Strange Advent: My Teammates Are All Sand Sculpture Players

Chapter 3 Next Lin Yifan! It's Your Captain

"999 small rules? Mad, can't you draw Huazi in the game?"

"Well, there is no little squeak, reasonable, you are not allowed to attack women, reasonable, you are not allowed to attack yourself???"

"Ma De, it's too long to watch, just agree to finish it!"


Some of the twelve players were watching carefully, while others waved their hands and nodded in agreement.

After confirming that all twelve players had signed the contracts, Lin Yifan nodded in satisfaction and waved his hand!

"Wow!" In a flash of light, mirrors appeared in front of the twelve players. Inside, there were figures with exactly the same appearance and body.


From now on, it is the familiar face-pinching link.

"Everyone, please carefully set your appearance and character name. Once the appearance and name are determined, they cannot be changed. Please remember!"

"After all the settings are completed, you can enter the game and officially experience the new world!"

"In the extremely dangerous world that you are about to face, if you are alone, you have no chance of winning! Therefore, you must form a team and gather the strength of the team to overcome everything!"

"And I'm Lin Yifan! I'm your captain, and I'll be with you in the future, fighting and advancing together in this strangely revived world!"


Lin Yifan spoke lightly, trying to be as impassioned as possible.

The twelve players present were shocked, but they quickly accepted these settings, but they couldn't help talking about it.

"Fuck, this NPC is actually our captain? Then I want to ask, if this person belches, can he still have a second-generation captain?"

"Hey, why is the chief captain male? Isn't it all %#¥%#*...*"

"Damn it, what did this big brother want to say? Why was he blocked?"

"Happy, it's stated in the agreement you just signed that disharmonious words and sentences will be blocked directly! Understand?"

"I understand you, my role is done, can I start charging?"

"Attack you, you haven't set a character name, what a rush!"


So while chatting, everyone began to pinch their faces and set their character IDs. After everyone was ready.

"Wow!" A wooden boat suddenly appeared in front of the island.

The figure of Lin Yifan walked up to the wooden boat step by step, then waved his finger at the wooden boat and disappeared.

You are not fools, so you naturally understand the meaning, this is to let yourself board the boat with Lin Yifan, and read the new map by the way for the game time!

Understand! I always understand!

So without saying a word, everyone boarded the boat one after another.

Soon, with a gust of wind, the wooden boat carried the figures of twelve players into the sea, drifting away...

Meanwhile, in the real world.

"Is this the player's body?" Lin Yifan looked at the body shaped by the twelve systems in front of him, slowly forming from scratch, and couldn't help being shocked.

At this moment, the light flashed, and twelve slightly illusory human figures could be vaguely seen descending slowly, and finally submerged into these bodies.

Obviously, the player's soul and consciousness have been successfully summoned, arrived in Lin Yifan's world, and integrated into the body shaped by the system.

Soon, the first player suddenly opened his eyes and jumped up.

Lin Yifan turned his gaze, and found that three words appeared above the player's head, which was the player's character name.

And Lin Yifan found that he could see the player's attributes.

ID: Pipimian

Rank: 0

Combat power: none

The ID and rank are simple and clear, and can be understood at a glance.

The problem is that in terms of combat power, Lin Yifan didn't understand why it was none?

"Could it be that after clearing the dungeon in this weird rift, you need to obtain the first weird thing, and the system can devour and analyze it before you can give players combat power?" Lin Yifan guessed, feeling that it should be the truth.

But this also means that for the first time in the strategy, the players basically don't have any fighting ability, not even weapons!

The body of a mortal, with bare hands, is facing a strange world of horror and unknown!

This is more than a near-death level, the difficulty is definitely hell-level free!

Any normal person would never go in and die if he was beaten to death!

But fortunately, among the players from the fourth natural disaster, none of them are normal!

Well, it makes sense when you think about it that way!

At this time, the twelve players had all woken up. They looked around and touched their bodies. They were all shocked!

"Fuck, it's too real, isn't it? Is this my body?"

"This ground is the same as the real one, even the dust and pebbles are perfectly restored!"

"The feeling of the night wind blowing is so cool, I thought I had traveled through time!"


The twelve players were all excited, touching here and looking there, they were all excited.

At this moment, Lin Yifan and all the players were shocked by the sound of space distortion. They all turned their heads and saw a crimson strange vortex appearing in front of the unfinished building.

From the vortex, bursts of scarlet mist emitted a trace of danger and strangeness, as if trying to infiltrate the world where Lin Yifan lived.

Lin Yifan's eyes lit up, and he understood that this should be a weird rift. Through this rift, one can enter the unknown and weird independent space, which is the dungeon world.

"Everyone!" So Lin Yifan stood up immediately.

"Did you see it? That crimson vortex is the passage to the unknown and strange world! Next, all team members need to enter it, cooperate with each other, and work together to break through this independent space!"

"Maybe the process will be very dangerous, maybe it will be close to death!"

"But I believe that everyone will be able to succeed!"

"Go! Teammates!"


Lin Yifan opened his mouth leisurely, speaking impassionedly.

"Damn it! You can finally enter the dungeon!"

"Huh? This real world is just a big map? There is also an independent copy? Is it so awesome?"

"Brothers, let's go!"


The players on the scene suddenly became excited, and most of them rushed in directly without thinking about it.

There are so many balls, let's make a wave first!

However, there was also a witty player who walked up to the crimson vortex, only to find Lin Yifan standing there motionless when he looked back.

ID: Davenstein.

"Huh? Captain, aren't you going in?" Davenstein felt something was wrong.

As the captain, why didn't he take the lead in the charge? Among them, there must be something strange!

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