Lin Yifan didn't think too much at this time, and he didn't care about the wood demon Qinghuai feeling depressed like a goji!

Following the tunnel, Lin Yifan soon came to the familiar empty underground hall.

"Come out, Qinghuai! I know, you are right here!" As Lin Yifan said lightly, the next moment, a huge figure suddenly descended!

It is astonishingly several meters high, its upper body is like an ancient tree, and the other half of its body is a gigantic monster composed of countless vines!

"Who the hell are you? Why do you... contain power similar to this demon? Also, how do you know that this demon is here?" The wood demon Qinghuai did not rush to make a move, but rather ferocious and furious questioned!

Although Lin Yifan was embarrassed for a moment, he calmed down quickly.

Say what?

To say that I am wearing your copy of graduation equipment, and I already know the plot and subsequent development, is it cheating?

That is of course impossible!

So Lin Yifan spoke lightly.

"As a just passing by, today, I will kill you!" After Lin Yifan finished speaking, he waved his hand!

The Shenmu giant soldiers rushed up with the roar, and directly fought with the wood demon Qinghuai, or in other words, the huge fake body made by the wood demon Qinghuai!

And between the breath of the battle, it became one-sided!

Although the wooden monster Qinghuai's fake body is even bigger and looks very strong, but when confronted with the Shenmu giant soldiers, he directly pulls his hips!

The false body of the wood demon Qinghuai waved hundreds of vines, and beat the body of the Shenmu giant soldier fiercely, without even leaving a single white mark.

These vines may be able to choke ordinary people half to death with one blow, but facing the divine wood giant soldiers made by Lin Yifan of the first-order realm, they can't even rub off a piece of wood!

And the Shenmu giant soldier punched over, almost punching a hole in the huge upper body of the wooden monster Qinghuai's fake body!

Even the fake body of the wood demon Qinghuai tried to lock the Shenmu giant soldier with vines, but the Shenmu giant soldier pulled off countless vines with his bare hands!

The monkeys can tell that the victory of the Shenmu giant soldiers is a matter of time!

However at this moment...

" are really strong, your wooden puppet is really powerful, but..."

"You are still doomed!"


At this time, the wood demon Qinghuai sneered strangely, and the voices continued to come out from the vines, which was extremely weird!

The next moment, countless vines shot out directly from the ground, and a surprise attack bound Lin Yifan to death!

"Hahahahaha!" Seeing that Lin Yifan was tied up by himself without coming to escape at all, Qing Huai, the wood demon, laughed out loud!

No matter how powerful the wooden puppets are, so what?

As long as you grab the body of the caster and kill him, the wooden puppet he made is just a pile of wood!

"..." Lin Yifan didn't say a word, his eyes just turned quietly, quietly observing the vines in front of him.

Soon, Lin Yifan's eyes flashed, and he locked on a vine that was slightly different from other vines among the countless vines.

Before, the attendant of the black sword knew from the blood armor warrior that the body of the wood demon Qinghuai was just a vine!

But the players couldn't identify which vine was the body of the wood monster Qinghuai, so Davenstein devised a trick to make other players sprinkle oil all over their bodies as cannon fodder, and start the fire escape method to burn the whole field!

After all the clones of the wood demon Qinghuai were burned, the only one that was not ignited was naturally the body of the wood demon Qinghuai!


Now Lin Yifan doesn't need to be so troublesome at all!

Lin Yifan, who has stepped into the first-order realm, has more than ten times the eyesight of before, and more importantly, after mastering the power of the three kinds of sacred wood analyzed in the sacred wood seal, Lin Yifan has already vaguely sensed the power of the wood. The difference between Yao Qinghuai's body and clone!

It's just that Lin Yifan is not very proficient in controlling this kind of power at this time, and needs a little time to observe and distinguish, so he let the Shenmu giants attack, so that he has time to find the body of the wood demon Qinghuai!

And now...

Lin Yifan, has found the body of the wood demon Qinghuai!

"You lost, weak human race!!!" Wood Demon Qinghuai said ferociously, looking at Lin Yifan who was bound tightly by his own vines, and it was absolutely impossible to break free, and said with great pride.

However, Lin Yifan laughed.

"No, you lost!"

"Shenmu armed..."

"Full body coverage!"


Lin Yifan opened his mouth lightly, and then his body was covered with blue light, and the blue runes spread all over his body, and within a breath, they turned into scales!

next moment……

"Crack, click, click!" With a little force from Lin Yifan, all the vines that bound Lin Yifan were shattered!

Indeed, once ordinary people are bound by the vines made by the wood demon Qinghuai, they are doomed, no matter how strong they are, they cannot break free!

But Lin Yifan is no longer an ordinary person!

"First-order are not an ordinary person! This...this is the power of the divine wood seal, why do you have it???" The wood demon Qinghuai saw Lin Yifan using the divine wood weapon to break free from his shackles, and directly Panic!

It's almost time for the wood demon Qinghuai to call you rascally!

Because the sacred wood seal is a treasure that the wood demon Qinghuai has guarded for many years, but now someone controls the power of this treasure to beat him?

How could such an outrageous thing happen?

But Lin Yifan didn't give the wood demon Qinghuai a chance to react and escape!

"Magic sword, bloodthirsty!" Lin Yifan grabbed the void with his right hand, and the magic sword bloodthirsty was in his hand immediately!

Although Lin Yifan hardly knows swordsmanship, but with Lin Yifan's strength at the first level at this time, coupled with the super boost of the Shenmu Armor's full body coverage, just cutting off a section of vine is as easy as pie!

"Death!" The next moment, Lin Yifan exerted his strength lightly, jumped seven or eight meters high in the air, swung the magic sword bloodthirsty and cut off the vine of the wood demon Qinghuai's body with one blow. !

"Ahhh!!! Why...why do you have the power of the god wood seal...Obviously this demon...Obviously this demon has spent tens of thousands of years and can't really control it..." The body of the severed wood demon Qinghuai On the vines, a twisted old face screamed and roared ferociously, and then the screams stopped abruptly!

Wood demon Qinghuai, completely killed!

"Wanzai?" However, Lin Yifan's heart skipped a beat, and there was a flash of astonishment!

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