Strange Comes: I Loaded The Boss Template

079 What is buying a house? Real rich people buy mountains directly!

079 What is buying a house? Real rich people buy mountains directly!

the next day.

Wake up.

Wang Yan took stock of his funds.

I spent 27 million to buy the villa I am living in now. I spent a total of 2 million to buy the farmyard in the suburbs of Jianghai City, as well as the farmyards in the suburbs of several surrounding cities.

Renting the factory on the outskirts of Zhonghai City for three months + three times the rent cost a total of about three or four million.

Do the math.

The 50 million in cash that I got from selling Fire Element Crystals... there is less than 20 million left.


He had already invested 10 million in the stock market. Because of the commercial secrets disclosed by Xiao Wanqing, that 10 million stock has now appreciated to more than 17 million.

The cash in his hand was less than ten million yuan.

"Is this money... spent so fast?

"I thought that 50 million would take me a few years."

"I don't know if less than 10 million is enough to buy a mountain..."

Looking at the balance in his bank account, Wang Yan scratched his head and muttered to himself.


He wasn't worried.

Really short of money, just sell a gem.

For more than ten consecutive days, the number of spellcasters and adventurers that Wang Yan killed was hundreds or thousands.

Almost every caster and adventurer's drop contains gems - no matter how bad it is, they will drop a staff, which is still inlaid with gems.

And after the [Taran Kingdom] dungeon was opened, those third- and fourth-order spellcaster adventurers never lacked this kind of thing!

Conservative estimate.

The quantity of various gems stored in Wang Yan's equipment warehouse has reached thousands! The quality and size of each gem are no less than the top pigeon blood he sold before!

Even "seven six seven" to.

A fourth-order pinnacle caster also dropped a red chromatic diamond the size of an adult's fist!

If they were sold at the market price, the thousands of gems of all kinds stored in Wang Yan's equipment warehouse could be sold for tens of billions, or even hundreds of billions!


He himself knew it was impossible.

A small amount is fine.

Can be turned into cash quickly.

If Wang Yan really sells a lot of gems of extremely high quality and size... The biggest possibility is that the gem market in the entire real world will collapse directly!

Another hidden danger is that official attention.

These gems are all magic gems that contain elemental power and have various effects.

If it is only sold in small quantities, and the quality and size remain at the level of the last chicken blood, it is estimated that few people will notice.

Because with the erosion of the real world by [Other World], elemental power is inherent in everything; gems, jade, and other items that can easily absorb elements and auras, are among the best.

Even if an extraordinary person gets such a gem, at most they will think that this gem absorbs more elemental power and can already be used as equipment.


Once the quality of the gemstone exceeds a certain limit and the elemental power contained in it exceeds a certain limit - such as the ice blue heart embedded in the ice blue ring - it will definitely attract countless attention!

Mana recovery speed +150%!

Even in [Another World], gems of this quality and effect can be regarded as a small artifact for spellcasters; not to mention the real world that can be called an equipment desert?

can be expected.

Once a magical gem of perfect quality like the Ice Blue Heart appears in the real world, and its effects are discovered, those extraordinary people who dig three feet in the ground must also find out every piece of information related to it!

In a quest to find the source of this gem!

as well as.

Is it possible to get more!


Looking at the thousands of gems of different qualities and sizes in his equipment library, Wang Yan's heart was full of regrets and regrets: an opportunity to become a billionaire had just left him.


Too outrageous magic gems can't be shot.

Gems like the fire element spar from last time are still fine.

Think about it.

Wang Yan dug out a person from his address book—the fat, round-faced guy who sold pigeon blood last time—and called directly:

"Boss Fat... oh no, President Zhang, are you busy?"

the other side.

The round-faced little fat man who was in his treasure room looked at the number displayed on his mobile phone, and suddenly became enthusiastic: "No, no, I'm idle, Mr. Wang, if you have something to say, you can do it.

The little fat man was very impressed with Wang Yan.

He spent 50 million in cash to buy the top pigeon blood red, and was also responsible for some follow-up procedures. Not only was he not scolded by his old man, he was also praised severely!

