Strange Comes: I Loaded The Boss Template

068 The legend of the seventh order! That blush that fell from the sky! [The tenth is for the first

068 Seventh-order legend! That blush that fell from the sky!

The gray fog disappeared.

Just as it was silent when it was born, it was only when everyone's sight was completely restored that they realized that the gray fog that had enveloped the entire battlefield had disappeared.

The pure white beast disappeared.

As early as the gray fog descended, and the pure white beast with unparalleled fighting power wagged its tail, raised its head, and let out a cheerful cry, Zhao Jianguo realized that,

This pure white beast may really exist - a master!

And now.

The pure white beast disappeared together with the gray mist, which further verified Zhao Jianguo's guess: the pure white beast really has an owner! However, its owner is not an ordinary person, nor an investigator, but a mysterious figure who does not know where he is. The stalwart existence of the gods - the lord of the mist!

No wonder.

With the Jiangdong Base's control over Zhonghai and the surrounding cities, how come they haven't found a space crack that is enough to support a Beastmaster?


The space crack that caused the pure white beast to grow up is not in Zhong Hai at all. Not even in Taixia Kingdom, not in Blue Star?

Who can imagine the power of the gods?

No wonder.

He spent enormous human, material and financial resources to mobilize dozens of dog food and all kinds of meat, and the pure white beast didn't even care.

Follow such a stalwart.

Maybe the food of the pure white beasts is unimaginable to me?


So sad!

When he thought that he failed to abduct a pure white beast, and missed such a potential beast king, Zhao Jianguo's heart hurts badly!


not only that.


The disappearance of the gray fog and the pure white beast is only second.

When the gray fog and the pure white beasts disappeared, the biggest change in this that the energy level reached level 4, and the space cracks of evil spirits were still pouring out...disappeared out of thin air!

It is difficult for Zhao Jianguo to imagine how the Lord of the Mist made this space crack disappear.

as far as he knows.

From three years ago to now, all the space cracks born on the blue star can only be born or died naturally.

The research institute at Longdu Headquarters has been studying space cracks for more than three years, and the biggest result is just the large space fluctuation detector that has just arrived.

And it can't shake the cracks in space even a little bit.

And now.

A space crack with an energy level of up to level 4, most likely to be permanently existing (judged by the data of the detector), disappeared out of thin air under his gaze!

There are only thousands of low-level evil spirits left in the battlefield!

Could it be that.

Is this the power of the Mist Lord?

Zhao Jianguo is unimaginable.

The gray fog disappeared.

The pure white beast disappeared.

The space crack disappears.

This war, which was enough to endanger the entire Zhonghai City and destroy the entire Zhonghai City, ended without warning.

My heart is a little empty.

Zhao Jianguo still played his role very well.

He gave an order.

All the soldiers retreated and retreated to the outermost defense of the front line. Those investigators from Jiangdong Base, Lianghu Base and Changjiang Base rushed out of the defense line and rushed towards the battlefield.

The ones rushing in front were undoubtedly Shen Wenyan, Huang Zhong, and the chief captain of the Yangtze River Base.


When they appeared in front of those thousands of low-level evil spirits, the abilities that erupted from them were not large-scale and powerful destructive abilities, but control abilities!

Facing these low-level evil spirits, Shen Wenyan's ice ring finally burst out with its true power.

A blue-white ring exploded, and the white frost quickly spread, slowing down, slowing down, and freezing all the evil spirits within a radius of dozens of meters.

A piece of sand and dust hit, like countless broken bullets, piercing through hundreds of low-level evil spirits, making them lose their resistance while preserving their lives.

Countless vines drilled out of the ground, spreading like vine snakes on the ground, binding and entangling low-level evil spirits.

After the three chief captains, there are those third-order team captains.

Wang Chao reached the other end of the battlefield.

With a flick of his finger, a blue-white wind blade burst out from between his fingers, slashing into the group of evil spirits at a height of half a meter from the ground, cutting off the legs of dozens of evil spirits and letting them fall on the ground. on the ground.

The same goes for the other squad leaders.

When all the thousands of low-level evil spirits left on the battlefield were bound, imprisoned, and controlled, those first- and second-level investigators entered the field one after another and began to fight.

Or hold a firearm.

Or take a weapon.

These first- and second-order investigators have a common characteristic during the battle.

That is, until they approached a certain range of an evil spirit, and were close enough to an evil spirit, they would not shoot the bullets in their guns, or cut out the weapons in their hands.


Only in this way, they can complete [looting] and get [gift]!


Plundering power from evil spirits is never easy.

