Strange Advent: My Teammates Are All Sand Sculpture Players

Chapter 63 Let Your Skin Go! Is The Retribution Coming Now?

Lin Yifan turned his gaze and saw that there was no one around Pippi Mian, so he was also a little speechless.

Davenstein, the captain of the first team, and himself, there are twenty-three people in the first team.

The captain of the second team, Hei Jian, has ten people around him! It is equivalent to eleven people in the second team!

And Pi Pimian, the captain of the third team...

There is not even a single player around, just like a bare-bones commander!

Is this reasonable?

Totally reasonable!

Let your skin!

Is the retribution coming now?

But at this moment, Pi Pimian turned his eyes and saw the Farmer's Three Punches who hadn't decided which team to join!

"Brother Three Fists! Come here, come here! Come here! Join me, and I'll give you a lollipop!" Pippi shouted excitedly!

Then naturally, he was directly ignored by the Farmer's Three Punches!

Where did you go?

Have a good time!


piss off! ! !

"Farmer's Three Punches, come to my side! Your fist, my sword, let us build the strongest combat team together!" At this time, the attendant of the black sword walked slowly in front of the Farmer's Three Punches. Raising his hand, he spoke calmly and naturally.

"!" The farmer's eyes flashed with three punches, and he raised his big hand to hold it with the black sword attendant.

So far, all three teams have assembled!

Dawenstein, the captain of the first team, and Invincible, the vice-captain, have a total of twenty-three people in the team!

The captain of the second team, Hei Jian's attendant, and the vice-captain, Nong Fu, punched three times. There are twelve people in the whole team!

Pipimian, the captain of the third team, the polished commander, the whole team consists of one person!

"Well, very good. All three teams have assembled. The captain believes that you will be able to cooperate with each other, unite together, and give full play to the advantages and combat power of each team!" Lin Yifan said lightly.

"Brothers, although our individual combat strength is not strong, as long as we unite and obey my command, I will definitely lead you to victory!" Davenstein clenched his fists at this time and raised his arms. It's yelling!

"Everyone, you just need to follow in my footsteps, only move forward, not retreat!" the attendant of the black sword said calmly, but with a touch of persistent domineering!

"Only move forward, not back!" When the players around the black sword attendant heard this, they all burst into flames instantly!

After the players of the two teams shouted, they couldn't help looking at the last team, or the last player.

The captain of the third team without a single member, Pipimian!

"Hey... If that's the case, this captain has no choice but to show off alone! But it's also good, this way, when your thirty-five melon skins are in desperation, this captain can just turn the tide alone! Save you all These melon skins!" Pipi shook his head, even in such an awkward situation, he still said calmly.





All the veteran players including Davenstein spoke in unison, not believing Pippi's words at all.

When all thirty-five of us can't hold on, you, a Pippi, still have a hammer? Are you still going crazy? I just want to fart!

At this time, the team members are assembled, and everyone naturally starts to spend contribution points to buy trick cards!

Lin Yifan also thoughtfully displayed all six trick cards, and marked the price for players to choose.

[Scarlet Ghost Blade]: It can cut invisible objects, and the attack must cause at least 1 point of damage

Price: 15 contribution points

[Cursed Blood Gown]: Immune to 1 physical attack. CD: 24 hours

Price: 10 contribution points

[Magic Sword Bloodthirsty]: Attack blood-sucking, nourish oneself, slightly improve ability

Price: 15 contribution points

[Shenmu Armed Forces]: Greatly strengthen the physical strength of the caster

Price: 10 contribution points

[Shenmu Dunshu]: Freely manipulate wooden vines, change and regenerate, and proliferate into various forms!

Price: 10 contribution points

[Shenmu Giant Soldier]: Create a giant statue warrior with the power of Shenmu!

Price: 10 contribution points


Seeing the six trick cards lined up, all the players present were excited!


So cool!

What is the ultimate purpose of brushing up the contribution points?

Isn't it time to draw cards to form a strongest invincible deck?

So a group of players began to think, or discuss, and some of them first looked at the effects of other people's groups.

"Damn it, which one should I buy?"

"Melon rind? Of course I bought the vampire sword first!"

"Laughing to death, do you know swordsmanship? If you want me to say, it's better to use the Shenmu Giant Soldier!"

"Idiot, the Shenmu giant soldier is strong, but you belched, isn't the Shenmu giant soldier still gone?"

"Yeah, I'll wipe it!"

"Why don't you try the Shenmu escape technique? If you use the double Shenmu escape technique, can you cast spells with your left and right hands at the same time?"

"Huh? If you say so, like me, with five pieces of Shenmu Escape Technique in hand, wouldn't it be possible to cast five spells?"



When most players were still struggling, some people bought it without saying a word!

"Here comes the sword!!!" After the black sword attendant was the first to choose, he raised his hands and let out a low cry!

"Crash!" The next moment, two scarlet swords suddenly condensed out, and naturally appeared on the hands of the attendants of the black sword!

Devil Sword Bloodthirsty X2!



"Is this the double sword style? Oh my god, I'm so envious!"


Seeing the black sword attendant directly holding the bloodthirsty magic sword in both hands, and holding the two red blood-sucking great swords in his hands, other players looked straight at him!

Damn it!

Can you be so self-willed if you contribute a lot?

"Shenmu armed!!!" Nongfu's three fists roared loudly, but the blue light burst out rapidly, and the arms of Nongfu's three fists turned into blue dragon scales at the same time, covering the whole body within a breath!

"This guy, he's very talented!" Seeing that the first time the Nongfu's three fists used the Shenmu weapon, it went so smoothly, and it covered the whole body, even Lin Yifan was surprised!

But then, a scene that surprised Lin Yifan again happened!

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