Strange Comes: I Loaded The Boss Template

040 Golden Legend!! Skills are sublimated, equipment is advanced!

040 Golden Legend!! Sublimation of skills, advanced equipment!


A head collapsed, making Boobu quickly break away from the previous worry and sadness.

It jumps on all four legs.

From standing beside Wang Yan, staring affectionately at the dark red lake, to jumping three meters away, facing Wang Yan with his back to the lake.

The long and narrow dog's face is full of doubts: what are you doing to beat me?

Ignoring the increasingly playful Boob, Wang Yan stretched out his hand, and a huge dragon heart appeared in mid-air, suspended there quietly.


He hooked his index finger at Boob again, causing Boob to levitate.

With a look of surprise on his face, Wang Yan flicked his fingers, and the huge dog quickly floated towards the heart of the dragon, and penetrated into the purgatory dragon through a gap that Wang Yan had just cut. in the heart.

"It might hurt a little. 39

"Just be patient."

"Breaking the template limit and becoming a purgatory dragon... is not that easy.

After saying a few words indifferently, Wang Yan started again, blocking the gap in the dragon's heart, and sealing the whole cloth in the huge dragon's heart!

In the dragon blood lake.

Iron Bone's body was still vibrating and twitching constantly, indicating that it was suffering great pain; although Black Charcoal's body was also twisting, it was obviously much better than Iron Bone.

And the boob in the heart of the dragon...

If Wang Yan hadn't blocked the entire dragon's heart, I am afraid that at this time, the peak of this mountain would have been full of boob's screams and howls.

He was right.

Achieving a purgatory dragon has never been an easy task.

What Black Charcoal and Iron Bone need to do is to use the huge and pure dragon blood essence in the dragon blood lake to temper their body, improve their attributes, and complement the previously missing attributes and potential.

As for Boobu, if he wants to transfer from the Earthwalking Dragon King to a monster of the Purgatory Demon Dragon family, the first thing he has to do is to use the blood essence in the heart of the dragon to wash away the traces of the Earthwalking Dragon King and the legendary dragon.

Wait until the traces left by the previous template are completely washed away, and then use his body to withstand the purification of the blood of the dragon.

at last.

Only then can he successfully transfer to a monster of the Purgatory Demon Dragon family.

this process.

It is far longer, more tortuous, and more painful than pure dragon blood quenching.

time flies.

Wang Yan dissipated his spiritual power and perception, and was always aware of the state of the three pets; if they really couldn't bear it... Wang Yan would rather give up this transformation than see them damaged.


The three pets are very competitive.

After only half an hour, the fat cat Black Charcoal was the first to fully adapt to the tempering of the dragon blood lake, and no longer felt the pain, but fell asleep in the immersion of the dragon blood lake.

After more than an hour, the iron bones whose four-dimensional attributes have been greatly improved have gradually adapted to the tempering of the dragon blood lake, no longer suffering, and have also fallen into a deep sleep.

After more than two hours, Bubu, who was locked in the dragon's heart, gradually completed the process of refining and remodeling, and slowly adapted to the refining and remodeling of the dragon's blood. There was no sound.

Mental force probes the past one by one.

Wang Yan was relieved.

Next, Fat Cat and Iron Bone just need to fall asleep.

When they wake up, it means when they have completed the process of attribute completion.

And when they wake up, they have already completed this sublimation and transformation.


Really just have to wait.

Even Wang Yan didn't know when it would be able to complete its remodeling, completely transferring from the Earth-walking Dragon King to a monster of the Purgatory family, and waking up from its slumber.


After checking the status of the black carbon, iron bones and cloth over and over again, and after confirming that there were no hidden dangers, Wang Yan quietly came to the other side of the lake,

He turned a piece of jagged rock into a flat slate surface, and then put a lot of things out of his inventory.

The transformation of black carbon and iron bones will take several hours.

It is not known how long it will take for Boob's job change.

Just leaving like this, Wang Yan is not at ease; staying here, there are no new adventurers to fight.


He plans to take advantage of this time to take stock of all the weapons, equipment and other spoils he brought from another world, and select the items that are useful to him.

This trip to another world, the gift from that mysterious existence, can be said to be Wang Yan's greatest gain.

The second is the corpse of the purgatory dragon.

In the end, he took out these weapons, equipment and other loot.


