Strange Comes: I Loaded The Boss Template

070 Pyroburst! Pyroburst!! The flame demon that came out of the magma! [Twelve more please order fir

070 Pyroburst! Pyroburst!! The flame demon that came out of the magma!

View switching.

From an adventurer's point of view, Wang Yan is an absolute devil and evil god.

It is the darkness of the world, the source of all evil, and a terrifying existence that intends to slaughter all living beings and destroy the world!

Get out of the teleportation array.

Standing on the edge of this square, Frost Mage Engels looked forward.

This is a closed square about 1000 meters long and 300 meters wide. At the end of the square stands a high platform, and a throne is carved on the high platform.

That most evil and evil existence is sitting high on the throne.

The tall and sturdy body exudes a frightening pressure, the mysterious ancient robe is flowing with scarlet blood, and the face covered by the mist only shows two spots of scarlet, and the bloody aura that highlights the outside is constantly rolling!

No one can imagine, what kind of sins gave birth to such an evil and evil existence!

No one can imagine how many creatures were slaughtered before the demon's prominent aura was dyed blood red!

The closed hall was dark and gloomy.

Even though dozens of magic crystals were inlaid at the top of the hall, the blood-colored light released by the magic crystals only illuminated an insignificant area.

for example.

Pieces of the ground paved with broken bones;

for example.

The pieces on the dome were inlaid with Senbai's skulls.

Just stepping into this square, Frost Mage Engels felt the malice and coldness.

And when the demon stood up from the throne and let out a hoarse, inexplicable roar... He even felt countless bloody air waves coming like a tsunami!

The evil of this world.

Root of all evil.

This is what they are going to crusade against today!

Under the soft white light emanating from the dozens of magic crystals inlaid on the dome of the square, the entire enclosed square is like daylight.

Rise from the throne.

After making that announcement.

Wang Yan was waiting there.

Waiting for the thousand adventurers to rectify the army formation, waiting for the thousand adventurers to form a team to charge, waiting for the formation of the thousand adventurers to get closer and closer to this side.

One thousand meters.

Five hundred meters.

Three hundred meters.

When among these adventurers, the shield-wielding professionals standing at the forefront were only 25 to 300 meters away from the high platform... Wang Yan moved!

No mantra required.

No gestures required.

He just held up his right hand slightly, and an orange-red fireball the size of a human head emerged, exuding blazing high temperature, and even the surrounding air sizzled!


His mind moved.

The blazing fireball representing the BOSS skill of [Flaming Explosion] drew a light black band of light in the air and flew towards the center of the adventurer's formation at a very fast speed!



【Release the barrier!】

No need to test, just look at the black traces left by the burning of the air when the fiery fireball flew through the air, you can know how powerful this fireball is!

The Frost Mage roared.

Three spellcasters among the ten fourth-order adventurers simultaneously released their best defensive skills at this moment!

The targets of their release are not themselves.

But the army!

As spellcasters, they know the power of this fireball best.

Once the fireball successfully landed in the center of the army formation and exploded... The aftermath of the fireball explosion alone could shatter dozens or hundreds of soldiers!

Light blue ice shield!

Earthy brown rock walls!

Blue and white whirlwind!

The three defense spells are superimposed on each other, and before the blazing fireball hits, a thick layer of defense is formed on the army formation.


next moment!

Accompanied by a violent roar and extremely spreading hot air waves, the fiery fireball burst on the defense layer composed of three layers of defense spells!

The power brought by the explosion of the main body of the fireball directly destroyed the three layers of defense!

Immediately after.

Countless flame fragments spread out.

It fully covered a distance of hundreds of meters around the fireball burst point!

within this range.

All adventurers hit by flame fragments - whether it's Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 - are instantly ignited and reduced to ashes in a wail of pain!

Even the flame fragments scattered on the ground that failed to hit the adventurer... melted the thick slabs in a very short period of time, forming pieces of flowing golden-red magma!



Just a skill, just a little mana consumption, Wang Yan burned and killed hundreds of adventurers in an instant! And left hundreds of square meters of magma area on the ground!

Just by looking at the flowing golden red, you can know that even if the third-order adventurer accidentally falls into this magma area, he will be burned to ashes in a very short period of time!


BOSS skills!

The scope is terrifying and the power is unparalleled. Once released, it is enough to change the direction of a war!