Only within a certain distance—this distance is generally three meters—can kill an evil spirit with one’s own hands, a soldier or investigator can obtain the gift from the shadows and plunder the power from the evil spirit.

Is it simple?

If these investigators are facing a temporary space crack of level 1 and level 2, it is naturally very simple.

Because the evil spirits that emerge from it are not only very low in strength, but also extremely rare in number.


Once the energy level of the space fissure rises to level 3 or 4, or a permanent space fissure... It is extremely difficult to kill an evil spirit at close range in the endless stream of evil spirits.

Even if it is one step higher, if you are not careful, you will die!

If not.

With a permanent third-level space crack, Taixia Kingdom can easily and continuously cultivate a large number of first-order, second-order, and even third-order extraordinary people?

If not.

Given the status of Jiangdong Base in the entire Taixia Kingdom, why is there only one fourth-order, a dozen third-order, and no more than a few hundred investigators in total?

The achievement of the extraordinary is never easy.

The birth of an extraordinary person may be accompanied by the killing of thousands of evil spirits, and may be accompanied by... a few dozen ordinary people who made mistakes in close-quarters hunting and were swallowed by evil spirits. warrior!


The Jiangdong Base called Song Qiming the God-Blessed One.


His ability to fight monsters and upgrade is envied by countless investigators in Jiangdong Base.


Even the mercenaries who have integrated the most basic and rubbish occupation templates have acquired the ability to digitize their bodies, upgrade monsters, and add points at the moment they integrate the occupation templates.

From the moment they merged the professional template, they no longer followed the rules in the dark, but the rules from the system and from the castle dungeon.

Such as the ability to plunder evil spirits.

Ordinary warriors and ordinary investigators must follow two principles if they want to plunder the ability of evil spirits: first, they must kill the evil spirits with their own hands; second, when killing evil spirits, they must be far enough away from the evil spirits. close.

What about the rules from the Castle dungeon that mercenaries need to follow?

First, it must be killed by hand.

Second, in the determination of the system rules, the mercenary must at least have the right to use the weapons or methods used by mercenaries to kill evil spirits.

For example, Feng Huiran.

Even if she is thousands of meters away from the battlefield, even if the psionic sniper rifle in her hand does not belong to her.

When she shoots out a shot and kills a head of third-order or fourth-order evil spirits, she can still get the corresponding experience points and template fragments!

That's the power of system rules!


Those investigators were right about Song Qiming.


God's favor.

Even in Wang Yan's place, these God-Blessers who have integrated professional templates are only mercenaries, not even the core strength of Wang Yan's command, but only the peripheral force of Wang Yan's command.

But in the real world.

They are true gods!

A being blessed by the gods!


When the three chief captains and one team captain released their abilities to control the thousands of low-level evil spirits, and let the first- and second-level investigators of the Abnormality Bureau kill them and plunder their abilities,

All the favored people, including Song Qiming and Feng Huiran, did not move.

they know.

They are different.

There is no need to plunder the power of evil spirits in such a dangerous way, and there is no need to compete with these ordinary investigators for their only opportunity to quickly improve themselves at this time!

Thousands and tens of thousands of low-level evil spirits were distributed to hundreds of first- and second-rank investigators, which was enough to raise each investigator's physical fitness or extraordinary ability level by a notch.


Several investigators have advanced directly!

Only this time, the strength of the entire Jiangdong base has increased by two or three percent!


In order to thank the Lianghu Base and the Changjiang Base for their rescue, Zhao Jianguo specially designated a part of the evil spirits as gifts to the investigators of the Lianghu Base and the Changjiang Base when he hunted and plundered the evil spirits.

Their strength has also been greatly improved.

Don't come home empty-handed.

got here.

After all the low-level evil spirits were hunted down and the corpses, severed limbs and blood stains turned into black shavings of light and dispersed, the war that lasted for more than an hour was truly over.

The next thing that needs to be done is to clean the battlefield, restore the site and other aftermath work.

The war is over.

Zhao Jianguo no longer cared about his identity as the general director of the Jiangdong base, the commander-in-chief of the battlefield, and the frontier officials, and squatted on the ground.

Not just him.

Shen Wenyan, Wang Chao... Many soldiers and investigators who have just ended the battle are all like this.

The fight lasted less than two hours from start to finish.

Even if the value of the large-scale spatial fluctuation detector was abnormal, the researcher from the headquarters sounded the alarm sound of the base, and it took less than three hours.


In this short period of less than three hours, the Jiangdong base, the military base, and even many people from other anomalous bureau bases who were concerned about the war,

They have all experienced a spiritual ups and downs like a roller coaster!