A two-handed staff at the sanctuary level.

There are six legendary quality weapons, and six legendary quality robes/soft armor/war armor in total.

Dozens of epic quality weapons and equipment, hundreds of flawless quality weapons, equipment and other props.

In terms of value, these weapons, equipment and props are naturally valuable. The twelve legendary quality weapons and equipment alone are worth more than 100,000 achievement points in the achievement mall!


To be honest, although there are many weapons, equipment and props, the ones that are really useful to Wang Yan... are really few.


These items are similar to the original purgatory dragon corpse, they were all smuggled by Wang Yan directly from [Other World] through the world passage!

It also needs to be covered by the system before it can completely become the equipment recognized by the lord space and used by him.

All of his current achievement points are added up (reputation points are exchanged), and it can only be worth more than 100 points.

It is also impossible to identify all these items.


After placing all the loot—including the entire treasure trove dug out of the ground—on this flat rock face, Wang Yan began the process of picking and picking treasures by himself.

This is really a treasure mountain!

Especially the treasure trove from Taran King City!

When Wang Yan disassembled the treasure house and piled all the items in the treasure house on the rock face, a treasure mountain more than 30 meters high was piled up!


In this treasure mountain, gold coins and silver coins with strange patterns, which are of no use to Wang Yan, account for the vast majority, but there are still many valuable things in the treasure house of a kingdom.

The value of some items to Wang Yan is no less than the significance and value of an epic-quality equipment, or even legendary-quality equipment to him.

First, he put away the pure money and treasures such as many useless gold coins, silver coins, coral glass, etc., and threw them directly into a cave halfway up the mountain. Only then did Wang Yan begin to select useful items from the remaining treasure ocean.

A full half an hour.

Wang Yan's selection is over.

at this time.

Two pieces of legendary-quality equipment, two epic-quality weapons, several brilliant gems, and a pile of scrolls with extraordinary meaning were picked out by him.

"The system consumes achievement points to cover these items".

By this time.

Wang Yan also figured out what the so-called identification and coverage mean.

Lord Spaces - including previous Castle Instances - have their own rules. This kind of rule is very similar to the mysterious rules of another world, but to a certain extent, it is above the mysterious rules of another world.

The so-called identification of items in the real world is the process of the system injecting the rules belonging to the lord's space into items from the real world.

That's how the armor-piercing gun in his hand came about.

The so-called coverage of the otherworldly objects he brought into the lord space through the world passage is a process of systematically eroding and tampering with the mysterious rules of the otherworld based on the rules of the lord space.

Because the aura recovery/element tide in the real world has just begun, and there are very few auras and elements in items in the real world, it is relatively expensive to inject the rules in the lord space into items in the real world. .

On the contrary, it is an item from [Another World]... Because the mysterious rules between the two are very similar, the cost of the system to erode and tamper with it will be much smaller.

This also means that the consumption of achievement points will not only allow the system to corrode and tamper with items from [Other World], but also allow the system to identify items from the real world.


The consumption of the latter is far greater than that of the former.

And the efficiency is far less than the appraisal scroll refreshed from the achievement mall.

With Wang Yan's words.

He consumed more than half of his achievement points.

The equipment and items that he carefully selected were thoroughly regularized at this moment and became the weapons, equipment and props recognized by the lord space.

Two legendary quality items, one is the longbow from the legendary archer; one is the robe from the shadow assassin.

The legendary bow and arrow were prepared for the future Han Xiaoxiao.

Assassin's robe is prepared for himself.

"Shadow Guardian: Golden Legendary Quality. This is a robe made by a master tailor from the inner skin of the beast of shadows, and it is also the supreme weapon of the assassin profession. Self-contained effects: camouflage, sneak, shadow jump.

"Disguise: The robe is engraved with legendary camouflage. You can freely change the shape of the robe, change your aura, and disguise yourself as a different identity and appearance. Legendary and below-the-legend exploration techniques cannot be seen through.

"Sneak: When wearing shadow guard, you can sneak in all shadows and shadows, hide your tracks, and increase your walking speed. Legendary and below-legend exploration techniques cannot be seen through.

"Shadow Leap: This robe retains an instinct of the Shadow Beast. Spend mana and you can unleash the Shadow Leap skill to jump between the shadow space and the shadow plane."

