Strange Comes: I Loaded The Boss Template

Level 0593? No! Level 4! Disaster broke out in the urban area! [First order, please!]

Level 0593? No! Level 4! Disaster in the city!

five minutes later.

A total of four base leaders and nine combat squad leaders gathered at the command center.

When they saw the energy curve on the LCD screen that had broken through level 2, everyone's expressions became serious.

"Researcher Zhou, how is the situation?"

After the chief in charge arrived, he asked impatiently.

Still staring at the various values ​​on the screen, Researcher Zhou from the headquarters shook his head and said, "The space crack is still continuing the process of [birth]."

"But its energy intensity has reached level 3.6!"

Everyone present understands what this means.

After a space crack is completely born, its energy intensity will stabilize; as long as it is not completely born, its energy intensity may rise or fall at any time!

That is to say.

What they will face next... is likely to be a space crack with an energy intensity of level 4!

When they understood this, a chill rose in everyone's heart.

The energy levels of space cracks are very different from each other.

Level 1 space cracks are the least threatening, and the evil spirits that emerge from them are at most equivalent to an adult who has been exercising all the year round and holding a sharp blade. Not to mention the investigators of the Alien Bureau, even ordinary warriors, ordinary beasts, and even stray dogs in the city could kill them.

The space crack of this energy level, the soldiers of the army, the sheriff of the public security bureau, and the investigators of the strange bureau can all guard.

Level 2 space cracks are more threatening. The evil spirits that emerge from it basically have physical qualities that exceed the limits of the human body, and have mastered super-strong fighting skills and even extraordinary abilities. Except for the use of modern firearms, there is basically no possibility for ordinary people to kill them.

The space crack of this energy level can only be guarded by a team of fully-armed warriors or investigators of the Irregularity Bureau.

Level 3 space cracks are already very threatening! The evil spirits that emerge from them can already be called extraordinary! The extraordinary abilities of some evil spirits are no less powerful than small missiles! Even modern firearms , and only those powerful firearms can pose a threat to it.

The space crack of this energy level basically needs to rely on the formation of the army soldiers and the investigators of the Abnormality Bureau to join forces to guard it smoothly.

Level 4 space cracks can already be called disasters! If the high-level evil spirits gushing out of them spread, they could even easily destroy a city!

And to kill this level of evil spirits, apart from letting investigators of the same level take action... the only way is to use weapons of mass destruction!

For example, missiles!

Level 5.

Level 6.

Level 7.

The next three energy levels are even more exaggerated.

At present, the only level 7 space crack on Blue Star requires the cooperation of Taixia Kingdom, White Eagle Federation and White Bear Empire to successfully guard it!

Back to the present.

If it is only a level 3 space crack, Jiangdong Base has absolute confidence to guard it; even if it is a level 3 permanent space crack, at best, it is just to establish a fortress front in the later stage and circle the place where the space crack was born.

Because just the captain-level investigators who have entered the third rank, there are 17 people in the Jiangdong base!

on top of this.

There is also a captain who has entered the fourth level!


If the energy intensity of this space crack continues to increase, reaching level 3.9, or even breaking through the peak of level 3 and entering level 4... that is definitely not something that Jiangdong Base can withstand!

The key is……

The place where this space crack was born is located in the urban area of ​​Zhonghai City!

Zhonghai City is not only one of the four largest cities in Taixia Kingdom, but also one of the largest cities in the entire Blue Star!

There are more than 30 million people living here!

Once it is confirmed that this is a 4th-level space crack, once a third-order or even a fourth-order evil spirit emerges from it and spreads... The entire Zhonghai City will be destroyed in one fell swoop!


This is a real disaster!

Layers of cold sweat seeped out of his body, and his clothes were wet in a short period of time. The general manager of Jiangdong Base stepped forward and stared at the LCD screen: "Can you be sure... is it level 4?

"can not confirm.

Researcher Zhou shook his head and said, "According to the current trend, I can only say that the energy intensity of this space crack has a 70% probability of breaking through the level 3 peak!

Breaking through the peak of level 3 is level 4.

It is almost certain that when this space crack is completely born, it will enter the level 4 strength!

How to do?

Everyone's mind is asking this question.

"Would you like... to ask the headquarters for help?"

A person in charge of civilian staff whispered.

"Headquarters is also very nervous.

