only a bottle of Coke?

So Lin Yifan skilfully took out two roasted chicken legs from his backpack.

"Coke with chicken legs, that's the perfect combination!" Lin Yifan nodded in satisfaction, and then began to watch seriously.

And in the system screen, a second weird world gradually emerged...

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