All kinds of crises, all kinds of reversals.

・・・For flowers.....

The consumption of their spirits is not ordinary!

if it is possible.

Now they just want to lie on the ground, get a good night's sleep, and take care of the rest.

time flies.

As more and more soldiers and sheriffs poured into this area, the defense lines that the soldiers had spent a lot of energy to build were dismantled one by one.

After countless evil spirits were killed, the items and equipment left behind were also transported away.

Just over half an hour.

Except for the bullet casings all over the ground, the strong smell of gunpowder smoke, and the traces of battles on the ground, this open space has basically returned to its original state.

Hard to see.

There's just been a war here.

And it is a war that is extremely dangerous, guarding Zhonghai City and guarding the more than 30 million residents!


Just as Zhao Jianguo and others were about to leave, a low roar came from the sky.

He looked up.

I saw a newest fighter plane from Longdu just flew above the sky, leaving a long trajectory in the dark sky.

The fighter jets crossed the border.

Seems like nothing new?


When the latest fighter plane slid across the sky, leaving behind a large cloud of scars, it disappeared into the distant sky at an extremely fast speed... A small black spot appeared above the sky!


Under the gazes of Zhao Jianguo, Shen Wenyan, Huang Zhong... and many other high-level officials, the black spot in the sky is getting bigger and bigger, and the speed of descent is getting faster and faster!

From thousands to hundreds of meters.

Then from hundreds of meters to tens of meters.

Just when some soldiers and investigators thought that this apparently human figure was about to fall to the ground and fall into a puddle of mud...


The tendency of that figure to fall suddenly disappeared!

Only ten meters above the ground.

The figure stopped.

It seems that it is not affected by the gravity of the blue star and is suspended there out of thin air.

Through the searchlights around the battlefield that had not yet been removed, the soldiers and investigators could vaguely see that it was a girl shrouded in crimson brilliance, dressed in strong clothes, slender and tall, with an extremely delicate face.


When this war was completely over and even the battlefield was cleared out, the support from Longdu headquarters, the seventh-rank investigator who could be called the strongest in Taixia... arrived.

first-order basis.

Second grade advanced.

Tier 3 elite.

Level 4 Excellence (Master).

Tier 5 Lords (Heroes).

Sixth-order epic.

Seventh-order legend.

The seventh order in the real world corresponds to the legendary order in the castle dungeon.

The biggest and most iconic feature of this rank... is flying in the sky!

No mana required.

No skills required.

Free from the shackles of the planet's gravity and fly freely, this is an instinct of the legendary rank existence!


Standing in the air, standing out of thin air, standing in the air more than ten meters above the ground, Ying Ziyin, who was still exuding a burst of crimson brilliance, looked at the surrounding environment, her face full of confusion.

"The coordinates are correct...

"right here!"

“Downtown in Zhonghai City!”

She took out a small instrument and looked at the latitude and longitude coordinates on it. She stretched her neck and looked at Zhao Jianguo and others who were still squatting on the ground not far away. Ying Ziyin was even more at a loss.

"People are right.

"It's Lao Zhao and the others.

"But... what about space cracks? What about evil spirits? What about battlefields? 35

"Could it be that I came early, that level 4 space crack has not yet been born, and this war has not yet started?


Looking at the armored vehicles carrying equipment and ammunition in the distance and moving away... It doesn't look like they are preparing for a tragic war.

Fire Rescue.

First, Yukongfei rushed to the Longdu headquarters base, then took the latest fighter plane to the sky over Zhonghai, and finally jumped off the fighter plane and arrived at the battlefield.

It can be said that Ying Ziyin has compressed the time to come to the limit!

She originally thought that what she saw when she arrived at the battlefield was a mess, and then in the hope of countless people, she showed her might, killing evil spirits in one fell swoop, suppressing the cracks in the space...

But I never expected that when she came, she would see this scene!


Even those soldiers and investigators who noticed him looked at him with only a little surprise and a little amazement, nothing like before,

A legendary powerhouse descends, attracting all the attention, welcoming countless situations of awe, longing, and yearning!

What went wrong?

A few question marks appeared on her delicate little head, and Ying Ziyin subconsciously bit her finger.

"Here you come?"

on the ground.

Seeing Ying Ziyin's bewildered look, Zhao Jianguo's mood suddenly improved a lot.

He waved at Ying Ziyin who was still in the air, and shouted with a smile: "Instructor Ying, come down quickly, the war is over!

PS: The tenth is for the first order, for the full order~~


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