Strange Comes: I Loaded The Boss Template

076 Absolute immunity! Extremely powerful template expertise! [Sixth more complete order!]

076 Absolute immunity! Powerful template expertise!

Although Xiao Wanqing was called an old lady, but there was still a hint of joy in Wang Yan's heart about the existence of this possibility.

Not to mention Xiao Wanqing's worth and her status as the head of the Haisheng Group.

It was Xiao Wanqing alone.

The face is delicate and charming, without a trace of flaws; the body is tall and full, convex and concave, especially the pair of maternal love, which is extraordinarily spectacular.

The character can switch between the gentle elder sister and the domineering female president at any time, and the voice is sometimes graceful and sometimes cold.

Coupled with that superb cooking skills...

It can be said.

If there is a public selection, if you choose one between Han Xiaoxiao and Xiao Wanqing... It is estimated that more than 80% of people will choose Xiao Wanqing, who is at the peak of her life and the most charming time!


This is just Wang Yan's imagination.

Taking away the identity of the Lord of the Mist and looking at it as an ordinary person, Wang Yan doesn't think he has anything worthy of Xiao Wanqing's fancy.

Could it be that he took a fancy to his relationship with Boo Boo?

Or maybe he took a fancy to his closeness to Doudou?


After finding that there was no problem with his image, Wang Yan immediately returned to the balcony on the third floor and joined the barbecue and beer party again.

He does not have the ability of Xiao Wanqing to control his emotions at will.


Before returning, he simply activated the camouflage technique of the robe to keep his expression and demeanor in the most natural state to prevent exposing his own thoughts.

Half past ten at night.

The BBQ beer party is over.

After cleaning up with Xiao Wanqing, Wang Yan and Han Xiaoxiao returned to their home.

Drink of water.


When it was nearly eleven o'clock, Wang Yan was ready to go back to his room to sleep.

"Wait a moment!

"fire Fire.

"You don't there something missing?"

At this moment, Han Xiaoxiao was sitting on the sofa.

Perhaps it was because of drinking a little wine that her face was dyed with two blushes, which made her already delicate and flawless face even more charming and charming.

"What's missing?

Wang Yan looked around.

Finished washing up.

Pajamas changed.

Even Han Xiaoxiao's room was already tidy up.

What else is missing?

[Sure enough, I can't wait for you to take the initiative...]

Silently complaining in his heart, Han Xiaoxiao rolled his eyes and walked past Wang Yan with two long legs as fair as jade.


When passing by Wang Yan.

Han Xiaoxiao's slender swan neck lightly sideways... The warm red lips touched Wang Yan's face at first touch, and then quickly walked away with a faint fragrance: "Good night~"

It wasn't until Han Xiaoxiao's figure disappeared from her room that Wang Yan raised his head subconsciously. Mo Lemo seemed to be reminiscing the warm touch where he had just touched.

After a while, he turned off the lights in the living room and walked towards his room.

"Good night.""

Go back to the room.

Han Xiaoxiao closed the door and stood there with her back against the door, covering her face with her hands, only revealing a pair of blushing ears, listening quietly to something.

It was not until the faint sound of good night came from the living room that she let go of her hands and slowly slid on the floor.




Feeling his own violent heartbeat, Han Xiaoxiao's face became even more ashamed.


Thinking of what Sister Xiao told herself tonight, she clenched her small fist again and cheered herself silently: "Han Xiaoxiao, don't be nervous! Don't be shy! You can do it!

Wang Yan and Han Xiaoxiao are probably more than friends and less than lovers.


The distance between the two becomes a true lover, only one statement from Wang Yan is needed.


It's past eleven now.

In less than an hour, at twelve o'clock midnight, the castle dungeon will be refreshed again, and the adventurers from [Taran Kingdom] will once again come to attack him.

This is his concern.

As long as it reaches twelve midnight every day, new adventurers will break into the castle and come to crusade against him, the master of the castle and the king of monsters.

And once inside the castle copy...his body in the real world will disappear!

just in case.

The two became real lovers and slept together. When Han Xiaoxiao woke up in the middle of the night, he suddenly found himself missing... How should he explain?


You have to wait until Boo Boo grows up enough to guard the castle alone and can deal with the adventurers from [Taran Kingdom] alone;


When Wang Yan completes the disguise and uses another more reasonable and acceptable identity to explain the reason for his disappearance at midnight, he can completely let go of his concerns.

all in all.

