Strange Comes: I Loaded The Boss Template

047 Xiao Yujie's huge aura! Wang Yan's global transmission system!

047 Xiao Yujie's huge aura! Wang Yan's global transmission system!

Half an hour later, Liu Yemei arrived at Guanlan Community.

When Wang Yan opened the courtyard door and let her in, Liu Yemei found that she really thought too much. This Mr. Wang asked him to come, and he was really talking about serious business.


In the living room, she saw what was probably the most beautiful woman she had ever seen~!

Liu Yemei asked herself, she is also a beautiful woman.

I don't dare to say how beautiful the country is, and the appearance is peerless, but there is no problem with picking one out of a hundred.

At least, in the company, there are a lot of male colleagues who are courting her; walking on the street is often the focus of passers-by's attention.


In front of this woman with both youthful vigor and mature charm... Her confidence in the past was shattered! She even had a hard time believing, why would someone combine these two completely different temperaments so well?

That's right.

Wang Yan called Xiao Wanqing.

Now that it has been decided to open a company and to use Xiao Wanqing's contacts and channels to sell treasures, it is natural to tell Xiao Wanqing about this.


Before Liu Yemei arrived, he simply called Xiao Wanqing over and informed Xiao Wanqing of his thoughts and plans.

have to say.

Xiao Wanqing is not only a good person, but also knows how to control the proportions.

After listening to Wang Yan's plan, knowing the necessity of buying and leasing these houses, and seeing the gems with her own eyes, Xiao Wanqing immediately began to list the matters that need attention and the next process.

As for what to do with buying and renting these houses, where did the gems that even her amazement come from... She didn't ask any of these more sensitive and private questions!

Don't talk much.

Just do things.

Xiao Wanqing even said that she could invest 500 million yuan into the company. As the company's starting capital, those gems could be sold slowly, and there was no need to rush to raise funds.

Wang Yan thought about it.

After confirming that Xiao Wanqing really wanted to join, not joking... she agreed.

The sale of gemstones, after all, still requires a process.

And the injection of these 500 million initial capital can be used immediately after the company is opened!

Five hundred million in cash!

Even Wang Yan couldn't help being shocked by Xiao Wanqing's generosity!

To know.

Usually we say how many billions of worth, generally refers to the comprehensive name of a rich company, stocks, real estate, vehicles, deposits and so on.

Companies, stocks and real estate make up the vast majority of it!

Even another tens of billionaires with the same worth as Xiao Wanqing may not be able to spend 500 million in liquidity, which shows Xiao Wanqing's strength and courage.


Wang Yan is not the 500 million cash that Xiao Wanqing prostitutes for nothing.

In a short period of time, the company's profit is not to think about.

This company, which has not yet been formally established, its main business is buying and renting houses. It will only spend a lot of money, and it is impossible to make money from it.

On the other hand, the side business of selling jewelry... may also see the return of money.

But whether Xiao Wanqing's 500 million investment is enough is unknown.

Wang Yan will compensate in other ways.

Such as meat porridge.

Such as dragon blood.

Such as future career templates.

and many more.

In short, Wang Yan will never let her suffer for those who are good to herself and pay to herself.

At least.

That bowl of meat porridge made from the shredded meat of the Purgatory Demon Dragon, put it in the real world, let alone 500 million, even 5 billion can't buy it!

It is also because of Xiao Wanqing's participation.

Originally, in Wang Yan's plan, the interview with Liu Yemei by himself turned into an interview with Liu Yemei by two people - in fact, by this time, the interviewer had become Xiao Wanqing.

With such a real business bigwig joining in... Wang Yan is also happy to relax.


When Liu Yemei arrived, what she saw was this scene.

Wang Yan, who might have been his own boss, was half-lying on the sofa, flipping through the documents in his hands.

That somewhat outrageous woman with youthful vigor, mature charm and beauty sat quietly on the sofa, waiting for her arrival.

After bringing Liu Yemei in and introducing it to Xiao Wanqing, Wang Yan ignored it and watched from the side.

And Xiao Wanqing, for the first time in front of Wang Yan, showed the style that a business boss should have, and even her temperament was seamlessly connected at this moment, turning into a cold and fierce image of a royal sister.

in the living room.

Xiao Wanqing and Liu Yemei sat opposite each other.

In terms of body and appearance, Liu Yemei is naturally less than one-tenth of Xiao Wanqing's.

In terms of temperament and mentality, Liu Yemei is more like a little cute chicken shivering under the watchful eyes of the boss.