"The energy level of the permanent crack guarded by the guardian town has been on the rise recently, and most of the high-end combat power of the Discord Bureau is there; except for the one who sits in the headquarters of Longdu, the headquarters can produce the strongest The investigators are only fifth-order.


"Time is running out!"

"There is still an hour at most, and this space crack will be completely generated!

"Even if the headquarters sends that person...the time will be too late!"

Another person in charge of the combat team said anxiously.

"Don't panic!

"Let me think about it!

The person in charge interrupted the words of the two persons in charge, closed his eyes and pondered for a few minutes.

When he opened his eyes again, his mentality had become calm, and his speech rate had become much more capable: "What about Captain Shen?

"As soon as the captain got the news, he rushed towards the place where the space crack was born. This time should be coming soon."

A liaison responded immediately.

"Hmm. 35

Nodding his head, the person in charge continued: "Director Wang, contact the headquarters immediately and report everything that happened here! 35

"Be sure to let the headquarters send that person as quickly as possible!

"Even if it's too late... it's better to be late than never!"

"But, the person in charge of guarding is..." Director Wang, the person in charge of the civilian staff, whispered.

"No matter how big the secret is, it is not as big as the lives of 30 million people in Zhonghai!"

"Yes!" Director Wang turned and left.

Immediately afterwards, the chief officer looked at the person in charge of the combat team: "Director Li, notify all the investigators belonging to the Jiangdong Base to gather at the target location immediately!

"At the same time, ask for help from other branch bases. As long as they are investigators near Zhonghai, regardless of their rank or affiliation, they will immediately rush to the target location to meet! 33

"Even if a level 4 space crack is born, even if this disaster cannot be avoided... Investigators must be on the front line!


The second person in charge turned around and left, and even the captains of the nine combat teams and their investigators rushed towards the target location.

Next, the person in charge looked at the last person in charge, who was in charge of liaison and docking. He is in charge of the liaison and connection between almost all the departments of Taixia Country and the Jiangdong Base of the Discord Bureau.

"Contact China Shipping officials, and immediately evacuate all residents within a radius of one kilometer from the target location! After the completion of the first goal, immediately expand the evacuation range to two kilometers, three kilometers and five kilometers!

The person in charge nodded, waved his hand, and immediately a liaison officer began to contact China Shipping officials.

"Contact the army base stationed in the southwest. Let them rush to establish a defense line as quickly as possible! Whether it is armored vehicles or helicopters, the sooner the better!

"At the same time... let them put the few big radishes in the base in advance and lock the place where the space crack was born.

"As soon as we can't resist... shoot the big radish immediately!


The heart of the person in charge trembled.

He knew what the big radish meant.

Once those big radishes are launched and hit the target smoothly... I am afraid that the radius of several kilometers will all turn into ruins!

The person in charge did not refuse.

Nor dare to refuse.

As early as the beginning of the establishment of the Abnormality Bureau, Taixia officials have made it clear that the Abnormality Bureau has absolute authority when it comes to special affairs related to [Alien World]!

Not only does it require other departments to cooperate with itself, but it can even directly take over its command when it is critical!

Even...including the local military base!

Now, Zhonghai City has reached the most critical moment. At this time, every word spoken and every order issued by the general manager of Jiangdong Base has absolute authority!

"Where is the fishing boat?"

"Cut off the civilian signal in that area, and don't care about the rest for now. After this disaster is over, we will have time and manpower to control the fishing reels. Before that..."

"All resources serve to keep the 30 million people in Zhonghai City alive!


The order of the Jiangdong base has been issued.

In a very short period of time, the news that a level 4 space crack was suspected to be born in the urban area of ​​Zhonghai spread among the various branches of the Discord Bureau in the Taixia Kingdom.

The Lianghu Base and the Changjiang Base, which are the closest to the Jiangdong Base, immediately summoned the third- and fourth-tier investigators from the headquarters and rushed towards Zhonghai City by helicopter.

Other branch bases also summoned investigators from their own headquarters, and once the Jiangdong base needed it, they immediately sent people there.

As Zhao Jianguo, the general manager of Jiangdong Base, said, it is better to be late than never.

Dragon Headquarters.

When the news of the Jiangdong base was reported, the Longdu headquarters immediately made a decision to let the seventh-order investigator, who was enough to make a final decision, rush to Jiangdong at the fastest speed.

First, take a helicopter to the military base, and then take a fighter jet to Jiangdong!

This exaggerated way of rushing can be said to have compressed the time the seventh-order investigator had to rush to Jiangdong to the limit!


even so.