The Lord of the Mist, the loader of the BOSS template, the master of the monster castle... This series of real identities is Wang Yan's biggest secret.

Even to those closest to him, he did not intend to reveal it.


The time has not come.

Lying on his bed, Wang Yan fully expanded his perception.

With his current mental power as high as 160 points, after the perception is fully developed, the entire villa is within his perception range!

This perception is different from what the eye sees.

It is a comprehensive feeling of the idealistic will of energy, breath, and even hostility.

After unfolding his perception, Wang Yan could not see what Han Xiaoxiao looked like in the room, but he could roughly perceive her state through her breath and emotional changes.

11:05, Han Xiaoxiao was nervous and shy.

11:10, Han Xiaoxiao was nervous and shy.

11:15, Han Xiaoxiao was relaxed, shy, and seemed to think of something happy.

At 11:20, Han Xiaoxiao got up and drank a glass of water.

At 11:25, Han Xiaoxiao finally lay down, but seemed a little restless and kept tossing and turning.

At 11:30, Han Xiaoxiao was shy and decisive, and seemed to have made a decision.

At 11:47, Han Xiaoxiao's mood softened and her breathing became steady.

At 11:50, Han Xiaoxiao fell into a deep sleep.

"Finally fell asleep 々"!"

After nearly an hour of worrying, Wang Yan finally felt relieved.


Still trouble.

Rather than pondering women's thoughts or dealing with women, he still prefers to hide in his castle copy and face those strange adventurers.

At least.

It doesn't require much thought, and it doesn't feel tired.

As long as the blood bar is long enough and the strength is strong enough, it will be fine to go all the way.

Either you win by yourself and gain a lot of experience points, template fragments and weapons and equipment; or the adventurer wins and successfully defeats himself, the king of monsters, leading to unknown consequences.



how nice.


A trace of spiritual power descended on Boob, and after finding that it had also returned to his room, Wang Yan went online decisively, returned to his castle dungeon, and pulled Boo in by the way.


12:00 exactly.

The crisp system prompt sounded on time, and at the end of the closed square, a vortex of black mist was born, and groups of fully armed adventurers gradually emerged on the square.

one hundred.

five hundred.

one thousand.

One thousand five.

When this group of adventurers who came to crusade against Wang Yan all surfaced, the number has reached more than 1,500! More than half of the adventurers in the first round!


Among the 1,500 adventurers, the number of fourth-order adventurers has reached fifteen, the number of third-order adventurers has reached one hundred, and the rest are first- and second-order adventurers!

"One thousand five hundred people..."

"Wouldn't the number of adventurers in the next round reach 2,000?"

On the high throne.

Silently staring at the dark figure at the end of the square, Wang Yan's gaze fell on the adventurers of the fourth-order peak in the center of the battle formation.

In the last round of battle, there was only one adventurer at the peak of Tier 4.

This round, there are three.

a spellcaster.

an archer.

a warrior.

Aside from the lack of a priest, the lineup is pretty complete!

If it was the previous Wang Yan, facing this lineup for the first time, it would be a big loss.

And now...

The new template specialization made him completely immune to various control skills; using the previous style of play against him no longer worked.


After tasting the sweetness of the master... who will end up in person and be a hard-working reckless man?


Beside Wang Yan, the reckless and reckless Bubu called out.

"Okay, got it."

Wang Yan removed Mo Bubu's deliberately lowered dog head and said with a smile: "This time I will definitely leave you some.

In the time between the two of them talking, the three adventurers of the fourth-order peak have rectified the battle formation and set off towards the high platform.

Still the same lineup as before.

The heavy armored or shield-wielding professionals with the strongest defense are at the forefront and become the shield of the entire chapter; in the middle are a large number of first- and second-order physical attack professionals.

The two wings are the archers and the spear throwers.

The rarest and most lethal spellcasters, as a single small group, sit at the back of the entire Chapter.

at the same time.

In order to prevent being decapitated by the enemy, in the vicinity of this caster team, there are a full five fourth-order physical attack professionals and twenty third-order physical attack professionals as defenses!

In any respect, the layout of this chapter is not a problem.

Even in the face of a war... this Chapter can still fight!


They met Wang Yan.