It was obvious that Xiao Wanqing was only wearing informal home clothes, while Liu Yemei was wearing a well-crafted business suit... But this kind of suppression of rank and aura made Liu Yemei only shiver under Xiao Wanqing's gaze and question after question. Barely coped.

ten minutes later.

The interview is over.

Liu Yemei pleaded guilty a little awkwardly, and fled to the bathroom as if escaping from a natural enemy.

Wang Yan glanced at Liu Yemei's escaping figure, then returned to Xiao Wanqing, and said with a smile, "Sister Xiao, I didn't expect you to have such a side?

"Look, you're scaring the little sister to pee. 35

More than Liu Yemei!

If it wasn't for Wang Yan's special status, under the powerful aura of Xiao Wanqing just now, Wang Yan felt that he was no different from a rabbit being targeted by a wolf!

"Would you say that to a girl?"

Xiao Wanqing gave Wang Yan a displeased glance, and she was full of amorous feelings for a moment, and she couldn't help indulging in it, and then she said, "Doudou and I, orphans and widows, if we didn't have any means, we would have been eaten and wiped away long ago. Sweeped out, where can I get a woman to manage the company?" 5


Wang Yan nodded: "How do you feel?

"Just get on with it."

Xiao Wanqing flipped through the documents in her hand and said: "The professional knowledge is quite solid, there is no problem in house sales and leasing, and there is no problem in connecting and communicating with foreign resources.

"Character should be dependable.

“Self-discipline and learning ability are also above average. 39

"Only the overall situation and strategic vision are slightly poor, and the psychological quality also needs to be improved. 35

"If you can improve these three can be considered a material that can be built."

Wang Yan didn't understand how Xiao Wanqing could see so many problems in just ten minutes. He clearly listened to the whole conversation between the two of them.


Liu Yemei's character is reliable, and Wang Yan deeply agrees.

Not only in the previous cooperation, Liu Yemei never deliberately looked for a house with a higher price to earn a lot of commissions; it was also because, in the cooperation of renting a mountain, she had already transferred the payment, but she had confiscated it.

Said that this was a list drawn for his hometown and should not be charged for this amount of money.

After Wang Yan transferred the payment again, she invested the money on the mountain road in the name of Wang Yan.

If Mayor Ding hadn't called to thank him, Wang Yan wouldn't know about it!

Reliable character.

Professional ability is fine.

Wang Yan remembered these two points: "Then... it's just her?"

"Just her."

Xiao Wanqing nodded and said, "There is no suitable candidate from the Haisheng Group, so let her try it first. If she does well, go to Haisheng to train a few times.

"More exposure to things, more experience, you will always grow.

It's no wonder that Haisheng Group has no suitable candidates.

If Wang Yan wants to build a house, a community or even a small town, the Haisheng Group can pull out a lot of ready-made talents.

Buying a house, renting a house... This kind of business has never been involved in Haisheng Group!

Another few minutes passed.

Liu Yemei's face was red, and she returned to her original sitting position with a bit of restraint.

at this time.

Xiao Wanqing stood up, stretched out her right hand towards Liu Yemei, and said with a smile, "I have discussed it with Wang Yan, Miss Liu, your quality in all aspects is quite good, and you are quite suitable for this position.

" are welcome to join. 35

Liu Yemei got up in a hurry, somewhat flattered and held Xiao Wanqing's right hand that was stretched out.

It wasn't until Xiao Wanqing told her salary and treatment that Liu Yemei responded: Hey? Didn't I just come here to talk about it first? Why did I just join the job?


Looking at Xiao Wanqing's beautiful face, and feeling the powerful aura of a natural enemy, she absolutely couldn't say what she thought about it.


This should be... a good thing, right?

The work is still the work that I am good at, but the salary has more than doubled compared to the previous company, and there are additional bonuses.


Suddenly, you have reached the pinnacle of your life?


Under Xiao Wanqing's words, Liu Yemei was clearly arranged and successfully became the only part-time worker in this company that has not yet been formally established.

In the next thing, Wang Yan is not required to participate.

Xiao Wanqing doesn't even need to be involved.

Xiao Wanqing made a phone call, and her personal assistant came with professional financial and legal personnel, and together with Liu Yemei to complete the establishment of the company, capital injection and many other issues.

Just two hours later, a small company named "Jin Yan", with Wang Yan as the major shareholder, Xiao Wanqing as the second shareholder, and Liu Yemei as an employee, was officially established.


Considering the issue of confidentiality, during the establishment of the company, Xiao Wanqing specially asked people to register a series of leather bag companies, and after a series of complicated equity exchanges, Wang Yan, the major shareholder, was successfully hidden behind the scenes.

