Strange Comes: I Loaded The Boss Template

033 The Monster Template Is Born! Lizard Monster Boob! [The Third Is For Collection! 】

033 Monster Template is born! Lizard Monster Boob!


[Template]: Basic Monster Template - Lizard Monster

[Growth]: Free attribute point +9 per level, skill point +1 per level

[Skill]: Sharp Minions


Monster Template!

And it is a monster template with a very high growth length!

Looking at the properties of this crystal bead in his hand, Wang Yan felt a burst of joy in his heart.

Up to 8 points of attribute point growth and 1 point of skill point growth, the growth rate of this monster template is not much worse than its own initial template!

In addition to no template expertise, this is a proper template for a small boss!

The key is.

The qualified person who has integrated the professional template is only a mercenary under Wang Yan, and he cannot force the mercenary to do anything; the qualified person who has integrated the monster template is Wang Yan's family!

More than just incomparable loyalty.

He even has all the control over his dependents!

Including life and death!

It can be said that every family member who has integrated the monster template is a natural supporter of the monster boss Wang Yan, and it is also a part of his own strength!

"Good family!"

"Although it can't provide me with information like mercenaries, as long as it is integrated, it is naturally a part of the castle dungeon, and it can be pulled into the castle to help me fight at any time!"

After synthesizing his first monster template, Wang Yan was satisfied.

The remaining 8 basic template fragments were all absorbed, increasing his template evolution rate from 8.6% to 9.4%.

Soldiers are precious but not much.

Wang Yan knows this truth.

Especially in the castle dungeon that can limit the number of adventurers who break into it, a cultivated elite monster is far more useful than a few low-level monsters with insufficient combat power.

"Next, we need to look for the qualified candidates for this monster template."

Just when Wang Yan thought so, the system gave him another surprise!

"A qualified person with the 'Basic Monster Template - Lizard Monster' is detected nearby. Will it be recruited as a dependent?"


Wang Yan was stunned again.

The distance in the real world is meaningless to the castle dungeon. In this case, the vicinity mentioned by the system should be the vicinity of his villa in the real world.

"Could it be that……"

With a thought, enter the spiritual space.

Wang Yan looked down.


In the vast sea of ​​white soul light spots, a faint soul light spot is flashing green light; and the position of this light spot almost overlaps his position!

"This is... boob?"

Wang Yan thought of the pure white Samoyed who greeted him when he was on the balcony two days ago.

"A Samoyed..."

"The monster template of the fusion lizard monster..."

"It should be interesting, right?"

With a slight smile, Wang Yan flipped it over, and the monster template representing the lizard monster turned into a white light and descended from the sky, blending into the soul light spot representing Boob.



at the same time.

Next door to Wang Yan's new home.

After eating and drinking, Samoyed Bubu, who had taken a bath and brushed his hair, was sleeping soundly in his exclusive room of more than 50 square meters, and moved his ears from time to time, as if he was dreaming.

And at a certain moment.

The sleeping Boob seemed to be frightened, and suddenly woke up from his sleep.

It looked up.

A humanized confusion appeared on the narrow dog's face.

As if trying to figure out what just happened.

Immediately after.

A very kind, but full of supreme and mysterious atmosphere came from nowhere.

Boob stood up suddenly.

Excitedly, he looked at the ceiling, his eyes seemed to penetrate the wall and see something above the clouds: "Wow! Woow!"


Boob jumped up.

The entire figure just disappeared into his exclusive room.

It wasn't until the figure of Bubu disappeared that a lazy and graceful voice came from the opposite bedroom: "Bubu, don't be noisy, go to sleep!"



copy of the castle.

After completing the contract with Boobu, Wang Yan called out to summon the Samoyed Boobu, who fused the lizard monster template, to his castle.

In a few seconds, a pure white Samoyed who looked underage appeared in front of him.


"Wang Wang!"

At this moment, Boob looked very excited.

Responding to the call and appearing in the castle, Boob just looked at the surrounding environment curiously, and then the whole dog's attention was focused on Wang Yan.

It's not alienating at all.

In the next moment, he rushed to Wang Yan's side, constantly circling around him, wagging his tail, lying on the ground from time to time, exposing his belly, and wanting Wang Yan to rub himself.

For Boobu, this strange figure in front of him is its lord, its king.

The relationship between the two is even closer than the owner who raised it since childhood!

"Incorporating the monster template, Boob's body seems to have grown a little bigger?"

Crouching down and rubbing on Boob's body a few times, Wang Yan opened the property panel of Boo:


【Name】: Bubu (Samoyed)

[Template]: Basic Monster Template - Lizard Monster

[Level]: Level 1 (0/100)

[Status]: HP 40/40, Stamina 40/40

[Attribute]: Strength 3, Agility 6, Constitution 4, Spirit 3

[Skill]: Sharp Minions

"Sharp Minions: Basic Skill, Passive Skill, Level 1. The enhanced template power makes your teeth and claws tougher and sharper. You can easily bite and tear through objects that were once difficult to shake."


From the property panel, Boob's initial properties are not outstanding.

At least.

Even the initial attributes of Song Qiming, who is a mercenary, are not comparable.


Boob's attributes are growing high!

Just need to upgrade the level, with the blessing of high-growth attribute points and skill points, the monster Bobu can immediately surpass Song Qiming, who is a mercenary!

we can even say.

When it was also level 2, Song Qiming, a mercenary, was not necessarily a match for Boo Boo!

PS: Thank you [10307..] for the big 100-point reward~ The third is for collection, flowers, and evaluation~


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