During this time, their family's company has been building a campaign around pigeon blood red, trying to use the value of this pigeon blood red and the attention it brings to open up certain situations.

How could he not be enthusiastic about the original owner of this pigeon's blood red?

"It's nothing.

Wang Yan thought about it and said, "That ruby ​​last it good?

"It's good.""

The little fat man raised his brows and became vigilant: "Mr. Wang, we have gone through the formal procedures, all the contracts have been signed, and the ownership of this pigeon's blood red is no longer yours. You want to go back at this time... but it's a bit late. .

"Besides, at that price, we really didn't cheat you!"

"you misunderstood.

Wang Yan smiled and said, "I mean, if there are other gems of similar quality and you still accept them?"5

"About the quality? About the size?"

The little fat man sitting in the treasure room, looking at the table in front of him, wrapped in a fine red velvet cloth, he was still wiping the top-quality pigeon blood red...

A bit at a loss: "This rare treasure can still be paired? Mr. Wang, what do you mean... do you still have gems of this quality and size?!

"Hmmmm. 55

"Are you still taking it?"

"Take it! Take it!

The little fat man was overjoyed.

It turned out that the influence and attention of a piece of pigeon blood may not be enough. If there are two pairs of gems of this quality...the gimmick and influence will not be twice as big!

"Is it the same price as last time?"

"It's the same price as last time!"

"See you in an hour."

"See you in an hour! 99

Hang up the phone, the little fat man is crazy.

He locked the gems on the table in the safe for the first time, and then started to make calls frantically: call his old man, call the legal affairs, call the notary...

All the formalities were arranged in a very short time.

after an hour.

Wang Yan came to this jewelry store again and met the little fat man.

With the previous experience, the speed of signing the contract was significantly faster this time, but in more than half an hour, all the formalities were completed.

Another fire element crystal was shot, and Wang Yan's bank account also had 50 million more.

This time.

There must be enough money to buy a mountain.

Wang Yan was thinking about buying a mountain and creating a territory, but the little fat man with a round face followed Wang Yan and sent him out.

Suddenly, the blushing little fat man asked in a low voice, "Mr. Wang, you shouldn't have this gem, right?

"decide as things go.

Answering casually, Wang Yan pondered where to buy a hill, waved a taxi, got in, and walked away.

"Depends on the situation?"

At the door of the jewelry store, a fat man with a round face was messed up in the wind.

He couldn't figure it out, this kind of thing... can it still depend on the situation?

arrive home.

Wang Yan looked at his bank account again.

The 50 million he just got from selling the gemstones, plus the nearly 10 million he already had, at this time there was nearly 60 million in cash in his bank account.

buy mountains.

This is a problem.

It's a good idea, but when it comes to how to implement it... Wang Yan's eyes smeared.

That's it.

Professional things should be done by professional people.

After thinking about it, Wang Yan took out his mobile phone again and called Liu Yemei.

After working together so many times, except when she first bought a villa, Liu Yemei's actions made Wang Yan look down on her subconsciously. Other aspects—whether it was speed, professionalism, or consideration for clients— Wang Yan is quite satisfied.


This time it is to buy mountains.

Buying a house and buying a house are two different concepts.

But Liu Yemei, who is in an intermediary company, is more knowledgeable than herself, right?

The call is connected.

When Wang Yan said his request, Liu Yemei was stunned.

Is this the rich man's world?

When they are still worrying about a house, the rich people not only buy houses one by one, but also villas, farmyards, and deserted factories, and even the hills... are they going to buy?

Liu Yemei didn't understand.

But she said she was shocked.

After listening to Wang Yan's request, Liu Yemei did not rush to answer, but thought about it carefully before saying, "Buying a mountain is basically impossible in China."5

"After all, mountains belong to natural resources, and all natural resources belong to the entire Taixia. Even if you buy them by some tricky should be illegal.

"If Mr. Wang doesn't have high requirements for ownership, but only emphasizes the right to use... you can consider renting a hill."

"Rent? 35


Wang Yan thought for a while and nodded.