.....for flowers......

Because the company involved is not only the company of Taixia Kingdom, therefore, even the official staff of Taixia Kingdom, it is difficult to find Wang Yan who is hidden behind the scenes.

On the bright side, Xiao Wanqing is the helm of this company.

Another half hour passed.

Liu Yemei sent a message that the house in the White Bear Treasury City has been rented and can be moved in at any time. By the way, he also sent the specific address.

Wang Yan went online to check it out.


In addition to the more than a dozen anchor points (that is, residences) on the side of Taixia Kingdom, a new anchor point also appeared in a small town in the north-central part of White Bear Kingdom.

As long as he is willing, he can cross the distance of thousands of kilometers through the lord space at any time, and instantly arrive at the small town that is only more than 100 kilometers away from the 5th-level battlefield of the White Bear Country.

Next, is to wait.

Waiting for the official launch of the company's business, sprinkle the anchor points recognized by the lord space one by one and become part of Wang Yan's teleportation system in the real world.

Also waiting for Boob to wake up.

At noon, nothing to do, eat lunch sent by Xiao Wanqing.

In the afternoon, I have nothing to do, play games, watch small movies through the eyes of the gods, and eat the fruits sent by Xiao Wanqing.

In the evening, I had nothing to do, I personally cooked, and once again made a bowl of meat porridge for Han Xiaoxiao, Xiao Wanqing and Doudou. It's just that the amount of shredded pork added to the meat porridge this time is a quarter more than the first time.

Wang Yan estimates.

Gradually increase the weight of the shredded pork, eating like this for about a week, Han Xiaoxiao and Xiao Wanqing can at least have the physical fitness of a first-order investigator.


And it is the one that fully strengthens the four-dimensional attributes!

At that time, what they can eat is not only meat porridge with a little shredded meat, but can truly digest and absorb the flesh and blood of the purgatory dragon.

At this point.

The speed of their physical strengthening and evolution will speed up in vain!

It was approaching midnight.

Han Xiaoxiao was already asleep.

Wang Yan returned to the lord's space again, and brought some food to Black Charcoal and Iron Bone by the way.

Boob's reinvention is drawing to a close.

The huge dragon heart suspended in the sky has also changed from its full, bright red appearance to a little shriveled and lost its color, as if the essence in it has been absorbed.

And when Wang Yan's mental power penetrated into it, he could already see a vague outline - this is the body after Bo Bu was reshaped.


The remodeling is only coming to an end, not quite over yet.

Boob like this... It's really not very good-looking.

Make fun of black charcoal.

Shake the iron bones.

Wang Yan asked Black Charcoal and Iron Bone, whether to return to the jungle together or continue to wait here; Black Charcoal and Iron Bone gave the same answer:

They are waiting here.

Even if they really had nothing to do, they would still be here to watch, seeing with their own eyes Boob burst out of the huge heart at that moment.

"Still worried."

Wang Yan is quite complacent about this extremely pure relationship between the three pets - this is all raised by him!

Since they are willing to guard here, then guard it.

After leaving the lord space anyway, they have nothing else to do for the time being.


Wang Yan went offline by himself and went to sleep happily.

She slept until the next morning, and when Han Xiaoxiao went to work, Xiao Wanqing also began to find buyers for that batch of jewelry (Wang Yan had already handed over a batch of gems, corals, pearls and jades of different qualities to Xiao Wanqing), Wang Yan got up slowly.

get up.


Eat breakfast.

When it was nearly nine o'clock, he did not hesitate to go online and returned to the lord's space.

Black charcoal and iron bones are still waiting here.

Just a little impatient.

Black Charcoal no longer wants to bask in the sun, and Iron Bone no longer has the calmness it had before.

A cat and a wolf were lying on the reclining chair created by Wang Yan, and every now and then they would raise their heads and take a look at the dragon's heart floating in the sky.

at this time.

The dragon's heart was completely shriveled and hardened.

It is really like a huge dragon egg suspended above the dragon blood lake.

"It's almost over."

Muttering to himself, Wang Yan stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and the heart of the demon dragon, which was fixed in mid-air, was completely shriveled and hardened, appeared in front of him.

Gently placing the "Dragon Egg" on the ground, Wang Yan probed into a trace of spiritual power to check it.


He laughed.

dong dong!

Unceremoniously, he tapped the eggshell of the "Dragon Egg" a few times, and Wang Yan's voice also extended into the "Dragon Egg" along the trace of spiritual power:

"Still asleep?

"Boy, it's time to wake up!

PS: The sixth is for full order~


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