This is the power of the fire explosion!


【Join us!】


A pyrotechnic blast broke the Frost Mage's cognition of the upper limit of the fourth-order spell's power, and the remaining adventurers moved quickly amid the strange roars.

Behind the adventurer's army, a lineup of 100 archers in a group of 50 people drew bows and arrows at the same time, and then a rain of arrows shrouded Wang Yan's side.

Under the isolation of the power of pyrotechnics and the magma area, the largest number of Tier 1, 2, and 3 melee professionals are temporarily useless. Those Tier 4 melee professionals,

But he jumped dozens of meters high, crossed the magma area, and attacked Wang Yan!

around the same time.

Many spellcasters headed by Frost Mage also released their best and most powerful spells at this moment! The intention is to kill demons by focusing fire on spells!

In the first confrontation, Frost Mage Engels realized his mistake.

In the face of such an evil existence with such a strong destructive power, the pure defense will always be in a passive state of being beaten; only by taking the offense as the defense and giving full play to the superiority of one's own numbers can it be possible to destroy this demon!


In the continuous rain of arrows, dozens of mage skills erupted at the same time, completely submerging Wang Yan's figure!




Wind Blade!

Soil thorn!


All kinds of colorful elemental auras, even the Frost Mage Engels, the fourth-order peak spellcaster, can't see through the situation!


Frost Mage's heart is full of anxiety.

The seven Tier 4 melee professionals, even after crossing the magma area, quickly approached Wang Yan; once the concentrated fire of many spellcasters did not extinguish the demon...

They are the main force of the next wave of attacks!




-twenty one!



In an instant, dozens of damage numbers floated above Wang Yan's head.

Most of the hundred archers are second-tier archers, and they are only holding ordinary quality, at most delicate quality bows and arrows, and they are completely unable to break through his basic defense and can be ignored.

Only very few third-tier archers can hurt Wang Yan.


That adds up to nearly dozens of casters... The skills released by each caster can cause him a full amount of elemental damage!


After eliminating hundreds of invalid attacks with a damage value of 0, there are still dozens of damage values, floating from the top of Wang Yan's head at this moment!

These dozens of spell attacks add up, and completely wiped out more than 2,000 points of his health!

Even if his total HP is as high as 110,000... these two thousand HPs still account for one-fifty-fifth of his total HP!

If it continues...

Doesn't it mean that if there are 54 more times of this kind of focus, it is possible for him to be really killed by those adventurers and complete this crusade?

Ignore the amount of HP that has been regenerated per second, which is already as high as 110 points.

A sense of crisis rose in Wang Yan's heart.


In addition to the elemental aura, the seven fourth-order adventurers grabbed their weapons and were ready to take action at any time.


Elemental aura is dim.

A tall figure also began to emerge.


Before these seven fourth-order adventurers could make their move... a white, delicate-quality throwing spear suddenly pierced! Assassin adventurer pinned to the slate on the ground!

Immediately after.

Wang Yan's figure flashed out like a ghost, and the flickering blade of the armor-piercing gun in his hand pierced the helmet of a Tier 4 warrior and pierced its head at the next moment!

in a blink.

The two Tier 4 adventurers fell on the spot.

In addition to the terrifying Pyroblast, Wang Yan's melee ability is even above the long-range attack ability!

the other side.

When Wang Yan walked out of the concentrated fire attack of dozens of spells almost intact, Frost Mage Engels' heart was cold!

He realized immediately.

The demon may be carrying magical artifacts that resist elemental damage.

Then the strategy changed.


With his roar, an ice ring exploded under Wang Yan's feet, and a large piece of frost immediately climbed onto his body, slowing his speed.

not only that.

Mire, vines, sandstorm... Under the command of the Frost Mage, dozens of spellcasters suddenly turned into auxiliary professions, throwing spells with abnormal status into Wang Yan's body as if they didn't need money!

Although these spells did little damage to Wang Yan, the superposition of many abnormal states made him feel extremely uncomfortable as if he was walking in a cotton-padded coat soaked in water!


When a large number of abnormal conditions began to take effect on Wang Yan's body, the remaining five Tier 4 melee professionals also changed their strategies, except that the Berserker with the highest damage was responsible for the main attack.

The other four melee professionals all started to release control skills!