Buying a mountain was originally a whimsical idea of ​​his. If the Taixia of this world is similar to the motherland of the previous life, and these natural resources can only be rented but not bought, he can accept it.


As long as it can be recognized by the system.

As long as the hilltop is rented, a formal contract is signed, and the system is certified, the ownership of the hilltop will be yours for the time being.

Even if someone engages in ghosts in the later period, breaches the contract, or even directly denies the lease contract at the official level, it will not change the system's determination and shake its ownership.

It can be said.

Once Wang Yan rents out a mountain, within the time limit specified in the contract, there is only one way to interrupt the system's identification and the connection between the territory generated based on the mountain and the real world!

This way is... just flatten that mountain!

To level a mountain...even if it is bombed with the ultimate killer such as a nuclear .. bomb...I'm afraid it will cost hundreds or thousands of pieces?


Since you can't buy it.

Rent is also acceptable.

After receiving Wang Yan's affirmative answer, Liu Yemei heaved a sigh of relief.

Wang Yan's request to buy mountains is really embarrassing.

She didn't want to lose the client.

If Wang Yan really insists on buying mountains and can't accept renting mountains... She will find a way to contact relevant foreign companies and find a way from abroad.

Only other countries would allow the direct purchase of a mountain as private property.


Even if Wang Yan accepted renting the mountain, this matter is still not so easy to handle.

Think carefully.

Liu Yemei said again: "Mr. Wang, if you rent a mountain... Do you have any requirements for the location, height, environment, animal and plant resources, etc. of the mountain?"

"Better a bigger mountain."

Wang Yan thought for a while. The mountain he wanted to rent was just the basis and prototype of the castle copy in the real world. After the mountain was rented, the lord space generated by the system based on that mountain could be adjusted freely.

So...these factors seem to have little effect?

"That's fine.

Liu Yemei breathed a sigh of relief again, and said in a relaxed tone: "If it is near Jianghai City, even if it is a small hilltop, there will be a lot of trouble to rent it, and the price must be outrageous!"

"If you don't care about the location of this hill, Mr. Wang... Although I haven't been exposed to this information, I have heard from some colleagues that in many remote places, especially in the northwest, leasing hills is a very good idea. normal behavior.

Speaking of this, Liu Yemei's tone suddenly stopped: "Mr. Wang, I think of a place, I just need to call to confirm, can you wait a moment?


Wang Yan nodded and hung up the phone.

Rent a mountain.

It seems to be solved.

With Liu Yemei's work efficiency, this matter can be done in a few days at most.


After passing the identification of the system, he created his own lord space... As a 3.7 lord boss, he really has the attitude of a monster lord!

ten minutes later.

Liu Yemei's phone called.

Wang Yan connected, and Liu Yemei's voice came again.

However, compared with before, Wang Yan keenly felt that the tone of Liu Yemei's speech this a little nervous and a little nervous?

"What's wrong?"

Wang Yan frowned and asked, "It's not going well?

"It's not bad...'

Liu Yemei asked cautiously: "Mr. Wang, do you really have no requirements for the location of the hill you want to rent... and traffic? Even if the hill is really biased, far, far?"

very biased?

far away?

Wang Yan thought for a while, and it seemed that he really didn't have any requirements.

Renting a hill is just to give the lord space a place to rely on in the real world. As long as it is big enough to satisfy Wang Yan, he can't wait for that hill to be as far away as possible, the more slanted the better, and the less people go, the better!

Anyway, after the system is bound, he can go back and forth in a single thought.

"No requirement."

Wang Yan emphasized it again.

"That's good.

Liu Yemei breathed a sigh of relief again, as if letting go of a concern, and her tone became light again: "Mr. Wang, I asked about my hometown, and the staff there said that there are many hilltops in the town that can be rented out. .""

"There is a lot of room to choose from, the hills are high enough and big enough. 99

"the most important is……"

"I checked with the person in charge over there.

"They are willing to give the lowest price to rent out the hill!55

PS: The ninth more, ask for the first order, ask for the full order~

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