Strange Comes: I Loaded The Boss Template

005 Adventurers In The Real World? ! [The Fifth Is For Collection! 】

005 Adventurers in the real world? !


"what time is it?"

Waking up from his sleep, Wang Yan glanced at the already bright sky outside, and grabbed the phone next to the pillow.


Tossed to nearly three o'clock last night.

Coupled with the excitement of Goldfinger's arrival and the exhaustion of beheading adventurers, as expected, he woke up late.

If it was only a few minutes late, he should have rushed towards the company impatiently.


Since it's already so late, I don't care if it's any more late.

Slowly getting up, taking a shower, and cooking two more eggs for breakfast, Wang Yan returned to the bedroom and picked up his mobile phone.

Phone unlocked.

Turn on the network.

Open the giant letter.

A dozen messages suddenly jumped out.

A few came from my company department, and the rest all came from a Juxin account called "Han Xiaoxiao".

[Han Xiaoxiao: Huo Huo, are you late? 】

[Han Xiaoxiao: Lao Liu came to call, I'll ask for leave for you. 】

[Han Xiaoxiao: It's an hour late, that's not your style. 】

[Han Xiaoxiao: Did you go out last night to have fun? [Smiling].jpg Can't you afford it so late? 】

[Han Xiaoxiao: Huh? Not up yet? 】

[Han Xiaoxiao: Are you okay? 】

[Han Xiaoxiao: Huo Huo, if you need help, let me know, I'm always here. 】

【Han Xiaoxiao: ... 】


Wang Yan looked at the time. The earliest message from Han Xiaoxiao was at 8:09, and the latest one was ten minutes ago.

Peeling a boiled egg and stuffing it into his mouth, Wang Yan responded with a crackle: It's okay, I played a bit late last night in the dark, and I accidentally overslept. Thank you Xiaoxiao, I'll invite you to make a skewer another day.

[Han Xiaoxiao: It's fine. 】

[Han Xiaoxiao: That's for sure, I'll be waiting for your big meal~]

Close the chat interface.

After picking out a few more replies from his colleagues' messages, Wang Yan sat down in front of his computer with a dignified expression.

Open your browser.

Enter the keywords [BOSS], [Castle], [Adventurer].


The search results pop up.

He browsed it quickly and found that the information he searched was either game advertisements, online novels, or board game settings, and there was basically no useful information.

Think about it, change the keyword.

[Eerie], [Iron blue], [Zombie], [Zombie].


The search results pop up.

The top ones are still online novels, or related discussion posts; the next ones are official accounts and marketing accounts.

When a page of search results was about to see the bottom, Wang Yan's eyes lit up!

In the penultimate search result on this page, he found potentially useful information.

【Qiandu Post Bar】-【Mystery Lover Bar】-《Weird! ! Zombies are real! There are pictures and the truth! 》

Wang Yan hurriedly clicked on this post and browsed it quickly.

According to the landlord's description, his classmate passed an alley when he came home last night, and when he heard a strange roar coming from the alley, he couldn't help but lean over and take a look.

It didn't matter at this sight, it scared his classmates to death.

In the alley, a strange figure suspected of being a zombie is fighting three stray dogs.

Unable to bear the atmosphere, his classmates recorded a video, called the police and hurried away.

"I watched the original video and saved it on my phone, but I don't know why it couldn't be posted. I can guarantee that the figure in the video is definitely not a normal person!"

"It's not a zombie, it's a zombie!"

"Look at the picture if you don't believe me!"

Next are a few pictures taken from the video.







When I clicked on the first picture, it was a dimly lit alley, and a vague figure could be vaguely seen inside.

When I clicked on the second picture, the angle of view was closer, and I could clearly see a human-shaped figure standing in the depths of the alley, and three stray dogs of different colors were barking at the figure.

Clicking on the third picture, the angle of view is closer, and you can clearly see that the black stray dog ​​has fallen to the ground, and a large hole has been torn in its abdomen.

The strange figure was lying in front of the stray dog, as if disturbed by the person who recorded the video, and raised his head to look here.

The remaining two stray dogs bared their teeth and roared at the figure.

Clicking on the fourth picture, the viewing angle is moving away, as if the person who recorded the video was frightened and was running away from here, but couldn't help but look back.

The fifth and sixth pictures are getting farther and farther away, and the picture is getting blurry, and almost no useful information can be seen.

These six pictures are cut very well.

Just six pictures show the content of the entire video.

But... no one believed it.

"This pixel... Did the landlord's classmates use this to take pictures? [Door lock picture].jpg Remember to put it back after taking it."

"Isn't this a stray dog ​​attacking a passerby?!"

"Black dog dead? Strong condemnation from condemners!"

"To tell the truth, the fourth picture is still quite scary. Isn't this really cut from some supernatural movie?"

"Landlord, now is the age of technology, don't spread fanfare.."

"Sit and wait to be deleted."

The dozens of replies below the post were all questions, and no one believed what the landlord said at all.


Wang Yan believed it!

Not only because he just experienced the golden finger awakening and adventurer crusade, but also because of the fourth picture in this post!

In the fourth picture, the strange figure was lying on the ground, looking towards the camera, almost exposing his entire face to the camera.

Dry hair!

Iron face!

Ragged teeth!

Bloody face!

This is the same painting style as Darva, the adventurer who came to slay him last night!

the most important is,

When this strange figure looked at the camera, the maliciousness and hatred in his eyes were exactly the same as the original Darva!

Adventurers - if he/they are really who they are - not only exist in their own copy of the castle, but also in the real world!

PS: The fifth is to ask for collection, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation~


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Immediately rush to recharge (event time: October 1st to October 7th)

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