After a series of control skills, Wang Yan was once again knocked out by more than 3,000 HP!

That's the horror of teamwork.

When the professions are united and the skills are stacked up, even a low-priced adventurer may push down a high-level BOSS!

Just like on the battlefield in Zhonghai City, two second-order mercenaries cooperated so well that they joined forces to kill a fourth-order evil spirit!


This is for normal bosses.

To Wang Yan...


In the gap between stiffness and dizziness, Wang Yan, who had been knocked out by a trace of blood, resolutely consumed mana and released a pyrotechnic explosion.


He didn't throw this flame explosion at the caster, or at the adventurer's army, but when the five fourth-order melee professionals attacked again...

He directly squeezed the blazing fireball in his hand!!

−1900! (Critical damage!)

-100! (Incineration damage!)

−100! (Incineration damage!)

A series of large damage numbers floated above Wang Yan's head.

When he crushed the fiery fireball formed by the pyrotechnic explosion in his hand, the blasting shock wave and the sputtering flame fragments covered everything within a hundred meters!

Wang Yan doesn't matter.

He doesn't care about the damage.

Even the burning damage caused by the burning burning state that lasted ten seconds could not keep up with his natural recovery speed.

But those five adventurers were different.

Even if they are Tier 4 adventurers, even as melee professionals, their physiques are close to 100 points.

But 100 points of physique bring... at best 1,000 health points!

The continuous damage attached to the burning state caused by the pieces of flame fragments alone is as high as 1000 points!

Slate magma.

Orange-red flames were burning on their bodies, and their feet were stepping on golden-red magma; the five melee professionals continued to float a large amount of damage, screaming and screaming in the flames.

And Wang Yan, who was also bathed in flaming magma... At this moment, he was like the demon who crawled out of the magma pool and was in charge of the flames and destruction of 750, and walked towards the melee professionals with a blank expression.





One shot one.

In just two seconds, the five Tier 4 melee professionals who had dazzled him and disgusted him for a long time fell to the ground and were gradually swallowed by the golden red magma.


"Melee combat isn't reliable.""

"I'll still be a priest!

While muttering to himself, Wang Yan put away the armor-piercing gun, raised both his left and right hands at the same time, and two nearly identical blazing fireballs appeared in his palms at the same time—


"Pyroburst!! 35

"Pyroblast!!! 39




Two flaming explosions?

Do not!

Blazing fireballs emerged from the palms of the left and right hands at the same time, but Wang Yan wanted to speed up the release of Pyroblast!


Under the effect of the template speciality of [Blood Devil Conversion], and with his own blood volume as high as 110,000 points as the backing, Wang Yan released a dozen Pyroblasts one after another!!

All of a sudden!

A blazing fireball the size of a human head flew out from Wang Yan's hand, with an orange-red flame tail, and after drawing a line of light black traces in mid-air, it blasted towards all directions of this square!

Explosive roar!

Blazing waves roll!

In an instant, except for Wang Yan's back, almost every part of this enclosed square with a length of more than 1,000 meters and a width of more than 300 meters was occupied by the scattered flame fragments.

Almost every ground is flowing with golden red magma, turning into deadly magma pools!

−100! (Incineration damage!)

−100! (Incineration damage!)


−100! (Incineration damage!)

Huge swathes of damage numbers floated up from the lava pool.

The number of adventurers who were directly killed by the dozen or so Pyroblasts was not small, but more were affected by the subsequent flame fragments, or the continuous damage caused by being covered by the magma pool.

100 points of burning damage per second for ten seconds.

In other words, it can bring a total of 1000 damage points!

If there is no magic equipment with fire element damage resistance, or if your own health exceeds the value of 1000 points... the burning state alone is enough to burn and kill most of the adventurers in this square!

Ten fourth-order adventurers?

Fifty third-order adventurers?

More than three hundred second-order adventurers?

After getting close, it is enough to fight against the fourth-order peak, and even the army formation trapped by higher-order enemies?

Under Wang Yan's more than a dozen pyrotechnics, all these came to nothing!!

ten seconds later.

The scattered flame fragments gradually extinguished.

The magma flowing on the ground also gradually cooled.

And on this square that is a battlefield... there are a thousand people in total, the adventurer clan who came to crusade him... but only a dozen or so figures are left!

PS: Twelve updates on the first day, 60,000 words, please give some support!

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