The golden legend-quality robe can be called an artifact for the assassins.


Wang Yan chose this robe mainly because of its first effect—that is, an enhanced and upgraded version of the "Pretender's Robe".


With Wang Yan's current strength, even equipment and props of the golden legend quality have little effect and meaning on him.

If facing the enemies of the legendary level and below, Wang Yan can easily solve it, and he does not need legendary equipment to provide defense for himself.

If he is facing an enemy above the legendary level... the defense provided by a mere amount of legendary equipment is not as good as his own defense, as well as the effect of the super long blood bar and super fast blood recovery.

On the contrary, auxiliary skills such as camouflage, sneak, and shadow jump have a greater effect on Wang Yan.

This is also the reason why he chose the robe of the Shadow Assassin instead of the Battle Armor and Full Body Armor with significantly stronger defense on the Legendary Juggernaut or the Legendary Shield Guard.

Then there are epic-quality weapons, a spear, and a spear pouch.

Compared with equipment and props, Wang Yan has higher requirements for weapons.


Among the many weapons he captured, most of them were bows, swords, knives, daggers, and staffs that were not suitable for him.

The only two he chose were an epic-quality spear and a bundle of epic-quality throwing spears.

The main attribute of the epic quality spear is frost enchantment. After hitting the enemy, it can greatly slow down the enemy and suffer moderate frost damage; the secondary attribute is to increase the toughness.

Although the attributes are good and the quality can barely keep up with Wang Yan's strength, the practicality is far less than the previous armor-piercing gun.

The name of the Epic Throwing Spear is ""Bloodthirst Throwing Spear". It has certain armor-piercing properties. After hitting the enemy, it can also release a blood explosion, causing a lot of bleeding damage to the enemy.

However, the fundamental reason why Wang Yan chose this weapon is that it has the property of restoring quantity!

Even if the spears in the spear sack are used up, as long as a period of time, the many magic circles inscribed in the spear sack will automatically condense the elements to generate new bloodthirsty spears!

Compared with the epic spear that cannot go up and down, it is obvious that this epic-quality throwing spear is more in line with Wang Yan's wishes!

even if.

The basic full-level spear throwing technique has little effect on him now.

Next, a few gems and some scrolls.

These few gems and scrolls that he carefully selected from the treasure house, the legendary space bag, and the space bag of Adrian, a saint on earth, are the ones that improve his strength the most!

"Blue weapon into (Qian Wang's) step stone: blue rare quality. After integrating it into a green rare quality weapon, its quality can be sublimated from green rare quality to blue rare quality."

"Purple Weapon Advance Stone: Purple Perfect Quality. By incorporating it into a Blue Uncommon quality weapon, it can be sublimated from Blue Uncommon quality to Purple Perfect quality.

"Orange Weapon Advancement Stone: Orange Epic Quality. Incorporating it into a Purple Perfect quality weapon can transform its quality from Purple Perfect quality to Orange Epic quality.""

"Basic Skill Sublimation Scroll: Green rare quality. After use, a certain basic skill can be sublimated to an advanced skill. 99

"Advanced Skill Sublimation Scroll: Rare blue quality. After use, a certain advanced skill can be sublimated into an elite skill.""

"Elite Skill Sublimation Scroll: Purple Perfect Quality. After use, a certain elite skill can be sublimated into an excellent skill.""

Three weapon advancement gems.

Blue is basically useless, temporarily put away.

The remaining two weapon advancement stones... are enough to sublimate the blue rare-quality armor-piercing gun to the orange epic-quality long gun, keeping up with Wang Yan's level and rank!

And those few skill sublimation scrolls are enough to sublimate Wang Yan's now tasteless advanced spear technique and basic spear throwing technique to at least one grade, greatly improving the effect of his skills!


Two weapon advanced stones are integrated into the armor-piercing gun, and this gun has been accompanied by its own armor-piercing gun from the beginning, from blue rare quality to orange epic quality.

Wang Yan also used those skill sublimation scrolls, and sublimated his advanced spear technique and basic spear throwing technique respectively into excellent spear technique and advanced spear throwing technique!

With the just-advanced epic armor-piercing gun and the epic bloodthirsty spear just acquired... These two passive skills can finally play their role!

PS: Sixty-three thousand words, please complete the order~

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