A king of monsters who cannot be viewed with common sense!

time flies.

The battle is approaching.

When the entire battle formation had approached the high platform with a distance of almost 300 meters, a spear of exquisite quality appeared in Wang Yan's hands.

Immediately after.

He rose from the stone throne.

Raised right hand, body leaned back.

The throwing spear issued a sharp whistling, instantly breaking through a space of hundreds of meters, and attacked the only fourth-order peak spellcaster behind the battle formation!


With flying sparks!

A fierce sound of gold and iron symphony sounded!

When the throwing spear was about to hit the fourth-order peak caster, the warrior who was also the fourth-order peak rushed out with a single stride, and the two-handed sword that was as wide as a door was cut out at this moment!

Throwing the spear in the cut!

Blocked the blow that Wang Yan casually threw!

The fourth-order peak warrior's strength attribute is about 100 points, only two-thirds of Wang Yan's; even if he blocked this throwing spear, the warrior would be very uncomfortable.

Its body stepped back a few steps, leaving a series of cracks on the ground paved with heavy slate, and blood oozing out from the tiger's mouth holding the two-handed sword.

[The power is very powerful. 】

[It should be... the direction of physical attack. 】

The fourth-order peak warrior returned to the caster with a blank expression and whispered in a hoarse and weird tone.

[Still be careful. 】

The fourth-order peak spellcaster nodded, cracking continuously, and a dignified face was on his healed face.

[Engels' combat power is no less than mine. 】

[If the ability of this demon is only the normal physical attack direction... Engels will not die here so easily. 】

[Warriors and knights remain on the defensive. 】

[The archer's tentative attack. 】

[All casters... give priority to release control skills, and attack together with archers! 】

in a short time.

The fourth-order peak spellcaster completed the communication with others, and by the way formulated the next attack strategy and communicated it.


Hundreds of archers drew bows and arrows at the same time under the command of the fourth-order peak archer, and a rain of arrows swept across the sky and shrouded the high platform.

at the same time.

Under the coordination of the fourth-order peak spellcaster, dozens of various light-controlling spell-like skills also erupted at this moment, drowning Wang Yan's figure in it again!




−500! (Critical damage!)

on the high platform.

When the rain of arrows hit, Wang Yan didn't dodge; when the dozens of control skills broke out, Wang Yan took it head-on-he was taking advantage of the adventurers' only tentative attacks, testing the The effect of the newly acquired [Control Immunity] feat!

And the result...

In the rain of arrows, the arrows shot by the first- and second-tier archers could not break Wang Yan's basic defense; the third-tier archers could only bring him dozens of points of damage, and only the fourth-tier archer could do so. The archer at the top of the rank only hit a high damage of 500 points (Zhao Wang's)!

And control skills...

In addition to the elemental damage attached to these skills eroding Wang Yan's body, causing a large area of ​​-1-2 small damage to float above his head, and then being covered by his super blood-recovery ability,

These control skills themselves... really didn't have the slightest effect on him!

Stun? Immune!

Imprisoned? Immunity!

Entangled? Immune!

Frozen? Immunity!

When all these dozens of control skills failed, and all of them were forcibly exempted by the effects of the [Control Immunity] feat, Wang Yan was completely relieved!


He stepped out.

With the second wave of arrows coming, he walked out of the elemental aura brought by the outbreak of dozens of control skills.

at the same time.

Mana consumption.

Two orange-red fireballs the size of human heads emerged from above the palms of the left and right hands he held up!

the other side.

When the first round of arrow rains hit and did not have the desired effect, the fourth-order peak spellcaster just frowned.

When dozens of control skills erupted, and the colorful elemental aura brought by the explosion of various skills enveloped the entire high platform,

The face of the fourth-order peak spellcaster looks much better.

It followed the order.

The dozens of mages consumed mana again, and the pure offensive spell skills began to condense, ready to take the demon away in waves when it was bound by control skills.

However tail.

Just when the fourth-order peak spellcaster thought so and did the same, he himself consumed a lot of mana and released one of his most powerful spell skills...

An evil figure walked out of the elemental aura almost unscathed.

Immediately after.

It saw two orange-red fireballs streak across the sky, with black trails that burned the air, and attacked towards the side where the mage group was!

In its sight...

getting bigger!

PS: The sixth is for the first order, and for the full order~

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