It took him more than two hours to rush from Longdu to Jiangdong.

The Jiangdong Base... needs to have a fourth-order, a dozen third-order, and many ordinary investigators and warriors with almost no foreign aid.

Resist the evil spirits gushing out from the 4-level space crack for nearly an hour!

Even for the Lianghu Base and the Yangtze River Base, which are the closest to the Jiangdong Base, the time it takes to arrive at the Jiangdong Base is far more than an hour!


Can the Jiangdong Base last until the arrival of reinforcements, or until the arrival of the seventh-order investigator?

Nobody knows.

October 16th.

early morning.


Song Qiming, who had already slept in the base dormitory, immediately got up and put on his clothes after hearing the alarm bell that rang throughout the base.

Immediately after.

In a few minutes, a message of emergency gathering was sent from his investigator's dedicated liaison.

After a minute.

Song Qiming successfully reunited with Wang Chao and all the investigators of the third combat team.

After meeting, they rushed to the garage, got on an off-road vehicle, quickly rushed out of the garage, rushed out of the Red Star Fertilizer Factory, and rushed towards the still brightly lit Zhonghai city.

ahead of them.

their rear.

There are dozens of such vehicles!

That is, on the way to the birthplace of the space crack, Song Qiming and other investigators of the third combat team understood what happened.

space cracks.

A space rift with an energy intensity of up to level 4!


A terrifying disaster that spreads enough to destroy the entire Zhonghai City!

This is what they are about to face!

at this time.

On the way to the target site, Song Qiming saw controlled roads, helicopters passing by from high altitude, and buses full of evacuees.

His mood is complicated.



It was an unprecedented disaster after all!

The evil spirits gushing out from the cracks in the 4th-level space can easily tear him apart.


There are also.

During the day, I encountered too few evil spirits, not enough to upgrade myself; now... an evil spirit gushing out of a level 4 space crack can finally make me fight well, right?

More of a sense of mission!

When he was trained at the Jiangdong Base, he already knew the existence of the Battle of Salvation and the Guardian City, and the meaning of the existence of the Discord Bureau.

And now.

He is about to participate in a war to save the world, save Zhong Hai, and save 30 million ordinary people, just like those warriors who participated in the battle of salvation.

From reality, into epic.


After tonight.

Could he also be part of this glorious epic?


The sound of the brakes interrupted some of Song Qiming's second-year imaginations.

He looked outside. Helicopters hovered or landed, constantly transporting a large number of fighters and combat supplies; a soldier who was already fully armed came and went in a hurry, racing against time to build a defense line.

The sheriffs pulled up seals at the street intersections far away from here to control the traffic; one by one, the investigators, like themselves, got out of the car and prepared for the war.

Here is their destination.

Also the next battle.

The Lord of the Mist is above.


After this disaster, we can all survive.

at this time.

Jianghai City, hundreds of kilometers away from Zhonghai City.

Wang Yan has just finished his daily routine of spawning monsters in the early morning.

Just when he was about to rest, he seemed to hear a slight murmur and prayer? And... this prayer... seems to come from his only mercenary, Song Qiming?

Didn't think much about it.

Following the connection between the two, Wang Yan directly descended on him with a trace of spiritual power.


He saw hundreds of fully armed warriors!

I saw a solid line of defense rising quickly from the ground!

I saw countless hurried, solemn-faced, and equally well-armed investigators from the Investigative Bureau!

I even saw armoured vehicles with machine guns mounted, short cannons squatting on the ground with shells beside them, and even countless red lights that had already been laid on the ground... Thunder!

"This is... a battlefield?!

Wang Yan's heart was full of shock.

He couldn't understand how Song Qiming came to the battlefield just because he didn't watch a small movie all night, and it was also the battlefield where Taixia military soldiers and investigators from the Aliens Bureau fought together!

Could it be that this is the level 3 permanent space crack guarded by Taixia Kingdom?


Because through Song Qiming's eyes, Wang Yan has seen the nearby buildings, the river in the distance, and the iconic tower!

This is... Zhonghai City!

Wang Yan's doubts did not last long.

Just through the instructions given by the captains of the combat squads and the conversations of the investigators around him, he already understood what happened.

A new space rift is about to be born.

right here.

The urban area of ​​Zhonghai City.


The current energy peak has reached level 3.8!

90% probability... This is a space crack with an energy intensity of level 4!

PS: The first order is for the first order, and the full order is required~~


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